WILMETTE "'""~. . . . .-rat rlabes t shore shows its ess infants until onde of the der the auspices 11, at the !>n, telephone d Mrs. K. V. R. ; for dinner parties. ailed at the ers .and their guests r Will be Open house t 7 o'clock, for ut fail." There will les membelf to "Come! Mrs. Warren Dyon of ue are back from an or trip. They drove . Michigan. where Dyon's mother. Mrs. and accompanied by tht t to Marshall. Michiga11, a short visit with re~ cturned to St. Ann with 111 Dyon. and journmd akee. They returntd· to few days later with llt1. a?o and her daug\lltt, e1r guests. will spend thi s week·end s in Chicago. -o- nt has been mattt ~\ of Music, Northwestern I give a recital on Thurs' ovember 6, at 8: IS o'clock n Woman's club. Pro{es· cher and Arne Oldberg, oyal Phillips Shawe, bari· the progr'!m. will be sold by the various h will receive one-half the e proceeds. The -rema\nto the student loan {und sity School of Music. -{)-- on from J until 5 o'clock ill be entertained at a arty at the Ouilmette A ventriloquist and a F been engaged to pro· n~usement. Refreshments . in the midst of appro· lOllS. from 7 until 9:30, chil· gh school age will have a fortune teller as an n. Tomorrow evening ce will take place. -o- the Yale-Dartmouth game at !\ew HavtOll<' hot_ el. Thursday, _Novem~er 6. en as the guest of her cousin, John A . avenue. -o---o!a ll · panshcs of the Ch1cago D1ocese : MacLean, Jr., who is a sophomore at M iss Belle Damond, member of Frank P. Collyer of 730 Ninth street · I h,· Episcopal church arc taking Yale. is at St. Luke' hospital where he was Ziegfeld Follies cast now playing at rt. . -otaken Thursday of last week to undergo the Illinois. has been a guest at the In \\'i lmctte, Mrs. I. K. Stover, Mrs. .Miss Madeline. Hammond of 500 treatment. Mrs. Collyer was ill for a home of Mrs. Edward Helmond, 118 H Deuchler, Mrs. Hubert CarleGregory avenue ha s as her house- week with bronchitis. Maple avenue. · ; 1 nd :\[rs. P. E. Madden are repre--o--o-- . t111 g St. Augustine's parish, and guest. ?\Iiss Sabel Louis of Indianher roommate at National apolis , Mr s. Charles R. Mack will enter1 1., 'mcmhcrs of the guild are con- Park seminary. Mrs. Robert Hawkes was expected :\liss Hammond is tain the members of her Tuesday club dll;ttn~ articles for the sate. a dinner for her guest at \Ve st- to arrive in Kenilworth \\ ednesday at luncheon and bridge next week at Tl11 · \\'oman's Guild of Christ giving for a short visit while returning from moreland on Friday. ·hur ·h . \Vinnetka, under the direction a western trip to her home in Mont- her home on Central avenue. -o-o-:-.11 '· William G. Woolfolk, presiclair, New Jersey. Wilford C. Shurtleff has returned to nt , and a committee composed of John \Velter. son of Mr. and Mrs. ·--or- . Charles Clegg McKinney, Mrs. his home on Lake a\·enue after a ten The Travel class met Tuesday at Hugh ]. Welter of 225 Fifteenth ar k- Howell Coffin, Mrs. John B. day visit with hi s daughter and son- the home of Mrs. Horace Drury on street. is quarantined at his horne with 1 in-law. Mr. and ~'frs. C. Dean Klahr, .. ok<'r an d Mrs. Carl Zeiss. has been Central avenue. After luncheon, the a mild case of scarlet fever. actill·ly engaged in promoting the who are now liYing in Erie, Penn- reading of "Touring through the Brit--oM iss Marjorie Day. 1233 Elmwood " "rk \\' ith the hearty cooperation sylvania . Mrs. Klahr was Miss Helen ish Isles" was continued. Shurtleff. avenue, entertained the members of i th· Zone captains and the parish -o--oAIIen Cameron, son of Mr. and Mrs. her club at luncheon and bridge Friat lan:e, the Guild will have a genMr. and Mrs. Merrill H . Boynton, Charles C. Cameron of 510 Central day. t·rou- -u p!