Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Oct 1924, p. 8

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8 w FRIDAY OCTOBER 31 1924 ·GOOD CAR MUST HAVE GOOD CARE Dodge Brothers Dealer . plains System . Public Seroice Exhibit Attracts Illinoisans stree! m our yillag e has ~ formmg acquamtan ces in the during the past few weeks st other notables he ha s come ' intimate terms with one Witkower of Evan ston his tro~uction assumin~ t'he shape poltce summons statmg that Mr ta in had_ parked .hi s ra r too · fireolug m the netghboring Under the grilling in the court our villager as~e rted that had been entirely una ware of presence of any fire plug at the he had se lected for parking, "What your fireplu g, need" he cla_ red , "!s a heavy ~oat of b~ight pamt wtth a cappmg of white parked there at night and, forth~ of me, I couldn't see <t fireplug or ·no parking' sig1_1." Magistrate Witkowcr later red with city officials with the that Evanston's depart ment of works is now engaged with tbt of painting all the fireplugs . a,lder1n~1 but. no)V a resident H. D. Capitain, former Good performance alone does not imply that the owner is completely satisfied with his motor car. according to C. .M. McDonald, local Dodge Brothers dealer. I "It takes good sen·ice, in addition to 1 the good performance. 'to win his com- , plete and en thusiastic endorsement," he said. He pointed out the ~act that Dodge Brothers. while consta ntly improving the quality of their ~ car and thus re ducin g the necessity of service, are at th e same time giving the service question more and more ~ttenJion as one of the fundamental issues· in the volume production and sa le of automobiles. This month for example, Dodge Broth ers are advertising to the world, "You Know in Advance-Dodge Brothers dealers everywhere have a fixed charge for every service operA uuique topographical map, showComplete in every detail as to the was enhanced by a novel lighting aration." It is perhaps the first time ing the 900 miles of high tension trans- geography of the territory around Chi- rangement installed by the Public ServJoseph Sean Hoc:keyitea lhat a large manufacturer has given mission lines, the 18 electric power gen- cago and embodying, in a graphic way, ice company lighting engineers. such general prominence to the sub- crating stations and 27 sub-stations of the company's immense facilities for the Will Meet Other ject of service. , the Public Service company of North- production and distribution of electricity A battery of colored Rood-lights imA large number of "Dodge Brothers gave years of study ern Illinois was one of the interesting .or light and power in the homes and· mediately above the front of the booth to the development of a service plan features of the Illinois Products Expo- 'ndustrics in this section, this map at- was arranged in such a way as to play been reporting regularly for that could he applied with equal fairintervals the Joseph Sears school sit ion, held during last week at the tracted large crowds at the exhibit. 011 the map at half -minute ness and efficiencv to th eir entire Amcr.can teams. Teams will be selected to 666 Lake The display of the huge map, repreExposition Palace, organization of dealers," sa id Mr. Mc- Shorc drive. Chicago. enting a territory of 6,000 square miles, producing the effects of daylight, dusk sent the school in games against Donald. "When this plan was finally - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - and darkness over the territory. eyites from other schools on the evolved. it meant more years of inAs the hlue lights, denoting dusk, shore. ten siH educational work in ge tting Among the players who have were thrown on, each of the model it established and in operation in the power houses and sub-stations was bril- showing ski ll during praQtice thousands of dealerships. Today they liantly illuminated by tiny electric bulbs are the following eighth grade have arrived at the point where it can on the inside. These lights shone Betty Holmes, Shirley Ross, Helen be truthfully said that any Dodge brightly on through each "night" gaard, Joan Shortridge, Josephine Brothers owner, anywhere, can learn page I ) period, symbolizing the activity in the ley, Martha Richardson, in advance just what it will cost him stations during the hours when Public Kelley, Barbara Mearns, Betty for any work that his car may require. poor. friend or foe. great or small, in Service customers are .most dependent Eunice Wilson, Katherine Dudley 9uess-~ork _and unpleasant surprises public or private life. Helen Mininger. 