Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Oct 1924, p. 12

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\VILl\IETTF. LIFE. FRIO.\ Y. OCTOBER 31. 192-~ ELEANOR BRAND BIRD SEED A song in every seed. A story in every package. Charity Bridge Large Affair of Coming Week T At all Leading Dealer· Packed by Wilmette Bird Hoqse Let tfle Wecatl\el"ll\" Each one of all the millions drinking Monarch Coffee at one time bought their fir·l trialiNJ~e. Unleae YOU. COO. do this, you"11 never know how rare a quality it is. Is a trial too much to ask 1 REID, MURDOCH &. COMPANY Cbicqo l 1J.: Charit' !:ridg-e to benefit the social service departm the Xorth ~hore Catholic \Voman's league, will be an tnt :-;urial t>n' nt at ~kokie cluh Wednesda~, November 5. ior the affair haYe all been donated. It ts the hope of the in dwrgl:' that a large number of the league members will atttnd help make the undertakin~ a great success. . . 'J'irkd!' may he obtamed from the S.?Ctal chatrmarr, Mrs. E. Tilroe of \\'innetka, and from the followmg members of her 111 ittee in the different towns: Mrs. N. P. Anderson of · : hairman of the social service department; Mrs. J. H. 111 ette; ~lr:-;. J. T. Enright, Glencoe; Mrs. H. E. Mills of Park: l\Ir:-; . f 'f. Stipe of Ravinia. Society Ball to Aid Homeless Babes XE oi the charities for which the north sh~re shows i~s it,·. is the Cradle. that shelters homeless tnfants unttl <hn·llin·g~ arc !'ecured for them. Th~ beau monde of the . will attend the annual ball to be gtven under the ausptces Cradle !'ociety Tuesday e~ening, November 11, at the Chicago. ~I r~. Charles F. Glore of Evanston, telephone 153i6. i. in charge of the ticket sale, and Mrs. K. V. R. l'nin~rsity 4230, will make table reservations f.or dinner parties. oper4te )'V\11' F111'JMCe Cold ()qtf/oon O briaqs Bfitt £,..,.,.,, .,...._.lradoors tlw chill)' FaD · ·lllda . .t a~~r-atirally bo Boston PittabUI'Jh New York Ouilmette Club to Provide Election Return~ ONE OF OUR LEADING SELLERS "Monuch Colfee hat been 10ld in this stan! for lS years and hat never failed to live eDtiJe satisfaction to our trade. We coasider it ooe of our J-:ling eellen and recoiD!Delld it to all who want cood coffee. AUG. OFFLAND & SON, W.rettoWa, WW.. w!Mn tiM ···.....,. &UN · ud It 10ft IN Sprilor. n011oical lo operal4. II can lit .... stalk<! in any ltcatinl anc.e.. Ail!. rur rtdl rortabi.-M ..c aor ullca. H.art Oil U.nwr ia Ck - It l.ftPa tiM IICIOIX dea· ud COitl· Tlw : w-.u-. PECL\L radio equipment has been installed at the Countn· cluh in order to enable members and their guests hear the election returns. Tuesday evening will be .open house the duh. A buffet dinner will be served at 7 o'clock, for resen-ations mu~t be made Monday, "without fail." There will dancing· in the e\·ening. A special notice urges membelf to "Comt and hring guests!" Oi great intt·rest to the North Shore arti>h and their friends who have noted the ~radual growth of the Ra,·inia .-\rb club. the new art society oi Ra,·inia. will be its first exhibition to hl· held in the afternoon and eveniug of Satltnlay and Sunday, Novemhl'r I and 2. This congenial group oi artists (the society can hardly be called a club inasmuch as it has never or~anize<ll met together on Saturday aiternoon~ during tlH' early spring and summer, and with canvas and paints watrdered into the woods in Ravinia to record their impressions. Poets and appreciative friends followed them and anvone interested and respectin~ the work of his fellowarti~ts joined the group. Among the prominent members of this unique society are Frank C. Peyraud, Lionel Robertson. James Cady Ewell, Anita Willets Burnham, Hazel Crowe Ewell, Elizabeth Khyshcr Peyraud, Lawrence Buck and other artist of note from Hubbard Woods, Glencoe, Highland Park, \Vinnetka and Ravinia. --oThe philanthropy department of the Catholic ¥loman's Club of Wilmette found it necessary to postpone the card party planned for October 27 until Friday, November 7. The affair will take place as previosly announced, at 2 o'clock in the auditorium of the ~t . Francis Xavier sch~J. Mrs. Florence Xolan, chairman of the department, is in charge. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Dyon of Maple avenue are back from an tensive motor trip. They drove to St. Ann. Michigan, where visited Mr. Dyon's mother, Mrs. liam Dyon, and accompanied by tltt latter, went to Marshall. Michig11, where, after a short visit with re~ tives, they returned to St. Ann with Mrs. William Dyon. and journeyed on to Kankakee. Thev returntd to Wilmette a few days later with llrt. Henry Loucado and her daug\1\tt, Louise, as· their guests. The Dyons will spend this week-enG with relatives in Chicago. --aAnnouncement has been ma\11:. ~ The School of Music, Northwestern uni\·er ·ity, will give a recital on ~hurs da\· evening, November 6, at 8 :IS oclock at ·the Evanston Woman's club. Pto(es· sors Carl Beecher and Arne Oldber~, pianists, and Loyal Phillips Shawe, ban· tone, will give the progr~m. . The tickets will be sold by the vanous sororities which will receive one-half the amount of the proceeds. Tne tema.in· der will go to the student loan _lund of the University School of Musrc. This afternoon~ ;J until 5 o'c\oc\ the kiddies will be entertained at · Hallowe'en party at the Ouilmette Country club. A ventriloquist and a m;ogician have been engaged to pro· vide their amusement. Refreshment! will be served in the midst of appropriate decorations. This evening from 7 until 9:30, chil· dren up to high school age will have a dance, with a fortune teller as an added attraction. Tomorrow evening the junior dance will take place. S .