Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Oct 1924, p. 17

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WILMETTE LI St. Augustine's Parish S ndar morning, November %, the · u Su ndar atter Trinity, services at . at <. A. M., Chu·rch schools at 9 :45 assisting hostesses, Mra. Theodore C. course 111 evldt>nl·ed by the attendance ~.n}~Pi..u}.~~Tit.W .A. Berbllnger and MriJ. and discussion. \Vednuda~·. 8 P. M. er Reaerve ~rs il Girl :al shades of Tan The Rool!evelt T;;,p No. 2 will meet a~ headquarten for tnetruction at 7 ~r Holy Communion and addreu o clock on Tuesday evening. j 1., A . M. and Hoty Baptism at 1 At the \Vf'dneed-;y evening meeting )f. speakers ,...Ill tell of the "Opposlt·lon satu rd ay, November 1, Is All Saint' s ~\~~~~~h~~~h.wlthout the Early Aposth e day set apart by the church no r th~ memor-y of all who have The Coay Corner~ircl e, M··s. J. c. A. hl· fore. There will be two aera t St. Augustine's, Holy Com- Anderson, chairman, will hold a Rummage sale on Thureday and Friday at i (lll a t 8 A . M:. and Holy Commun at 11 A. M. ····· .. .... . the E conomy Shop. Au g us tine's will be Holy Commun11 .. ·s 1\lre. M. A. Stone of Oak Pa1·k will meet with tht> procram chairman of the "Spokes" of the Woman'e soclf'tV Wilmette and Park Avt-nuell, Wllmt-tte · JIW:B'I'IliGI at the home of Mrs. J. G. Tawse, 730 Her-man W . Meyer, M. A. pastor Saturday, Nov. 1, at 8 P. M. 8Uft· Greenwood avenue, on Friday, Novem- 406 Prairie avenue. Telephone 1396 day school staff. ber 7, at 2 o' clock. 1\lrs. Stone will Church telephone 3111 llonday, Nov. 3, at 4, Children'· complete the work of Instruction and classes. outline on the mission study book. IERVICBI Thursday, at 8 P. !ol. Walther Everyon e le · I nvited. 20th Sunday after Trlnlty Leacue. 9 :30 A. M:. Sunday school and Bible Frida)' , at 4. Children'· elaeees. St. John's Lutheran ntltlt-cl. "The Plll Bot-' 10:45 A . K. Preparator-y aer-vice lor date. communlcanU. 11 A. ll. Second aervlce ancl Hotsr C ommunion. "The Slngtnc Church and the H>· mn." I th'!h:r::'e~~~;:~~t~~ ~u~t1Js1t~t:re:a.;l'::.l cl~~:5 A. M. First service and aermon.l (Continued on page 18) ' ewest shades so ·rings that are so ntiss ion for the women of St. Aug. a nd their friends, lasting one . will begin wHh an addres~t at 1 o'clock service Sunday morning ~~. Ethel E. Pattenon of Los , < o n. "What IB Religion?" Mrs. n will conduct a class on per· ,·,· ligion with the subject "The 1n· or the Presence or God" each k-d ay morning at 9 :30. All women hl' c hurch and, In addition, the ~u o f Wilmette In general, are Into th e s e morning classes. :\Irs. t er~o n has a national reputation In th e <"hu rch tor conducting classes. of th <' g- reatest practical helpfulneu to w oH\0' 11 on subjects connected with lig i ou~ lite and conduct. Thet··· will be a corporate Communof a ll the woman or the parish 11 ·/d ock service Sunday morning pr~pa ratlon for the mls.s lon tor t·n t o enable the women to pray ht'e J~;t. God's blessing on this nazaar for St. :Mary's Hom e In Jllan y people of St. Augustine's t ·· r·cst e cl, will be held In the Crysl· room or the Blackstone hotel bt· r· 6 from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m . Mrs. 1. K . Stover of 1044 Ashland ave nue i s th e official reJ>resentatlve from thi s pa rt l! h. Still mo r e women are needecl for our own Bazaa r· on December 3. Send your· to !