~~~============================~~~E~T~T~E~- ~L~I~F~E====~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Q · F "l>n 1ary 14, 1930 W 1L M - .. ·This Business of PRINTING -----------------------------------------------! , · is something m o r e . than the mere mechanical routine of : setting type and putting presses in motion. Back of each job- large or small-there is careful thought. Good printers are particular about such things as the proper selection of paper stock and type faces, and the happy blending of colors. Each job is different and presents its own problems. That's · 'vhy good printing requires a reasonable length of time to produce and \varrants a fair price. LLOYD HOLLISTER INC. 1232 CENTRAL AVENUE WILMETTE ILLINOIS · Wilmette 4300 Winnetka 2000 A telephone call will bring one of our salesmen who will gladly dis· cuss with you your printing needs. '------~------------------------------------~-----