4 WILMETTE GUILD GIVES BEttEFIT The Church of the Holy Comforter guild gave a benefit bridge party on Thursday of this week for Chase House of Chicago, one of the church homes for the caring of young children. The party took place at the New Medinah club in . Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. H . A. Brass'ett, 547 Roslyn road, Kenilworth, are now in Florida for a short stay. Mr. Brassett left Kenilv;orth on ~.fonday of this week, while Mrs. Brassett joined him on Thursday. The Brassetts are spending th eir time at Miami . LIFE February 21, 1930 "Club Life in Frie~dship Village·;·' t. This Coming WeekA well-known B e .a u t y Specialist will give facials and instructive demonstraion on the proper use of creams. This is to be given by appointment either in the · shop · or in your home at no cost. LISTEN TO MUSIC INSTEAD OF SALES ARGUMENTS Hear MONDAY-TUESDAY SPECIAL Shampoo and Finger Wave ................ $1 M~cure ............. 60c For Appointment-Phone Wilmette 1911-1133 Entrance Vtcron RADIO In Your Home . -FREE! Ask ua Open Evenings Winberg's Drug Store 417 LINDEN AVENUE The Drug Store in the Middle of the Block North Shore Talking Machine Co. 7 1 2 CHURCH STREET. EVANSTON On Friday afternoon, February 14, members of the W oman's Catholic club .o f \Vilmette presented a delightful playlet, "Club Life in Friendship Village," for the fine arts department of the club. Two hundred members and guests were in attendance and all enjoyed the quaint costumes and droll humor to the utmost. The program was arranged by Mrs. Frank Thalc and the sketch adapted by her from Zona Gale's novel, "Friendship Village." Other numbers included variations of old se lections played by Mrs. \Villiam Otter and a group of old so ng~ sung by Mrs. Charles Broad accompanied by Mrs. McKay. From left to right are the members who took part in the sketch: Mesdames George Schilbach, A. \V. Boylston. \Valter Bermingham, Charles Broad. Frank Thale, Harry Prosser. Alfred Rohol: (seated at right), Mrs. Charles !\orman. ~fathc\\' Francis took the part of the photographer in the playlet. ~frs . Frank Barry, ~[r s. Agnes \Vebcr . .Mr . P. ]. Joyce, and Mrs. Frank Thale were hostesses. (Photo IJy .:\-1a thew Francis) GIVES TEA Mrs. :\. P. Hoake. 721 Ninth street, Frwin, 621 \Varwick r oad., Kenilworth. entertained Mis s Turner and t!1e 1·11 Monday, February 17". Mrs. A. R. mothers of the second grade pupils at Htldge r~acl a paper on "O ld Glass."' ;t tea on Tuesday. February 18. The Kenilworth Home and Garden dub met at the home of Miss Barbara Univ. 4523 74 2 ELM STREET, WINNETKA Winnetka 3474 MESTJIAN'S Beginning Friday February 21st. 20%to35% SAVINGS If you arc in need of a rug. here is your chance to secure a real Oriental rug at a saYing of frotn 20 to 35 per cent. 1'his sale starts February 21 and lasts until March 8. ONCE A YEAR £lea Hundreds of rugs frotn \Yhic h to choose in a \vide selection of beautiful patterns and apl,)ropriate sizes. FO~ YOUR CONVENIENCE THIS. SALE WILL BE HELD AT 1146-1148 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette 588 ~n's :h:~~e~!~~ t~~.~ . ~~~~ .~~~~ One lot of 18x36 Anatolian EXTRA SPE. CIAL $ so 7 ·