Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Oct 1924, p. 9

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WILMETTE and Music Departments Give Coming Programs E drama study class of the Winnetka Woman's club, Mrs. E. V. L. Brown, chairman, will t on Mond~y. November 3, at o'clock in the club parlors to :\lrs. Ernest Ballard read her on "Luigi Pirandello, Conrv Italian Dramatist." irandello has been writing plays th e Italian stage for a quarter of century. His name long has been by-word in Italy and on the whole inent of Europe as well. In fact h:t s given the name of "Pirandeltto a certain type of psychological that has greatly intrigued the mind. He is new to this connho wever, and it was not until ar that his plays were produced ng lish in New York. The New k Theatre Guild put on his. "Six in Search of an Author," t his play witt" probably be t to Chicago by the Guild this number of ca ting regularly for Sears school girls' ' ms will be selected to chool in games against n other schools on the the players who have kill during praQtice llowing eighth grade es, Shirley Ross, Helen n Shortridge, Josephine ha Richardson, rbara Mearns, Betty Katherine Dudley is. hoped that everyone interested modern drama will avail herself the opportunity to hear Mrs. BalThl music committee of the club nnounres the second recital ot its rtment on Thursday afternoon, r···hcr 6, at 3 o'clock The prom "ill he given by Helen Proeroe :\xtell. soprano; Mrs. Norman arri' arrompanist. The aitcrnoon's hostesses will be rs. Haney Brewer, Mrs. Burton At~lr'> . Austin Jenkins and :Mrs. .rles Fo.rman. ~he following setJOrh \\'Ill be g·ven on this oc_ , ion: I. ocat in n ( Radamisto) ...... Handel 'irh \ crdurc Clad-( Creation ..... . · ·· · . . · · .... . ................ Ha,·dn II. . ond :\ acht .. . ........... Schumann s Kinderspiel ............. Mozart :\eigc des Fleurs ...... Foudrain Si Les Fleurs .......... Massenet ir Delia (L'Enfant Prodique) ...... . · .......................... Debussy Senator F erria Givea Spurrina Talk at Cub M RS. Harry Harrison, chairman of the art and literature de- partment of The Neighbors, announces that Dr. Henry Purmont Eames will give the program at the club, .Thursday, November 6. Of the Amencan Conservatory of Music and lecturer on musical history ' and esthetics, Dr. Eames will give a lecture-recital on "Vltra Modern Art and Ultra Modern Music." The next meeting of the art and literature department will be held November 13, at the Art institute. William M. McKee, curator of prints and drawings, will address the gathering in the Print galleries. Following his talk, Mrs. Carl A. Buehr will explain some of the features of the American Art and Sculpture exhibition. A 1 o'clock luncheon at the Piccadilly Tea Room will conclude the tour. The one evening meeting of the year held on October 23, was most gratifying to the program committee for the large attendance and the interest manifested in the inspiriting, positive and stimulating talk given b;y: Senator Woodbridge N. Ferris on "The Restoration of American Homes." Both the men and women were greatly impressed by his plea that the old-fashioned upbringing of children resume its sway in family life and that the home spirit, sceminf{ly on the wane in .\merica. be developed. ~[ rs. Otto Owen, social chairman, served delicious ire. coffee, and cakes to the gathering. one of notahle size for Kenilworth. Franck symphony, a Liszt Polonaise, and several suites, Miss Haines' discussion will have many phases. From the outset, members of the club have been ardent supporters of the symphony concert movement in New Trier township. Miss Haines' lecture aims to give concert goers a greater insight into orchestral music. Guests are welcome at the US\lal fee. Luncheon at 1 o'clock will follow the talk. In the afternoon at 2, the first business meeting of the year will be held, this in turn, to be followed by a lecture by Miss Helen Bennett whose subject is "The Keeper of the King's Conscience." Miss Bennett has been allied with politics most of her life, taking a prominent part as a speaker before the