16 MADE FOOTBALL CAPTAIN Charles Ho:we, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Howe, 240 Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth, has been unanimously elected captain of the 1930 football souad at Knox college at Gales- Essex road, Kenilworth, had as their burg, ln. He is a member of the Phi guests last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Sigma Kappa fraternity and is now Raymond Lee of \Vheaton, Ill. . a junior at the college. The election took place at the annual banquet held A Wanderer From the North Shore the latter part of January. ·. Chronicles Impressions of France ~lr. and Mrs. F. E. M. Cole, 315 Laura Haya· Fuller of Winnetka Delves Into Interesting Sights, WILMETTE ~~FE February 21, 1930 --------------------------- Comments on Life and Customs of Natives and Portrays the Tourist Abroad one has to be ferried over the rinr, and beyond it what a view !-a panOI ama of snow capped mountains and nestling villages. Grasse like a pearl lies before us caught in the chain oi the Alps, and without rhy.me or rea son I always offer it a httle prayer in its beauty and say to mys·elf, "011. little town of Bethlehem, how fair I see thee lie." · · T ennia T ourneya Begin Speaking of games-the tennis tour n<.Lments have begun and, of couse, all sv far have been won by our own Tilden, but a new Tilden too, no longer nervous and temperamental (a polite word for irritable) but jolly and friendly, and often tossing a pleasant word like "~veil played" to his ad~ersary . The words tossed by the umptre arc not so easily understood. For the moment it is the fashion to speak English and it took me some time to make out that he mean deuce when he ca1ted "dewiss" with the accent on the wis s. The Casino holds its own in intere st. and while it has none of the pink and crystal allure of the new gorgeou:-; Here's an intimate little picture of modern one at ~ice, it is more restful Tilden and the Duke of Connaught at and still keeps the most elegant clienCannes just after the presentation of the tele in the world. Its dinners are cup to the winner of the tennis tourna- superb, and are alway s studied out and ment described by Mrs. Fuller in her varied. The last one was a gala of article. Aowers, and little camellia trees about eight · feet high in full bloom, shading Editor'8 ~·ote: Appendec~ is an cu·ticle from pale pink to deep rose, encircled u.:ritten by Laura Hay es Fuller (Mrs. the room like a bower. Everv SaturPrank Fuller) of 1rinnetka who is now arc used, and sojourning in France. It is' p1·esentell in day night fireworks the belief that her interestiH[J commPn t usually the inner lights are extin011 uoth "llatires" and toHrists will P1'·)Ve guished, and curtains of glowing fire clel,ightflllly 1·ej!·eshing. like rain veil the great plate glas'~ windows, while through the changing By Laura Hayes Fuller colors one can see the string of noble Cannes. France, Jan. 19. yachts · riding at .anchor in the nearby X E must be a wanderer in a for- harbor. Just beyond, is "le vieux port." eign land t'c appreciate one's mail, where all the fishing boats are · clusar.d when it contains no less than sixty t<.·red, and on a bight morning afte ;· Christmas cards and many of them a shower, artists can be seen with their with nice little personal messages, the easels catching the beautiful tints of cup is filled to overflowing. All this the sails-apricot, purple, orange or by way of preamble to sincere and blue-as they are unfurled to dry in· heartfelt thanks to each and all who the sun. Fete Foreign Motorists have remembered me. The city of Cannes recently made The Riviera is not yet in its full season, but the beach is gay with chil- a great event and fete in honor of dren, the concerts have begun out of those who had driven their cars here c!oors, and the t:neadows of the golf themselves. \Vith great ceremony and course are starred ·with large silver before a crowd, prizes were distributed. ciaisies, and also the little ones so be- the large gold cup for greatest· distance loved by Bobby Burns: his ·"wee little going to a stalwart Englishman who crimson tipped flo\\·ers" that he could had driven over from London. What not bear to cut with his plow. The would the judges have done had they course itself resembles the one at Palm known that in our group was a little Beach with its palm trees and level woman who, without previous knowlgreens. but there are other features: edge of Europe, had not only driven beautiful umbrella pines and glorious alone from Winnetka to Cannes, but glimpses of the ocean, reminding one for companionship and without a nurse of Carmel-by-the-Sea. To pass from had brought her two sons aged four the second to the third holes every(Continued on Page 17) ~ PLAN NOW TO MAKE THE ANCHOR- WAY YOUR WAY TO BEAUTIFY PROTECT RENEW SAVE AND PRESERVE YOUR HOME Our waterproof cement coating stops disintegration. Excellent for stucco, concrete, brick or tile exteriors or basements. Furnished in a variety of beautiful colors. By far the most economical way to paint your home. Make Your Old Home Look New I 1 1 'PHONE OR WRITE TODAY FOR ESTlMA TE; NO OBLIGATION ·ANCHOR SPRAY PAINT COMPANY 35 E. 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