\lJ·s . A . H. Storms, 251 ·wood DiffPr e nt committees are meetth e homes ot women of the pard th e joint meeting of all the C\~·~11 H~~·s:.eld each Thursday o! Choh· . r e h earsal -;;nder th e direction l1r. 'ain on Thul'l!lday night at 7 :30 o cloc k. All membe i'S at'e asked to be pre sE>nt. On .F1·ida~· the ~ntral Avenue c ircle, Mrs. \V. H . Shellman, c hairman, will meet at the home of Mrs. F . L. Jo~·. Luncheon served at 1 o'clock Mr~< . Jo'red Smith and Mrs. Johnson as~ slsting hostesses. ' PubDc Service Stores a.,... Op.n 8:00 to 5:30p.m. ~y, s Inc. WILMETTE Zl Wilmette Wil. 311 SutHlay- 9 :30 a. m. Sunday School ·In all Its d e partmt'nts. There Is a place for· ~ v e ··yon e . :\l e n's Bible class under th e l <> a·l ~> rshlp of · Prof. \V. D . Scht·rml' rhorn . \Vomen's Bible class conduct ed b y Dr·. Daniel Stecker. These adult classes ha\'e a most Interesting program and most cordially Invite all those not enrolled to visit them . 11 a. m . :'llon1ing \Vorshlp. Dr. Stans e ll will give the third of his series of se ··mons on "Some lJtescapables ·In Life." This s e rmon Is entitled "You, Your :\Ioney and C hrist." Do not miss this l'ple nclill talk. ;; 11 . m . The Intennedlate League. 6 Jt, 111. EJ>worth League, Miss Rose Va.rlt· ~· I~< th e lead t> r . The subject Is, "Tlw Clll'istlan Citizens and Governm e nt." The r·efe 1·e nces will be found In Amos 5:24 and Proverbs H :34. Methodist Church Select Correct Appliances When you purchase appliances for your home be certain that the type is IUited to your needs. In the stores of Public Ser· vice Compa11y of Northern Dlinois you'll find the sales attendants know these appliances thoroughly. Theywillgtadly advise with you so that the appliances you purchase will be the .type and size best suited to your particular requirementa. DayDpt· Your IUtchea 30Day Free Trial SJUJWY white is this new kitchen fixturewhiteporcelainenamel on A mu:o niSt-resisting metal and white enrbo$Wl glassIDtlrt. Easy to sPotlessly ci«Jn. :Monch1~ · . 12 :30 p . m . Monday Lunch Club, at the Central Y. M. C. A., Room "A ," 1 :l l:louth La l:)alle Street. j' :30 11. m . Boy Scouts. ~ Jl. m . Official Roard meeting. 2 p. m . The \V. C. T. U. will meet at th e home of l\11'8. W . H. Noble, 1010 Oak a\'enue, 'Vtnnetka. Plans for the Jubllcl! con\'e ntlon , which will be held Owing to the ~resses to women In th e l[edinah teniJ>le, November Hall next wee k in the church the usual 1 !l, wIll be considered. cel ebration of the Holy Communion at Tu c sllay 4 p . m . Girl Scouts. Miss 10 o'clock on Thursday and Discussion Class foll o wing will be omitted next A.llelalrl e Jones will have charge of the group for Instruction In singing week. Seout. songs. The us ual great crowds· of children \V t·dtwf'day ' p. m. Mid-week service atknd t· d St. Augustine's Pariah House ~·t>s l t· rd ay at 3 and at 4:30 to see the of Jll'llYe··· unlq_u ~' educational picture depleting Thursda~· . All day sewing meeting Es ktm o life, "Nanook of the North" given to tl\ e children by Dr. and Mr~. of the Ladles Aid at the church. Miss llat·y Ann Taggaa·t will talk on the 13. )[. Conle y, 1113 Central avenue. Agard R~>st Home. The Second DlTh ,. Pi c ture to be shown the chll- ' ' islon will serve. 