>IY of fancy articles and 809 Lake avenue, are receiving con- a\·enue, .is returning to Ranger, Texas, -o-nmt:lti,·- for one of the booths. Mrs. Frank Forrester of 1030 Linden · \ "rth -hore residents are cordially gratulations upon the birth of a son, the last of the week after spending a Tuesday, October 28. at the Evanston avenue and Miss Helen Rohrer have fortnight with his parents. in' it<'d to attend the bazaar which hospital. Robert )..Jerrill has been demotored to ,S pringfield to visit Mrs. -oI' at 10 o'clock in the morning. cided upon for the baby's name . Mr. and Mrs. Bernard C. Bowen of E. T. Hennick. inuing until late at night. thus -o605 Eighth street, have returned from --o-in .~ it possible for those who are All members of the Crescent circle Cincinnati where thev attended the Mrs. Margaret .Gantt of Bushnell, th t city during the day to attend of the Congregational church are wedding of Mr. Bowe1;'s brother, Allen Il1inois, is the guest of the Montth,· l'\·ening. gomerys this week. :'t. ~dan· 's Home for Children under urgently asked to attend the ail-day Bowen. the Si,t,· r~ of St. Mary was estblished meeting taking place Tuesday. Noin l~lJ~ on the west side of Chicago, vember 4. at the home of Mrs. Fred E . ne :H the old Cathedral. The work Parry, 622 )[aple aYenue. -{)-,tt:adily increased in the face of every Following the lecture on citizenship hindrance but the neighborhood was Only not dl.',irable and the facilities for given by l\Irs. Walter Dodd, Thurscariil).! for the rapidly increasing day morning at the \Vilmette WomTwenty Minutes family inadequate. In 1900 an appeal an's club, Mrs. C. P . Evans gave a wao; made for funds, and in November. small lunch eon ior her at her home, 616 Gregory avenue. 190.l. the present home on Jackson by Motor -oh(lulc,·ard was opened. Mrs. L. S. Becker of 105 Fifth street, Th, curre nt expenses are always from Jlromptl.1· met, but nothing remains and her sister, }.Irs. Howell of ChiOl'l'f ior rt· pairs ,and this year a great cago, haYe returned from a motor the North Shore man_l' -uc h expenses must be met. trip of nearly two weeks in Iowa and Som·· cha nges are required as a pro- Illinois. They stopped in Rock Island Buaineaa Diatrict tt'ctinn irom fire and also extensive for a visit with their mother. -o6n·pair- rm brickwork, roofs and plumbMr. and Mrs. Roy \Viley of Lanark, LVNCfiiON 111\\laO AT NOON' in~ . lt is hoped that this bazaar will prm ide the funds necessary to place Illinois, are spending this week as the th,· 1\'ork of St. Mary's home on a guests of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. George Emrich. 915 Ashland avenue. linn ha .; i~ for some time to come. l\Ir. Emrich will pass "Dad's Day" at --()-the li niversity of Illinois. ~( r. and :\[ rs. A. T. Elwood are re-aSeventy-five Cents l'l'i\·ing congratulations upon the birth Mrs. R. A. Buckman, 1025 Central oi a daughter, Elizabeth Louise, Oct ola·r 20. at the Evanston hospital. avenue, has had as her guest this week, ~fr.;. El\\'ood was formerl,· Miss Mrs. Fred 0. Parker of Kenosha. -oDowt hy Jacobson, niece of Mrs. Philip Bright and Tom Fitch, who George E. West of 627 Eleventh are attending Beloit college, spent the Get away from business by taking time off at noon street. week-end in Wilmette. --ofor a run out into the country. :M r. ;oud 1\I rs. S. W. Swanberg of I,;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ 110 Fifth ~ treet and their daughter, Gwen, are going to motor to Minneapolis next week-end to . attend the hnmccoming game between Minne -ota and Michigan. Carl Fagen of Battle Creek was thei r ~un t OYer last week-end. -o:O.Ir.'. John D. Small of 411 }.Ia(>le a ,·enu,· left Thursday for ~Ioline lllll'n· a reception was gi\·en that aftanoo n for her daughter. 