women of our state along political and educational lines. For ten years she was manager of the Chicago Collegiate ·Bureau of Occupations and last year was one of the ~eakers before the Mcdill School of Journalism. Sally in Our Alley and Cherry Ripe, was liked so much that an encore was insisted upon. The players responded with a repetition of the second number ol the group. Howard Wells assisted the quartet in the closing number, Quintet Opus 81 in A Major by Dvorak. It was a genuine enjoyment to the audience. The next concert will be given by the Muenzer Trio on Sunday afternoon, December 7. WINS GOLF TOURNEY Harry lf. Bachman of Wilmette won first prize in a special tourna:ment Saturday at the Northwestern Golf course. Mr. Bachman had low gross score of 88 with a 14 handicap. making 74 net score. Mrs. Edward F. Hamm. 517 Sheridan road, entertained at luncheoa Wednesday, PQ)L &· PI PER ·INC· CHILDREN'S SHOE SPECIALISTS CHILDREN'S SHOES TAN NORWEGIAN GRAIN NON-SCUFFABLE In tlte Jlana/adure ol TlteH Ortly t It · B e a t Materiala 06tairta61e Haue Been Vaefl North Shore Vaaaar Club to Hold Monday Meetina Sit··· SliM 8% to 11 ..·.... M.tt Slses 11% \0 t. . . . . . . 1.et Sizes t~!a to 1 ........ 1.15 T HE North Shore Vassar club will meet on Monday, Novemlx-r 3. at 3 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Charles B. Fullerton, 819 Lincoln street. Evanston. SHOP IN EVANSTO;-AXPLE PARKING FACILlTI"' NO NOISE OR CONGEST · ' First Chamber Recital Accorded Warm Approval The 1'>24-25 season nf conccrts conducted under the auspices of the North Shore Chamber oi ~{usie association opened last Sunday afternoon under It was most favorahle conditit)JIS. a delightful October afternoon: the assembly hall was occupied by a large and appreciative audience: the program was well planned; the artists of the occasion, the Gordon Strinl!; quartet and Howard \Vells, pianist, played with unusual skill, understanding. and feeling. To the writer the first numlx-r. Haydyn's Quartet in D ~[ajnr, made the strongest appeal. The four instruments. under the masterful leading of the first violin in the hands oi Jacques Gordon, blended their tones into rich and beautiful harmony. It was a rare and wonderful exper.ience, the hearit!K of this great composition as played by four master musicians. The second number, Frank Bridge's arrangement of two old English songs, 1608 Chicago A venue, at Davu Street EVANSTON, ILLINOIS "Club Day" in Wilmette Offers Special F eaturea lNG ' have the rk, Pennayluch pivotal iasouri and ISS Tina 1\lac Haines. well lectur<'r on music appreciation, will open the program at the Woman's Club of \Vilmette, \Vednesday morning, November 5, at 11 o'clock. She will first describe some of the instruments of a modern symphony orchestra. Then, taking as her subject, the program of the December concert to be given at New Trier by the Little Symphony players, she will discuss each number to be heard at the concert, and will illustrate the various themes on the piano. III. 'olk Songs Inasmuch as the program wilt include e Three Ra\"ens ......... English an overture, a movement from a Cesar LooLoo my Lammie ...... Scotch now wheres I'm Go in' ...... Irish Robin ................... Welsh hav Aberdyfi ............ \Velsh IV. ·?'"e Has Eyes ........ Henry Bishop Lmde Lea .......· Vaughn Williams Cradle of Gold .... Daniel Protheroe Sing Again ........ Daniel Protheroc M Open for Business oman's Catholic Club In Successful Meeting interested audience heard the fu1r reading Mary Louise Etten :.