111 scrvtce btlls have been eliminated. "Throu{ h the grand jury and with Campaigt:l Speeches Precede on electricity in their homee. "The plan through which this en- the full power and authority of the Ballot Today viable position was realized is known State of Illinois at my back, insofar as · as the Rat rate service svstem. Others it is humanly possible, I will close up have advocated it but i'n no case has the breeding places of crime; I will . . it been so universally adopted. Election "judges" and "clerks" at smash the criminal organizat ions that "I believe that this system has done n~w operate with impunity ; I will New Trier high school arc making the more than was ever accomplished be- dnvc the notorious and well known count of votes cast at the mock elecfore to solidify and heighten the en- criminals from Cook county; I will t ion held Thursday, when practically thusiasm of Dodge Brothers motor destroy the alliance between criminals the entire school enrollment and faccar owners." and crooked politicians; I will compel ulty members cast their votes for their Mr. McDonald explained that the lax and indifferent public officials to favored candidates. The week's activities in the political flat rate system was not put into effect do their duty." HERE ia Coolidge atrona7 Where are Mr. Thompson became a candidate campaigns of the different parties was until tests had determined a reasonfor State's Attorney at the instance of started with a big rally held Monday ab~e time al~ow':lnce for every canhis weak apots? Where is he nmning .cetvable servtce JOb. On the basis of the Better Government association, when speakers for the Democrati~, second and :where third? these tests, maximum working periods which virtually drafted him into the Republican and Progressive parties WPt'e f'Stahlished and mechanics are cause of fighting the "ring" candidates delivered stirrina: speeches showing How atatea will LaFollette carry1 aaw required to complete every job of the old parties. The association, how the country would benefit most finding itself unahlc to recommend to if their particular candidates were within the allotted time. Where ~~ the Wisconsin fighter firat 7 Where support for either Robert elected. These party speakers were · .-'ht·i> the service superintendent is its members is he ~nnning aecond? Where is he third? Crowe, Republican candidate, or received with loud enthusiasm by the able to estimate within a few minutes E. From.' whom is LaFollette drawing hu how long it will take to ' finish a job. Michael L. I~;oe. Democratic candi- followers of the respective candidates. Charles Fleischman told the large Basic charges at'e supplied by the date,' sought out Mr. Thompson as a atrena;th, from the Republicans or the Demofactory with the basic time periods man who has the interests of Cook audience that the country would con~rata ? 1 And where? While these charges are variable ac~ county at heart, who does not enter- tinue in prosperity and security under cording to overhead cost in each ~om tain political ambitions and is not the leadership o( Co->-t\dl(e and Dawes. bound by any political groun. ()If · "1l~~:t Shoemaker fnored Davis Wh~re ·is the - Dam -nret..... 7 · ·\·.That munity, the difference is never great faction . · and Bryan for president and vice and the factory's maximum reason alate a c~n he carry outside of the Solid South 7 president. respectively. He declared · ~}.eci to Public Duty able charge is never surpassed. ttl a letter addressed to Mr. Thomp - that the best way to ·have a demoWill he aet all of the South or will he loae As a rule, mechanics are :.1~,. a'd son and urging him to accept the cratic government is to have real by the. job. They are ""JOwel' ~ 0 candidacy for Sta·t e's Attorney as an democrats in power. aome atate like Tenneuee, aa Cos did in 19207 The gubernamuch time for the oc.=, c · do the work ·,· · _, -.,~ration and must Independent, the as sociation declared: tiona1 and other state and county ofWhat are Davia' chancea in the North? And . · -·· ......_..~.· a satisfactory manner "In this emergency the Better ficials were also given attention. how is he runnina in the West? cto it over without pay. This re- Government association appeals to you LaFollette and Wheeler were the duces waste of time and increases to allow your name to he put in nomi- candidates sponsored by John Roos. How about the states which have the efficiency. The natural result to the nation for the office of State's At- The La Follette backers applauded owner is better work in shorter time torney, confident that the people and cheered as the speaker outlined largest elect9ral votes: New York, Pennsyland at lower cost. will recognize in you an outstanding the "rights and eoualities" the people vania, Illinois? How about auc:b pivotal Mr. McDonald added that Dodge member of the legal profession , in would enjoy under the La Follette atates as New Jersey, Indiana, Missouri and Brothcrs have never countenanced so- the prime of life and with long and rev.ime. called free service. "It is now obvious varied experience at the bar, with a Up to the time of the castin~ of th4> California? to most people that free service must reputation above reproach as a law - ballots. student "bosses" and speakers be paid for somehow hy someone," he ye r and citizen and enjoying an ex- were engaged in an intensive elecWill Coolidge loae New England? Are The different said. "The usual way is to add enough tensive pracicc, not