WIL.METTE LIF.Sf: T X ':?iF2F THIS ~' NEW . '· HAS AN AUTOMATIC HEAT INDICATOR A $12 value specially priced at ' · FIREPLACE HEAT ··· provided quickly and without soot by a cozy Radiantflre Gas Heater. In authentic designs to harmonize ~ith home furnishings. The at· tractive model pictured is $45. 85 ,_ ...,, The heat indicator makes baking delicious goldenbrown waffles easier than ever. It changes from "Cold" to "Bake" when it is time to pour in your batter. When the steaming stops your waffle is done. The heat indicator als~ tells you when the iron is "Too Hot." _,. · I THE AUTOMATIC IRON pictured (Hotpoint) can be adiusted to maintain any temperature you want- high, low or medium · · · $8.80 This new-style Hotpoint waffle iron is finished in highly polished nickel, attractively etched. Also has Calrod heating element. Specially priced at $7~85 during February and March. It may be purchased "Little by Little"-85c down and $1 a month for 7 months. If any of your electric appliances aren't in ftrsf~ass worldng condition bring them in to your Public Service Store. We'll make necessary repairs at a reasonable cost. THIS LAMP is typical of the many table and floor nodels now on display, all moderately priced. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN IWNOIS JOSEPH W. KEHOE, Manater 1141 Central Avenue, Wilrhetie ,_. . Phone Wilmette 2899