.February 21, 19.10 ANNOUNcE SURS SCHOOL HONOR SOCim AND ROLL Many Kenilworth Pupils Achieve High Marka for Period Ending February I The honor society and honor roll ~t the Joseph Sea,rs -school in Kenil- =·~ :ez · = WILMETTE LIFE Mrs. Henry Taylor J 431 E ' as r., her guest, ssex R Mr roa d' Kenilworth, has I .. and Mrs. Fred ]. Stebba'ns, 329 Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Fulton ancl her daughter, Mrs. Frank Gerould ·of a. eJgh road, Kenilworth, returned on their daughter, Helen, of 884 Hill road, Philadelphia. Fr!day o~ last week after a four .w eeks' Winnetka, are spending a few weeks SOJOurn 1n th~ south. in Florida. worth for the six weeks' period ending Februarv 1, was announced this week. The hon-or society is composed of sixth seventh and eighth graders who hav~ an ayeragc of "E" in all of their subj(·c t<:.. 011 the honor roll are pupils wl ·( ) ll:l re a grade of "E" in effort. Honor Soci~ty Fullowing are the honor society puJ·il..; for the period . end. i ng February 1 : ~ixth grade-Arthur Carlson, Lucie DixJ Shirley Hermann, Miriam Holmes. Hettie Leach, Gilbert Mcintosh, Jean Small, John Sprenger and Annette \Villiams. Seventh grade- Shirley Botthof. Barbara Clark, Elinor Clark. Russell (ooke. Roy Demmon, Jane Harri. on. Tom Hildebrandt. Mary Huck. Cecilia U acKinnon and Louise \Vatson. Eighth grade-George .B enson Peter Gilbert, Joe Harrison, John ~f~thison and Stan ley Knight. · The honor roll pupils for the same pniod are: !\1 iss Lea Clark's third grade-Denise Armstrong, Betty Becker, Detty Bonnet, Ruth Goodhue. Suzanne Hazelet, \1 yrtle Holloway, Elaine Vaught and Pll\·lli s \Vh eclock. \1 iss ~ell M. Littler's third gradeRoiH.:rt Andersen, Tommy Ellis, Martha IIalc, ~fadelin Jergenscn. I abelle .I C~ hnson, Joan Ketcham, Jack Law:-nn. ~f ary Mcintosh. Suzanne Erwin. Iltrllicc Modine, Eleanor ~lorrison Philip Petersen, James Robertson' .1.~1hn _ Rompel, _Elaine Hothermcl. ]eat; ~chret, · Bud Sttllman and Susan \Volfe. ~fi s Lillie T. Bitting's fourth grade -John Deacon, Marian ~lesick John \\"ilson. Rosamund J{uess and' Ruth :-=.prcngcr. . Fourth Grade ~Iiss Bessie Stark's fourth graclc~f arian Andreen, George Brown. Lout~c Burkhard, Bredin Burns Suzanne Fish~r, Patricia Grover, L~cy Huck. l!arnet Imus, Nadine Kinney, \Varren 1'-nauer, Seeley Lodwick, J unc Toops, )am~s W~aring and Mary vVolf. ~1tss Emma W. Billington's fifth grade-Shirley Claffey, Geraldine Cox, Zo de Ia ~hapelle, Charlene Driver, Hrlen Loutse Glennon, Edith Gillett. pot~ald Stillman, Peggy Ketcham, BenJamm MacKinnon, Suzanne Maurer, Jeanet~e Robertson, Kenneth Smith and Btlly Stebbins. Mrs. Mollie K. Foreman's sixth grade-Charles Beemis Arthur Carl~on, Lucie Dix, Shirley 'Hermann, MirIam Holmes, Richard Holmes Marsha Huck, Alice Kelly, Bettie Le'ach, Gilbert Mcintosh, Jane Peyche Mable SMample, }ea.n Small, John s'prenger, . argaret Ttdeman and Annette Withams. Se'YeDtla VII, like ~n Gdr Wood crea. · tiona, differs r.1d icall yin design from others. Note the a!Il.lll ~mount of apuy . It was the diferent, advanced design of Miu J\mer!ca VII that enabled her to win. Mrss AMERICA n ·· · · ADVANCED DESIGN and PRECISION ENGINEERING M Custom-Made Pe{iod Consoles Scott Custom-Built Radio comes in a wide variety of ultra · ~ne consoles, each an individual work of authentic period art, executed in precious woods and 6nisbed in accord with the beat furriture practice. Com· plete Scott Receivers from $263 ..50 up. See tbete refreshingly differ· ent coneole draigna at ritber of our two eatoo.. ISS AMERICA VII, piloted by its ingenious designer, Gar Wood, roared across the line at 92.834 miles per hour to win the · International Speedboat Championship and to set the Wortd·s Record for speed on the water ... Many boats were entered in this great race-all were the creations of the world·s greatest marine engineers-but Miss America VII won, by a wide margin, because she was the product of more advanced design and more precision engineering . · · and so it is in Radio! A receiver, precision engineered in the laboratory to the exacting standards of an advanced design created by E. H. Scott, established the World·s Record for broadcast receiver performance. This receiver brought in, and obtained official verification thereof, 117 programs from 19 broadcasting stations 6000 to 8000 miles away during a lJ ..week test period. Such per, formance has never been known before, the Scott record is etm unchal, lenged, and owners of Scott World Record Custom,Built Receivers are constantly reporting equally sensational reception. The Scott World's Record Shield Grid A. C. 10 offered to you today is even more powerful than the original World Record Model. It is, beyond all doubt, the one and only precision instrument of radio and the most outstanding receiver in existence. Call at either of our two salons for a demonstration of the Scott Wortd·s Record Shield Grid A. C. 10. Grade Juliette Hanford's seventh gr~de-Shirley Botthof, Barbara Clark, Eltn~r Clark, Louise Watson, Jane H~rnson, Mary Huck and Cecilia McKmnon. Miss Edith M. Stryker's seventh gr.ade-Russell Cooke, Bobbie Cutler, Btlly Robertson, Roy Demmon and Tom Hildebrandt. Miss Hanford's eighth grade-Elsie Egg~rt and Nancy Wilds. Mtss Stryker's eighth grade-George Benson, ~eter Gilbert, Stanley Knight, } oe Harnson and John Mathison. Miss ~ M~. and Mrs. Lt.renzo C. Dilks, l27 ·-hendan road, Kenilworth left this week w_ith their nephew, Richard Shock, for a stx weeks' sojourn in California They will return by way of the southern states and New Orleans. SCOTT CUSTOM-BUILT RADIO 4450 Ravenswood Avenue Phone Longbeach 5173 Evanston . · 636 Church St., Suite 309 · . Phone.Greenleaf 2210 · Open Evminp Vntil9 o·clod( '(':. ..f I I .· "THE PINE THINGS ARE HANDMADE" ;.