connected with tioneering campaign. to the selling price of the car to cover factional politics, whose one claim and advisory rooms were visited by tbe Ohio and Michigan in the doubtful column? the free service item. The injustice ambition would be to redeem the office oarty speakers who injected political How about the border line in Maryland and of that. however, is that you may from pol itical control and organize interest among the student body and never require more than a few dollars and run it solely in the interests of faculty. Kentucky? A number of teachers at the school worth of service, while some other pub lie service. buyer needs ten or twenty times that "In return for the necessary sacri- stated that this mock election was amount and yet you both pay equally. fice you will make in accepting this an excellent way to give the students These and many other questions are in Dodge Brothers owners pay only for call to public duty we pladge you an information and training in careful the minds of -voters. -what they themselves get-not for earnest effort to enlist and organize ~nd intelligent voting in future years. l'.' Pxt Tuesday will be election da,. Who what someone else may neetf. every honest minded man and woman Replica ballots were used and the will win? of Cook county in support of your voting svstem and instructions as emcandidacy." ployed in the regular elections were The Chicato Herald and Examiner, drtr· Marionette Players to The Recorrl, one notes, is published fully explained. inl the past few months, in co-operation Appear in Winnetka Soon hy the Hope Thompson Independent with other Hearst newspapers from coast The Marionette Plavel'll of New Candidate for State's Attorney Executo coast, has been takint a poll of the voters York, under the direction ef Jean tive committee comprising the followof every &late in the Union . Gros. will be presented at the Skokie ing names: Axel Lonnquist, Wilmette, chairschool. Winnetka, on Wednesday afternoon and evening, No\'ember 19, man; William F. Gailing, Chicago; David Oberg, Chicago; Frederick S. In out Sun..y'a H..W aDd EumiDer will be by Rachel Busey Kinsolving. Keen interest is indicated in all the This company has been attracting Oliver, Chicago; Edmond F. Dodge, north shore communities in the Howreaalta of thia pnaicleatial poll. which no wide-spread interest in the East play- Chicago; Henry Forde, Chicago; Ed- ard Street Exposition scheduled for wier aua aft~ to miu. ing before audiences of 17,000 to' 18.000 ward T . Lee, Chicago; Francis M. the week of November 3-8 in the Chieach week. At the afternoon per- Case. Hubbard Woods; Thomas D. cago north limits business section. You will be interested in thia compilation aa formance , "Uncle Wiggily at the Knight. Chicago; Herman Schwake. The ' ·position is sponsored by the an index of what ia to happen nest Tuaday, Arlington Heights ; Anton Johannsen. Circus," Howard R. Garis' delightHowar, Street Business Men's associNoYember 4. and Charles Hoeffner, ation ful creation, well known and loved Chicago; at. J promises to the one of the by every child in the land, will be Chicago. most elaborate affairs of its type ever Offices of the committee are in witnessed on the north shore. Iiven, and in the evening, "Robin Hood." an amazing puppet play, which Room _719 Conway huilding, Chicago. Included amon~ the myriad displays Suada~'· combines all the elements of dramatic of commodities will be special window and comic interest seen in the human exhibits of hosiery. lingerie, homecraft, Find Liquor in Machine theater. plus the unique artistry of basket-weaving, pottery and wax prothe puppet. It has served as a magAfter Kenilworth Crash ducts . net in attracting evening audiences. An automobile driven by a woman. There will also be a table dressing said to have been intoxicated, in which contest and free motion pictures. her four children were passengc:rs. A feature of thf' week's orogram will Pierce Radio Shop Open and in whose possession were found he a lecture by George Nixon regardon Davia Street, Evanston two bottles of intoxioants, collided ing the Howard street and Niles CenThe Pierce Radio Shop has been with an automobile driven by Henry ter "L" Extension. apened at 522 Davis street. Evan ton , O'Hagen Saturday night at SheriHundreds of gifts, souvenirs and Cep~ and is prepared to scU and service dan road ncar Melrose avenue, Kenil- prizes aw_ait those who visit the exworth. position. radio sets. Radio apparatus and appliances of The woman and an 18-year old son ABE ll'OR A. 1. . '1. VO'I'B. the highest &Tades will be handled were badly cut and both cars were WJCWILMETTE OPTIMIIT CLUB. dama&ed. jn this shop, it is announced. -A4Y. NEWSPAPER ENDORSES THOMPSON CANDIDACY (Continue~ NEW TRIER HAS MOCK ELECI'ION WHO'S .GOING TO WIN! W ~~any HOWARD STREFf :HOLDS EXPOSmON NOV. 3-8 ....WUW aoina Be San to Get Ne·t CHiCAGO HERALD 8 EXAMINER Order Your Toda,- ·naa WILMEITE NEWS AGENCY 1 Electric Place Phone Wd. 1796

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