Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Oct 1924, p. 18

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IX WILMETTE LIFE .. FRIDAY OCTOBER 31 1924 ' ut the cnunfn·. a well a s to Alas k a. = Hawaii. Poort·· :Ri~o. the. Philippines. and ~ I :oFFER TRAFFIC ESSAY CONTEST Children in Grade Schools May Participate '!llllllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiUIIIIUIIIKIIIQIMIUIIIIIHIIUUIIUIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiiiiUIIIHMIIIIHIIIUIII UHIIIIUIIII>IiiUrllllllllllllllllll~IHIIIIIIIMIIIIHIII--r-tlfllllllllllllllltiiiiii!JIIlllliiQIIM--.-::1 and funior \\" alth;r l § ~o.- 1 .-t 1 .-~o of St. John's w11l ~ H .ollow.-'t>n party at .th e chureh ~ ·, 1 ·· 1,,. thl· ~~· · · ning at 8 o clock, and § 1 Can childr~n ;,olw the traff1c proiJI~m? ~~ ~·, IIJ.-Illh..-1' Is l'~l'cted to be there. ~ Th · :-:,. 11 ; 01 · I<;' I\,. ·· '"' l~;::i~;;:~~~;;~~; II FURS # th~: Canal Znnc. Individual reque~t' ~ win pr .. mp!ly answered ii addres~~d ~ t" thl· Hi~:hwo.~.v Education board. \\ tl- . ~ '·c NOW IS . the t· 1me t 0 ha V e your· · J. · ..,..,u. In c"nm·ctinn with the iourth nati·1nal Th·· f':li'tnt· will contl u e a Sfori-s on ~ ... aiel\' ulucatiun:il campaign announced Th~ l:··f<)r lllatlon and its Blessings and E rL-t:(·l;tly by the Highway Educatiun \\il l ,.p.-ak r~t-xt Sunday o n "The Place § Work Done Promptly at Reaaonable 1h~ H . ' IIlli in the Sen·icfo." In par- ~ I· o:m I. .-\ maica 11 ..,chool child rt·n are to of tkul:u· th.- partidpation of the conlol· lo(in·n an "ppnrtunity !11 arhwer the n·xin!{ qunti·on that now engages the attl·ntiun .,f the hc-t engineering mind~ Tht- Lord';; Supper will be administ.-1·t-rl in th.- t 1 o'clock service next .. ; thc C'llllltry. .sun·h"· n1nrnillg. tht' confessional or Tlw ;uuHJIIIICt:rncnt nffer;, more than JH·.-paJ:atur.' ,. .. ,.,.it·e for communicants $fo,SOO in ca'>h r>rize ~ and m~:dal s to ele- b.-~o~itlill>: at tH:t.-·. the regular service lll('lltarv '>('h<><·l pupils and derm:ntary at 11 u'el<o,·k. All those wishmg to nr·· n·1.1uestt'd to make this ... chool 'tc:achers who submit the be~t e - l'UllllllUII.kil o\\ 11 teo th.- pastor on Satu-rday. ';"·" aud the hnt lessons in the 1924 of Fine St. J··ltll's .-~tt>n ds to all a cordial naii~Jnal ~s'>al· and national lr'>son con916 Chicago Ave. EVANSTON tc<h. Official<. of the hnarrl are not !Jl\·itation t o attend its services. "Jltimi-.tic enough to helie,·c. it is said, Established since 1908 that anv final ~olution will come from Not Too Soon to Get the e,.,;;y, hy children, hut it is belie1·ed 111111111111111111 Car Ready for Winter i.r uuuurrrrnrrrnruru!"n!'~"~'~"'~~·~"m"mnttnml··n·m·mn·lmlnlttnnn·m that a natiw1-wide consideration of the r ra ffic prr,f>lern \\·ill have a beneficial "It is not too soon for the foresighted effcct in reducin~>r the numher of acci- motori ~t to begin preparing for the cold <fenN and fatalitil·s on streeh ami high- da\·, t n come," warns a bulletin issued way.,. by. the mechanical first aid department of Th~ J,a,ic principle of th~ conte~t is the Chicago Motor club. to train childrl'n in careful conduct on "Tht- oi l in the crankcase, transmis... tr<~ch and highways and to impress sion and differential should be changed up· ·n them a sense of personal re~pon to a lighter grade than that which has 'ihi litl'. This contest is the fourth con- lx-cn u-t·d dnrinK the summer months; '~cuti\·e competition conducted under the the battery ~liuuld be inspected, and as ;,u~pice, of the hoard. approximately 1.- trouble i rom i rozen gas lines forms one 200,000 pupik an a\·erage of at lea,t oi th<' maj·lr winter motoring troubles, 400,000 annually, having participated in the ga' line, ,·acuum tank and gas tank th~ thrt·e pn.'Ccding contests. !>hould he thoroughly cleaned as the All J>upils of the ii fth, sixth, seventh slightc~t particle of water is likely to all!) eight grade~ are eligihlc to compete, freeze and hlock the spray jets of the wh<"th~r attending puhlic, pri\'atc or carhuretM. It is advisable to drain both parochial ~chook Four hundred and \·acuum ;md gas tank and to free the 1 il(hty-cight ch~ck' and as many medab screen in the carburetor and vacuum will he given for the best <.tate e~says, from <till' ,ediment. \\hilc three national prizes will be " It i- · alll'ays a mistake to race the <~warded for th~ three e'says chosen as mt~tnr too warm it up on a cold mornthe ht·~t 11f all tho,c to be written ing. lx:causc this method does not suethrough·mt the nation. The first nation- eel:<! in warming it up quickly, as the al wizt· i, a ){old watch and a trip to swiitly ren>lving fan only draws in cold \\'a.,hington, with all expense, paid. The air to cool the motor, and with every "I'Cond and third state prize.; are gold pan ooi thl' motor sl!jlken by the rac\\ ;llclw .; of rdativc \'a lues. ing. tht· chances of burning out a bearAll ,tate and national prizes in the ing hL·tau,e of the congealed condition JlllpiJ, cnnte't arc giwn by the Xational oi the oil are very good, Atrtomohile Chamhcr of Commerce. "The right way to start a motor in whid1 ha ~ incorporall:d in its safety pro- cold 1n:ather is to place a covering over gram a ,,lank calling for safety education the radiator, start the motor slowly and in th~: schools. In addition to the prizes run with retarded spark. The choke or ;uul m~dals for pupil-., this organization the primer, should be used to boost' the ··fit-rs to the teacher writing the best faltering efforts of the engine rather )lractical ~afcty lesson a check for $500 than the accelerator. The excessive use ancl a trip to Washington. As second and of the choke will result in crankcase third t>rizt·s checks for $300 and $200 dilution and for this reason the oil will be ~ivcn to the successful teachers. i>lwuld be changed more frequentlv in Pupils are n:1rucstt'<l to write essays ro11 tht· suhj<·ct "My Conduct on Streets a11d Highways," while teachers are invitl·d tu )lrcparc Jlractical lessons for uo.;t· in the class ruom. Essays are not Win Suburban Tournament to <'XCe1·d 500 words in length, while lesXt"w .Trier. High school won the golf SOJh hy tcachl:rs may vary between champ1onshrp of the Suburban league 1,000 and .1,000 words, according to .tile at the La Grange Country club course We Deliver incli11atil)n of the teacher. Saturday. New Trier finished the Each state is CIJtitlcd to one first prize, season with a total of 998 strokes. Seca gold medal and a check for $15, and ond place fell to Proviso, with its to on' second prize, a silver medal and score of 1,022, and closely following a check for $10. The number of third was Deerfield with 1,030. La Grange, prizes, bronze medals and c:hecke {or $5, Evanston and University Hiah t railed varies in proportion to the elementary in the order named. school enrollment. Low net honors for the season were The hoard anounces that the coopera- won hy Joe Palletti, captain of New tion of educator$. the women's clubs, Trier. Palletti traveled around the chambers of conunerce, civic organiza- ~tiff cour~e in the fine figures of 74. tions, automobile clubs and others, that has marked these contests in the pa t, :\fr. and Mrs. A. T. Merriman and is J>ledged for this year. Many com- their daughter, Janet, of Cleveland, munities, it is reported, add strictly lo- are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. M. cal prizes to the state and national Vernon of 339 Maple avenue for a few days. awards offered. Posters and folders containing detailed information concerning the contests \\ lo~ A R E F OR A 1.. . % VOTE. W IL ME'ri'E OPTI MI T CL11B . arc lx-ing ~cnt to all schools through- Adv. ~ I or REL NED ~~~J~RLig Price· _, L___________________________ H. A. ROPINSKI Manufacturer Furs Telephone 3722 Wall Paper Paints Linoleums .. Hangings Made To Window Shades Order And Accessories ~~: ·;:~:·::~"Golfers . I INTERIOR DECORA1.0 R PHONE 2491 Stern~r'sPaint store 1213 WILMETTE AVE. Cosmas Chats A Pumpkin Free Saturday with every cash sale of $3 or more Friday Just Now Is The Time to get a hig·h-grade a lutninutn roasting pan at t h e retnarkably low price of 98 cents. Not to be excell ed for roa ting- ch icken, t urkey. beef and latnh. Special ale a lso on kitchen cabinet s NO CHARGE FOR DELIVERY Apples, Northern Spies, per lb. . ... Sc Per Bushel ................ $2.25 Grapefruit, sweet, juicy, 4 for .... 25c Pears, larae bullet ......... _... 49c Grapes, Mala,ea, l1e. bakt. . ..... 61c Tokay, larae ~ .............. 69c Seecleaa, per lb. . ............... 19c Jumbo Basket, Concordia ....... 71c 5 lb. basket .................... 39c Grimes Golden, 3 lbs. . .......... 25c Cabbage, per lb. . ................ 3c Carrots, per bunch .............. 5c Kalamazoo Celery ........ 15 and 25c Beets, per bunch ................ 5c Beans, Green and Wax, lb. . .... 15c Cauliflower ............. 1Sc and up Spinach, per peck _.............. 29c Tomatoes, per lb. _............. 19c Cucumbers, each ............... tOe SPECIAL PRICES ON APPLES FOR APPLE WEEK John Millen 61 /l/t'· Hardware, Millen Htu It" 1211-ZI Wl.elte Ate. Muabrooma, Artichokes, E11 Plant, Asparagus At the loweat pouible prices for quality goods. ..... _ ...... SII0-3161 COSMAS BROTHERS Oppoaite the Villqe n.e.tre-WILME1TE Plaaae ...

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