7 p. m. Junior Boy Scouts. dr" n. ne xt week ,Thursday, November 7 :40 Jl. m . !\!Iss Hawthorne' s class on 6; wrll be "Nineteen and Phyllis" wlth Primary C ha r·.l~·s Hay as star. This picture Is ~'ft~t~l." Ps~· chology of the IJ t O\' tt.!' d for the children by· !\h. ancl S p . m. Senior choir rehearsal ~1~·:: f ·. Kaumeyer, 601 Linden ave- '*" Special. 30-Day Offer A . Baptist Church _Thl" Francis Carr Stltler J"r. l\femorull "Glockenspiel," a new organ Slop, will be dedicated at the morning service at 11 o'clock with sermon by Dr. W. Edward Ratrety <m them·' "The Ministry of the Church to It~ children." See article elsewhere Bible school tor an ages at· 9 . 30 Grad ed lessons throughout. · ' English Lutheran Ur!"enl~>af and Seventh 'VIIIlam Guise, pastor· S c r·\·ic l"s for November 2: IIoJ~· Communion with preparatory twr·,·ll' l' at 11 o'clock. There will be a sh o rt message by the pastor. We tru~<t that all or our members will be PI'Nl<'llt. New members will be rect·l\' <'<1. Attachments FREE! With these attachments you can clean walla, furniture. drapee, pil· lows, cushions and hard·to-reach corners. Save your strength. m J~t~~~O: :~d3 ;~~~ermedlate m~~~~g=c~~o\~n0~ Charter Sunday Evening c lub at t·tonal church, 7 :30. B. Y . P . U. Bible !ll'hool at 9:45. Kec)> th e at- B. Y. P. c. ;~~~~~a}~~~ J\0 ~h~n aTI~~~~: Congre~a- g:::re;l ~:-.; &tra Otl'er-lnltallation free oo outlet now in ceilbaa of your kitchen. A free demoutratioa may be Juta in your home without obliption. st'IJOiar·s hav e been added to our prlmat·y departm e nt. Oklhi Camp Fir;:- \Ve dnesday aftel·Cathechetica.l class every Frida}· atnoo n at 3 :30. t c t· the school hour. Hallowe'en social tor childre n, young people and all Friday, Octob e r 31, at 7 P. :\L 7:30. An Int e r e sting program, gam es , )!id - w eek meeting, Wednesday at and refreshments are plann ecl for all N t I · i\1. at which the first of a serlel who come. ~ l ec ~ures on China will be given by The Missionary society will meet In · .rr. . I au I Hutchinson. editor of the t h n s tlan C e ntury. (See article else· the church next Thursday, November 6, at 2:30. Mrs. Bramkamp of Chiw1 lt- re. ) cago will make an address. Junio·· Camp Fir-;- Thursday at 3 :30. Congregational dinner for m e mbers and friends Wednesday, November 19. ('ho ral soci e ty, Thursday at 7:46. R e serve this date. \Volt Cubs, Thursday 1 t headquarters from 7-9. even ng a !Jrch estra practice, Wedn e sday a.t The Flnt Presbyterian churf'h, Th e November m~tlng of the Womstreet, an. 8 society will be held next Friday G··eenleaf avenue and Ninth Lun e heon w-Ill be served at 12·30 The w e lcomes you. w £·~~ e r Of the afternoon Is M~a.. Paul Sunday School, 9:30 A. :'IL t · hood, candlclate tor representative 1 e General Assembly of the State Church Service, 11 A. M. Intermediate C. E.. 4 P. :\1. w~nl s iature. The program of the day Senior C. E ., 5 :30 P . 