Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Feb 1930, p. 8

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February 14. 1930 8 WILMETTE LIFE DOLLAR DAYS Monday and Tuesday february 17-18 Here are a few of our Dollar Day Specials: Greatest of World War Heroes to Speak Here Elec~~:s::ir .~~~~. ~~ .c.~l~·r··~ . .. . .. . Silv::.!la:Se:'oo 4-Piec:e Smoking Set in colors, value $6.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Relish Dish, silver plated with glass lining, value $5.00 ... . . ... ...... . ... .. ... . Ice Tuba in colored cut glass with tones, value Bon Bon Dishes in colora with silver trimming, value 3-Piece Military Set, 2 brushes, comb, in box, value $6.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. . Latest assortment of Atomizers, values up to $5.00 ... .. .. . Small Desk Clock in colora. value $1 s~.~~· ..~~~~~~~. ~.~~ . ~~~~~ ............... .. $1 $1 $1 $1 $4.00 . . . : . . ..................... . $1 $2.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 ......... $1 .. ...... $1 $2.50 .. ........ .. ..... .. . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. · Also many othf!r articlf!s too numerous to mention DOMINIC PAGLIARULO Jeweler and Optician 1166 Wiln1ette Ave. Phone Wihn tte 1061 Sergt. Alvin C. York, Tennessee mountaineer who for all time is re,·orded in the archives of the . United N. T. Faculty Men's Club to States War department as "a Cl ) llAgain Present Drama scientious objector" and yet ha s been Tidbit on March 1 (l.ccorded the Congressional medal for braven· =.tnd distinguished service and Announcement was made this week ha s been termed by Gen. Per shing and Marshal Foch as the greatest of all that the play, "Three Wise Fools," pre heroes of the World. war, will spe.:-tk sented by the Faculty Men's club of a.: New Trier High school on March 8, New Trier High school last Saturday 11nder th e auspices of Wilmette Post night, will be repeated on Saturday 46 of the American Legion. night, March 1. In his youth, Sergeant York was, to The first presentation of the play t1se his own words, "hog wild." He last Saturday by the New Trier faculty gambled, cussed, smoked, boozed and members was a tremendous success. was mixed. up in knife and gun fight s H. H.- Herron, who was in charge of along the Kentucky border. Then s'ld- the 1icket sale. reports that every seat cienly, in 1912, he abandoned hi s wild in the New Trier auditorium was taken. l1fe. When the United States entered Following the play a reception was the war, York was \vorking on a farm held for faculty members and their and doing Sunday school work in his friends in the Girls' · club room at the own little valley. The posse ssor of a Leslie F. Gates gymnasium. Members fine tenor voice, he was known throu~h of the Girls' club assisted in the serv0Ut the mountains as "the Singing in g. Elder." Tickets on Sale Came the war. York '""as not inOrders are being taken now for tickt erested. He had tried fighting along ·t he Kentuckv border. It was not worth- ets for the next presentation of "Three \Yhile. Called in the draft, York applied \Vise Fools" on March 1. These orders for exemption on the basis of moral wilt be accepted up to February 25, and and religi ous opposition to war. Three may be made either by mail or by teletimes. to succc :-;siY el\' higher boards phone. Mr. Herron, the ticket manand finally to Prcc:i<fent \Vilson him- ager.. may be reached by calling the . elf, Yor:( appealed. All of hi s pleas high school. Winnetka 2400. Xo complimentary tickets arc to be \~:ere denied and he found. him self in the arnn·. It to ok him m onth s o f rea!l - given to faculty ~nember s at the March i:lg the · Bible and ar gum ent to con- 1 pet:formancc o f the play, and choice vince him tha t he should go cn-erse as <> eat s will be re served immediately for Clnd fight . But finall y com·in ccd, over those who mail their checks early to h e \\'ent ~tnd made hi story. H e \\'ill tell ~1 r. Herron at the high school. o f thi s stru ggle \\'ith him self and fin<l 1ly The Faculty M en's club will b enefit v:ith the German s in his address March fr om th e proceeds o f the play. Mr s. Harr y \\' . Beyers, 794 t oad, v\'iqn etka, \\'ith her small te rs, B arbara a nd Betty, left on d last \\' ...:ck f or ~li a mi Beac h, he go ne for ab out a month. Locust Mrs. Arthur \V . \Vak eley, 234 L eicesdaugh Sunday ter road , Kenilworth, entertained. for a Fla., to :rnup of her fri ends last we ek at lunchco n and bridge . "THREE WISE FOOLS" SCORES DECIDED HIT tt 'If~ ~ ~Ill S-f P~~e~~~. ?i~ ................ ~ ........... ~ .... $1 T P::s~ .~~~~.t~~~. ~~.~~~~: ...................... $1 ~ot~. ~~~~t.e~. SO~ .s.i~~~ ................. .. ........ $1 To;~e~~:~~·.................................... $1 M;t~es ..................................... ·$1 M~~eb:: ~~~~·................................. $1 R~bt:~l!l~~~~~.'.7~~ .~~.~~· ...................... $1 M~k~:t:·~~~~·. ~ .~~.i~~: ...................... $J S'Jv::: ~.r~~ .~. ~~~:......................... $1 P:;bs~ ."~·t· ~~~~~. ~ottle, .................. . ... $1 Dollar Days Specials Crepe de Chine Bloomers Reduced from $1.95 . Crepe de Chine Chemises Reduced from $1.95. Service Chiffon Hosiery Reduced from $1.40 ........ . Rayon Panties $J $ Special ............... J SMIDEB·CAZEL DRUG COMPANY Serving North Short Rttident· for more than 2.5 Yean Stocking Boxes Attractive and practical Asta-Marie Lingerie aHd Hosiery Shop Wilmttte ~ Centr~l Aves. Phonts: Wil. 400-401 Auto DeliC1t'11 Service in W ilmttte and Kenilworth 1159 WILMETTE AvE., WILMETTE PH. WILMETTE 4370

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