\lcWorter gave at the meeting . the \\Toman's Catholic Club of llmette on Friday afternoon, Ocr 24, in the auditorium of the St. Xavier school. Her concepof "The First Lady of the Land" ch~rmi':l~· and revealed her great amattc abtltty. Mrs. Mary Corrigan 1 ·r ~ ~hort talk on the importance of tzmg women in the village to ·ct-out-the-Vote." :\t ~he conclusion of the meeting, soc1al hour followed, with Mrs. renee C. Weiland and Mrs. ]. E. nn presiding at the tea tables. The philanthropy department found t necessary to postpone the card rty planned for Monday October _until Friday, Novembe; 7. The a1r. which will commence at 2 lock. will be held in the auditorium the St. Francis Xavier school. Mrs. orence Nolan, chairman of the dement, is in charge of arrangents. N Evanston's New Radio Shop Catering Entirely to Radio Trade Zenith Super Zenith Operadio Amazing New Electric Appliance Ends All Your Cooking Tasks! Takes the place of cooks and other kitchen help. Prepares foocla better than the moat espert human hands can prepare them. Sa·es time and work and money EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR! land? Are ful column? [aryland and Atwater-Kent RadioIa Yours for 30 Days' FREE TRIAL Kitchen-Aid has been called the electrical marvel of the age. For it reduces the work of preparing food for your table to a mere turn or the switch! Think of a machine that does not one but all of your cooking task8--that mixes every kind of dough-whips cream~reams butter and sugar-grinds cotfeechlps lee and freezes Ice creamchops meat - strains soup and sauces-chops and slices ve«etables and performs a hundred and one other every day kitchen taeke! In spite of the almoat unbelievable range of dlffleult tuka It per· forms, Kitchen·Aid Is eo elmple to operate that a child can run it. There Is nothing to get out of order-It costa practlcaiJy nothing to operate-and It Is built to laat a lifetime. EadonHI .,. Lead... · . . . . .. _ Kitchen-Aid Is endoreed by Amerlca'e leading women'e magazines 11\lch as Ladles' Home Journal, Good Housekeeping, Houae Beautiful, Modern Prlecllla and many others. It Is used and recommendTear oat . aad · · u tllle eoapoa A·aata.lJ' !U··Ie College Club to Hold Autumn Meeting E fall meeting of . the Chicago Smith College club will take place at the Chicago College Saturday afternoon, November 1, 3 ?'clock. Those speaking on this cas·on will be Alice Miller Whitn.. '&3; Clara Gilbert, '92; Carlene Its Blunt, '96; Gertrude Gladwifl) Stella Tuthill, '07; Elizabeth .hster, '12; Marion Cohn, '17; Vir·a Forbes, '92; Katherine Gorin, '15. Super Heterodyne TUBES-BATTERIES-LOUD SPEAKERS See . the Warren Jr. Loud Speaker-$8.50 r. .,. . MINEI iss Grace Boynton Will Addrea1 Wellesley Club RS. S. W. WHITE and Mrs. A. C. Goodnow will entertain the North Shore Wellesley at 1416 Elinor place, Evanston, afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. "Poliitions in China" wilt be the discussed by Miss Grace Boyn- Come in and meet us-\Ye are here to please you. We want your trade. I'll b,Y the foremoat Domestic Scl<>nce Schools and by the most progrt-sslve collt>ges and u-nlvereltles In the United Statu. 00 DA Y8' FREE 'filiAL .... lilt Ia ~oar lllo·e Write today for llluetrated llteratut·.- and details ot our epeclal lntl·oductory otrer whereby you can test Kitchen-Aid right In your own honw, without a penny's cost and entirely at our risk. We ask only that you make a email deposit, to be returned ·I n full If you- do not keep Kitchen-Ald. Mall c ..... TodaJ' Mall coupon today and solve your "servant problem" or your ··cooKing probl.-m" for all time. Find out how easy It le to own the elect r I c a I "mald-of-all-work" that serves so faithfully without a penny of wagee-that le never outside or )'OUr kitchen-and that Is always ready, at a mere enap ot a !!Witch, to relieve you of practically all your kitchen work. KITCHEN. AID, '7CUI N. Paallaa 8t,. (.'llllea·o. Ul. "Service is our Motto" 30 DAY FREE TRIAL COUPON Kih-hPll Aid, i6lt> K Paulina St., Chicago, Ill. H<-ncl mtl literature that t 1111 all about Kitch nAI<l anrt details of your sp··elal Introductory trial otr r wht-reby I can te t Kitchen-Aid for 30 daye. NanH· . ....·.·.···.··.·..·... . . · ..·.·.············ C. T. U. Meeta In Winnetka Monday E W. C. T. U. will meet at the home of Mrs. William H. Xoble. 1010 Oak street Winnet~fonday, November 3, at' 2 o'clock. n for the Jubilee convention will considered. ~~Preaa Pierce Radio Co. Univeraity 506 7 5ZZ Davia SL, Evanston TODAY ::NCY ae Wd. 1796 No - · or ........_ Addreee ......·..·... . .·...........··.·········· ·· ·························· ·······················"#

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