\ ' Ht;!il '1'.-l, 11-141 " ....., TEFR .\. C.'O, "1141 <'.-ntl'r St. ... . · utt d au~ ).[ Genuine "Quaint American" Furniture There is only one maker of the genuine "Quaint American" Furniture. and we are authorized dealers in this district. Notwithstanding the fact that there is a distinctive and inimitable charm in Ouaint American Furniture it is ,-ery important for ):ou to make certain that you are buying the genuine, instead of being satisfied with anything which may h<' classed .as New Enf.{land Colonial. "Quaint American" Furniture is produced in a complete series of harmonizing pieces from which individual selection can be made to suit anv furnishing- purpose. A wide variety of tones an;l colors in the tinishes makes it possible to attain any decOt·ativc effect desired. The style of the pieces has met with such wide-spread approval as to fully merit the designation "America's Favorite Style." Let us show you a grouping of this beautiful furniture. . tt "Tircrc is a Group of 'Quaint .·hncrican' for a Room in Every Home" 1517 s· Aft. on FOUNTAIN SQUARE, EVANSTON "'COOD FURNITURE MAKES THE HOME'" TeL UaiY· . _ The next regular meeting of the \\"ilmette Garden club, formerly known as the Little Garden club, wilt he held Friday, November 7, at the home of Mrs. \Vatter E. Harvey, 2522 Hartzell street. Evanston. The pro--ogram subject will be "Garden DeMrs. F. E. McCullin of 514 Maple signs and Sketches," the leader, Mrs. avenue, gave a surprise dinner and Kellenberger. The election .of officers reception last week for her uncle, ior 1925 wilt take place . Clayton B. Shourds of Chicago in --ocelebration of his eightieth birthday. The Arche Club of Chicago opened Mr. and Mrs. Charles McLean, Dr. its mnsical season last Friday with a and Mrs. William R. Wedderspoon. program given by Mrs. Floy Little Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Green. Mr. and Bartlett. Mrs. Bartlett was assisted by Mrs. Mark Sherman and Mrs. Amy ~[rs. Arthur Byfield. soprano, Mrs. S. Chamberlin were among the guests \'elona Frugate Brewer, violinist, and from the city. ~Irs. Arthur Dean, who accompanied --othe violin duets. The musical was Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hammond of gi,·en in the batt room at the Kenwood San Francisco have announced the club. birth of a daughter, Barbara Ann, --oOctober 13. Mrs. Hammond was .:\Ir. and Mrs. T. ]. Bevan of 1431 Miss Ruth Knapp, formerly of Wil· Forest avenue. returned home l~st mette. Her mother, Mrs. B. H. week from Calif9rnia where they went Knapp, who has been with her in the several weeks ago because of the ill- west, is expected back today. The ness of a relative. They came back Knapps have been living in the new by way of Seattle, Vancouver and the Orrington since selling their home Canadian Rockies. They stopped in here. \\'innipeg and Minneapolis for a few -odays. Mr. and Mrs. Morton B. Skinner of --o723 Central avenue will entertain the .:\f r. and Mrs. H. T. Fisher of Tenth members of the Fellowship club and street entertained the following out- all theiir children at a dinner and oi-town guests during the week: Mr. evening party November 15, at the and .:\[rs. \V. E. Nunn and Miss Dayle \Veman's club. This club has met for of Toledo: Dr. and Mrs. Smith of Cory, more than 20 vears. but it is unusual Pennsvlvania; Dr. Dushire of Erie, for the children to be included in their Penns)·h·ania: Mr. and Mrs. Mag- gatherings. nuson of Omaha. and Mr. Mechkel of --oMontreal. Mr. and Mrs. Ber~ G. Calloway. 931 -oLinden avenue, opened their sulllJIItl' Mrs. F. W. Strube of 216 Golf ter- home at Old Mission, Michigan. la~t race is Worthy Commander of the week, for a house-party. Therr Lincoln Park Conclave, a True Kin- guests who left Wilmette 1\f on day, dred organization, that is giving a and returned Saturday, were ~[r. and bazaar. November 3, at Belmont Hall Mrs. C. M. McDonald. Mrs. Albtrl for the benefit of the organization. Page, Mrs. Strong and Mrs. Wilkid· Only objects of a practical nature will --ohe sold. After a game of golf at North Slto~W -oclub Friday, the players gave a tu::c! l\lr. and Mrs. Harry H. Rossmann eon at the club for Mrs. A. D. Conwere hosts at a formal dinner and chairman of the Woman's Golf fJIII" bridl{e Saturday evenin~ at their home, mittee, and winner of the club cblj 411 Tenth street. · pions hip. --o- rttu \\ ith igan ).1 r, n~ ce ). ! j, ~[

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