1\f, e rnm ~r~t.along the lines of Good GovOur Annual Horvest Home celebraTh e Wilme tte B~tist church Is to- tion will begin with the Sunday mornat Wilmette and Forest av e nues Ing service. concluding with a dinner welcomes~ all to Its services. The and program Tuesday evening, ' No· rea 1or, Rev. F rancls C. Stifter, may be \' <'mber 4. lng~h ed at his study du·rlng the mornA special quartet has been engaged Ofll or by appointment. The church dal~~· In charge of Miss Badger, Is open for the Runday morning service: Empr'CKI! Tr·e wartha Pierson, soprano; trorn ~xcept Saturdays, !rom 9-5 and teleph ·12 . on Saturdays. The church gtht>l 1\f. Swindell. contralto; Clarke B. ShiJ>Il, tenor; Chester Lawrence, one rs Wilmette 2235. basil. See program elsewhere In this ii!SUt'. Bay Now Curling Irons ....... for bobbed hair, marcel waves and long curia, as low -322 Waffle lroDI Have a good cup Percolators low guickly. of coffee First Presbyterian Church L The Federal FJectric Washer Only$2~ Balance monthly with aenice atatement Tomo rrow n 1g h t the Junior choir The real celE-bration will be ·I n conWill h 11 Harvest u; 1+J,. 1· ~h tdh elr rehearsal at 7 o'clock, nection with the old time Homt> dinner at 6:30 Tuesday evening. e 1rectlon of Mr. Burtner. Complete arrangements have been ~~. a::rnd~y morning-Church school at mad~> to receive the election returns b}' l'IHIIO. T<~· v ~~lor congregation at 10:30. A n·t-y special attraction will be fn<l ia, · wn"7a~d L. Nottlng of Madu-ra, rn f·t ui n e the preacher at the th<> JH'esE>ntatlon of a Jiarry Lau~er :\'vt lin g service at 11 o'clock. Dr. pJ·ogram. together with other features, to whf comes from the same section by tlw noted Scotch comedian and imchur<'h c h Mr. and Mrs. Stotrer ot thill pi!I'SOnator, Mr. James C. Shepherd. gre ~lingwefnt last year and brings us It will be a g-reat night . The atIn India s rom them. His seven years t1 on a give him a fund of lntorma- tendance will probably tax the capac· SJJ·· ak ;. ~d he Is a most Interesting lty of our lar·g<' new dining room, so we 1mggest early reservation. 1. ·~ai\~onday, the E;.,st End circle, Mrs. will tnce t In r;:es~ienen, chairman, Rroughton e 92 :mAe of 1\lra. Charles are ur ed · Bhland avenue. A 1 for th! Ch~~d co~e at 10 o'clock to sew <'on served ren s Dress Sale. Lunchhostesses Mr at C 1 C o'clock. Assisting H . G. Wilbur~· · · Cameron and Mrs. 1 Congregational Church Newest Model. All metal construction. Double-walled tub and other features. Joyo.r wah;.,. S.W 70"r llrntJdt. fAt the PeJnt" Floor and Table Lamps Large variety of styles and sizes. Lamps make very acceptable gifts. See our display. J · ~et! Th<' S E> nlor ChriiJtian Endeavor will be led by !\lr. Paul Davidson. The topic for discussion will be "China." We ar~> all interested In that country just now and should, therefore, be present and take some part In the servict·. Time, 5:30 P. M. · meet meet meet etuc!y PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS JNO. S. REESMAN, Dlatnct ...... Ill Claarcla Street Uaiw. . . EVANSTON WiL 2111 - Bay Scouts, Troop No. 5, will l\fonclay at 7:30. Junior Scouts On Tuesday th -C e rescent Avenue cir· on Frida)· at 3:30. Mrs 8 Will hold a'n 1\lll Singleton, chairman, Junior Christian Endeavor wlll horne of Mrs F ·day meeting at the ave nue L · · E. Parry, 622 Maple "\Vednesda}' afternoon at 3:30. Mrs · uncheon served at 1 o'clock. The tntereet In our Midweek · S. R. Band, chairman committee;

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