.·. .. · WILMETTE LIFE Februarv 14. 1930 = NEW TRIER GIRL Story Recounts Values of Girl Scout 1U ovement (EDITOR'S NOTE; scou· &LENCOE TOWNSHIP: Ews .·-~§ North Shore Girl Scouts Planning to Form Council . Representatives from Evanston. Wilmette, Kenilworth; Winne~ka. and Glencoe met Thursday evening, Febru ary 6, in the Girl Scout room at the Wilmette Methodist church. The object of this meeting \\·as to consider the possibilities of a permanent camp for the girls of these north shore towns. As a result, a committee was appointed-with ~rs. J. R. Goetz of V-'innetka as chairman-to look into c2mp ·sites and at the same time t o work towards a North Shore council. including the four towns north of F.\·auston. qll Activities of the North Shore Troops After the VC~;Ientines. were given out we had a supper. Everybody had plenty to eat. We all had a wonderful time PROGRESSING RAP·IDLY .The signa1ling class of Troop 3 of and hope to have another party sonn . - Betty Smith, Wilmette 4. Glencoe has been working hard tht> last few times and have mastered all the letters but six, and they hope to WINNETKA I.~arn those as soon as possible. In t'-le troop we have two signalling clas:-es . As soon as both classes have learned HOLD COURT OF HONOR the whol ~ alphabet we are going to The n'.!w patrol leaders of Troop 1. have contests and send messages back Winnetka. had their first Court of and forth. There are only ten in each Honor last Sund.ay, February 2, at the class and they are doing nicely. home of our leader, Mrs. Goetz. \Ve -Mary-Lee Neeves Troop .>. ci.iscussed the meaning of a Court of Honor and what it was for. We th~n NATURE CLASS IN RACE brought up the question of taking n~w The nature class of Troop 3 of Gl r. n- ~!rls into the troop who were older and roe is giving the signalling class a race had a right to be in the older troop. for the most advanced class. There We left lhe question undecided until about twelve Scouts enrolled in this c ur next meeting. We will make a c!ass. They are planning to take a waiting list of girls who want to get in hike to Identify trees by their bark. the troop. If you would like to get in\Ve have ordered our nature pam- t<' the troop just let some Scout in the r-hlets and we hope to receive th~m t:oop know and she will see that your '.T ery soon. Some of the members have t~ame gets turned in to Mrs. Godz . already received them. They look very \Ve then started to make out our promteresting. The first tree that we stndy f~ ram for this month. We are going to is the maple. We are each assign en a take a coarse in First Aid given by 1Ir. question and at the next meeting we Aldrich. must answer it correctly. This work We decided to have a definite time is very interesting and helpful to 1ll for our tnvestiture . The fir st meeting the participants. ;n every month will be set a side for -Barbara · Austin, Troop 3. investiture. -Esther Hearne, Scribe for Court of Honor. PATROL 4 NEWS Patrol 4 of Troop 3 of Glencoe isn't :1t all sure of their news for the week. NEW WINNETKA TROOP However we d.o n't mind unfolding our Troop 5 of Winnetka will have it.s weekly budget to this page. We made first meeti:-tg Tuesday afternoon, Februa mistake last week in printing the ary 18, at 4 o'clock at the Parish Hou"e . fact that Jean Louise Wagner was c,1r- Hrs. Gerald Burnham is the captain poral and Catherine Birdsall was ser.~e r1.nd . Mrs. Raymond E. Doonan the tu.ry. The real statement was supposed l!eutenant. All girls who are on ·he tc be tint Catherine Birdsall is Cf,r- waiting list or girls who wish to jvin J·oral and Christine Sinclair is secreta!"v. Girl Scouts should report Tuesday or \Ve hope to have our patrol booklet call Mrs. Burnham. started a:; soon as possible. Christine Sinclair i~ in charge. NEWS OF TROOP 3 -Barbara Austin. Mrs. Green has been passing Troop 3 girls on some of their second clas~ WILMEITE work in the meetings. In our last meeting each patrol went to their own HAVE POT-LUCK SUPPER corners. We were given fifteen minOn Thursday evening, February 6. utes to draw and cut out a meal. in Troop 1 had a pot-luck supper. Each cluding silverware, dishes and glasse:,, Scout brought one dish, enough for also the menu. Then we set a table four persons-not only dishes but a Iso which we made the things for. The Sl)mething in them- chicken a la king, Forget-me-nots and the Fireflies got macaroni, egg salad., baked beans, chop two points. The \Vhite Pines and Sil · suey, cake, etc. Each girl had to know her signalling or there was nothing ver Foxes got three points. The points counted as neatness, originality for her to eat, as the place cards were and good work. written in the signalling code. There is to be an investiture Febru After dinner we sat around the gratefire and sang "old favorite" Scout ary 22. Mostly all of us hope to be second class Scouts. songs. -Harriet Pearl (Scribe) -Helen Jones, \Vilmette Troop 1. was written by a Girl Winnetka. 