'Mrs. :O.krle C. Nutt, by Mrs. L~ster E. Xutt. ::\[rs. Small will vbit her d:lllghttr for a short time. -o).[r. and Mrs. Whitman Tador have n·turned from Paris and are staying Seidel's Lady Fingers and Maca\\ ith ).frs. D. L. Ta,·Ior of 849 Michigan avenue for the -present. ~Ir. and roons are delicious, always fresh ).Irs. \Vhitman Taylor were married and dainty. recently in Paris. Mrs. Ta\'lor was :\li,, Phyllis Stevenson of London. --oMr. and Mrs. Geofge Lamb of Holly~is s Virginia. Beymer, formerly of wood, California, have been spending a 111 ·: Bazaar for Saint Mary's Horne ~1lmette, who 1s a stud~nt at Mis s week with thek neph~\v and niece, Mr. I· ·r Children will be held in the Fmch's school in ·ew York, attended and Mrs. A. M. Crain of 909 Ashland t ry,ta l ball room of the Black- Blackstone to Benefit Children's Honie Mrs. Dorothy W. Macauley ot Wilaailtd Ia t WedneSday f<lf' Europe. where she will remain throughout the winter, or possibly lon!ler. She wlil spend three weeks in Paris before going to Italy. mett~ Mrs. William Holmes, 622 Central avenue, was hostess to the women of the Fourth Division of the Methodist church on Thursday of last week. They held an all-day meeting at h~r home. --oMr. and Mrs. C. E. B. Hunter left Monday for Blaine, Washington, after a visit with their daughter and sonin-law, Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt King, 711 Forest avenue. ·sound Values in Boys' ·.Clothes Vestee Suits (Ace- I to I) llacle from eaceUent qaaJ. ltJ pare wool. lmpone4 fabrica. Steall Chicltln Dinners 1 18;!!. Business Men's Lunch At all First class Grocers Blouses (A,ea 6 to 13) Ia white or fUCJ colore4 strlpn. You Can't Mistake Them Because They Are the Best IJ;!! Sbt lor $5.50 McCullin of 514 Maple a surprise dinner and week for her uncle, hourds of Chicago in his eightieth birthday. McLean, Dr. 1 · Charles I ham R. W edderspoon, H. S. Green. Mr. and Ierman and Mrs. Amy were among the guests -()- ~Irs. C. H . Smith of 711 Laurel a,·c- -o-- -.\sk Your Grocer- nue is expected to return to the village Monday or Tuesday of next week, after spending fi,·e months at ht'r o, ummer home in Alanson, Mich. -o- :.lr,, Harriet Giles of San Francisco ha, ret urned to her home after a visit w_ ith }.[r. and Mrs. W. B. Montgomery ot 640 Gregory avenue. Howard Hammond of have announced the ughter, Barbara Ann. Mrs. Hammond was PP, formerly of Wil· other, Mrs. B. H. s been with her in the ed back today. The en living in the new selljng their home -()- :0.1 r~. C. 0. Walliser of 251 Greenf avenue is giving a Hallowe'en party this evening. -o- MUSCLE .D EVELOPJNr. RUB· YS FOOTWEAR. FOR CHILDREN All Wool Jersey Suits (Aaeal to I) Ia tall, blue or browa. Morton B. Skinner of rue will entertain the Fellowship club and en at a dinner and November 15, at the This club has met for ~ ars. but it is unusual I t o be included in their ~ -o- S~r.oked -o.f golf at North Shore BeJ: G. Callowav, 920 opened their suinmrr ~ssion, Michigan, last house-party. Their ~ Wilmette Monday, turday, were ;\[ r. and Donald. Mrs. Albtrl 1g 1 and Mrs. Wilkin~. White Chin· Buck Hor·e Hide T- Mel;ow Calf Because of the broad toes and moccasin-like 10lea, the cor· rect ahape aad emooth COil· atruc:tioa, they are preecribed by the beat cbilclr'ea'· phy· aiciaaa. Wot1lf Gri II 011c of tltc joys of tltc waffle cot1test is that there is so much full gcttiug r£·ady for it. It is tiO ·work to cat HEW'S ·waffles. / tr00l HoH .......... ... r,__lette Pa}....,.$2M 1'brH-quarter U.,on-1 ,,.., l!laa Mitt.·.. 1M ·~SW.rS.NI- .................. .llljredj·RUBY·/nt On WUliincton near llichican players gave a lunch· or Mrs. A. D. CoflillJ, Woman's Golf COlD" er of the club 616 Church St. "Opposite the Library" cb'j