'l'hP. fo11owln"' f'ltory Scout of Troop 2, She Is 11 y~ars of age..) Betty lived in New York. Very few children ;;ked her because she was so ~poiled. She alwavs had to h':lve her 0Wfl way. The children wouldn't play witH her. One dav she came home to tell her mother that she wasn't liked by the othe.r children. Her mother was ama7.t>d because Betty was really a nice little g-trl. The next day her mother went to a hrid;ze party. She heard a woman telling some ladies of the wonderful t:-1ing the "Girl Scouts" were. Betty's · Jl10ther listened very intently. After the party was over, Mrs. Howe, Betty's mother, asked the lady all about "Girl Scouts." Mrs. Howe became very inttrested. At last she had found something to improve her daughter's disposition. At the dinner table that night, Mrs. Howe told Betty that she wanted her ~o join Girl Scouts. Betty was not interested, but her mother was, and so the next meeting . Betty joined the "Girl ~couts." She did not enjoy it the first day, but every meeting Betty became more interested. She bought a Scout book, and began to work toward her tenderfoot pin. She worked very hard. Her mother could see that. By the next meeting Betty was a tenderfoot Scout. She was very happy, and she had improved a lot. In a few months slte was a second class Scout. \Vhen a year had passed since the time she began, you wouldn't have 1-.nown that she was the child· that was once disliked by the children. Now she had more friends than anyone in school. After three years, she had twenty-five merit badges and she was t1n Eagle Scout. She grew up. to be a ,·ery sweet girl and she was very popular among the students at school. KENILWORTH TO HAVE .FOOD SALE In our meeting Monday, February 3. \\·e talker. about having a food srtle to raise money for our milk fund. We decided to have it February 21 in the Girl Scout room of the Joseph Sears sr.hool fr om 3 :30 to 5 :30 o'clock. A number d the girls volunteered to make posters advertising the sale . Betty Cooke and Bunny Dahm ··eported on their visit to Evanston on January 31 to see the pictures of the Desplainr.s Scout camp, Hickory Hill \V.,e conclud.ed the meeting by sing ing '1 aps." THE AMERICAN GIRL Is yours a one hundred percent American Girl subscribing troop? Don't you want to be on the American Girl honor roll? You know, each one hundred percent subscribing troop is sent a book or picture for their troo;> room. being eligible to mention on the honor roll page of the magazine. And if the troop sends its photograph. that may appear too. "A dollar fifty fvr one vear. Plus fiftv cents for tw~: This small sum will purchase A real gift for youA gift that lasts throughout the vear And starts each month with added cheer." MERIT BADGE EXAMS The following merit badges will be passed by Wilmette Scouts this month: Saturday, February 15 9 :00-Journalist-Mr. \Veber, Wu.~l£TT£ LIF£ office. 10 :00-Laundress-M r s. Moulding, 1025 Elmwood avenue. 10 :30-Healthwinner-Mrs. Derneht 1010 Linden avenue. ' 11 :00-Artist and. Craftsman-Mrs. Coburn;r915 Linden avenue. The badges which vvill he passed but the definite dates of which have 110t ~:et been set are: Handywoman, pathfinder, st:lr gazer and swimmer. HOW ABOUT IT? Girl Scouts: Are you helping your leaders plan a suitable and inspiring program for International day-February 22? When your plans are ready or after you have actually carried them out. will .y ou write a story about them and let the rest of us thereby enjoy your. program as well as our own? I~ wtll be a splendid thing if our Girl Sc.out page can contain an article of thts sort from each troop in the issue of February 28. · LINCOLN Like a gaunt, scraggly pine \\'hich lifts its head abm·e the mournful sandhills; And patiently, through dull years of bitter silence, . Cntended and uncared for, starts to grow. l" ngainly, labouring, huge, The wind of the north has twisted and gnarled its branches; Yet in the heat of midsummer days. when thunderclouds ring the horizon. A nation of men shall rest beneath the shade. And it shall protect them all, Hold everyone safe there, watching AND ANOTHER aloof in silence ; Cntil at last one mad strav holt from Troop 2. will have a pot-luck supper the zenith · \Vednesday, February 19, following the Shall strike it in an instant do\\"11 to regular meeting. vVe are sure th( r! wilt he plenty to eat and a happy time. If earth. we have as much fun as we did at our There was a darkness in this man; \'a len tine party last week, all will be an immense and hollow d·ukness. well. Of which we may not spea.:, nor share -Wilmette, Troop 2. with him, nor enter : HAVE VALENTINE PARTY A darkness through which strong roob Troop 4 had a Valentine party Tuesstretched downwards into the earth day, February 11. We had a ValcnTowards old things. t:ne box and the patrol leaders atld -From "Lincoln," uy John Gould Fletcher. !heir seconds gave out the Valentines. INVEST NEW SCOUTS At our last meeting Troop 4- had investiture and we invested two new girls and we are very glad to have them in our troop. Four other girls were invested as corporals. Then \'re talked over things about the food sate which we are going to have February 15. We are all feeling badly about one of our meml.!ers, ] oan Brown. who is very sick and in the hospital, and because she likes Girl Scout books so well we decided to send some to her. -Jean Grasett, Scribe. Troop 4.