Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Oct 1924, p. 20

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20 C. Westergren .... . ..... 131 Totals ............ ; o~ Vs. L l o;rd Hollh1t e r WILMETTE LI 209 902 126 7i0 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31 1924 Goodwin' · Bird League , Games 2 ................ 178 1\f. Thalman . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 .1. Schwall ( ' arttlaa l· Hess . ................... 1 ~2 C ook .................... 13:i \\'es t ................... 166 ~~~~ef·e·r" ::: : : ::::::::::: Totals m g~ 131 1 9 170 123 160 187 ~g Dr. and Mrs. 0. Earl Gelinek. ·~36 Greenleaf avenue. gave a hirthday _dn:t· ner Saturday evening. Octobe.r 2.:t. 111 honor of Mrs. H. Horton 0 1 R~'gers Park. -{)-- ....... " .... 730 754 Tht> \\'ilmctte chapta. Order t)i Ea~t ern Star will giw a bazaar. luncheon, dinner. a~1d dance at the "-oman's club, 7 :. Saturday, October 31. -{)-- M. ~lay M. Schaefgen . . . . . . . . . . . 74 .............. 100 M. Kalm es ..... : . . . .. . . 113 Totals ... . . .. ..... 548 Vs. " 'lolte O.w.,. JT ~>len L e iR ...... .. . .. .. 108 :\1 rR. I~t" wi R . . ........... 94 Mrs. Ambler .. .. ........ 120 Mi l'!. L e iR ............... 93 Marie Con ra < l ...· . . . .... 84 Total!'! ..... . ...... 499 ~hthUDifa l ~lll ----533 53 144 78 95 100 116 1 57 90 92 100 99 Social Happenings the Han·est Home dinner at the ~Ieth odist church Thur;;day en·nin!{. -{)-- ~Ir s. Jonathan Drake of Glen Ellyn are comin~ out to attend ~lr . and \V. J . Neill of La Fayette. Indiana. spe11t the week -end with hb s ister. Mrs. P. \\'. Fowler. 925 Linden a,·enue. -{)-- ------ j o,<·ph H . H orn ha~ returned to his home. 1044 Forest an:nue. aitcr a se ri ous illne~s at the Chicago ho~pital. -{)-- A. :\lay .......... . ...... 100 K. Kalnws ........ . . . .. 1lii E . SlmJJSOll . ........ . . .. 106 C. Br·aun .. . ....... . .. . . 137 H . Braun ............. . . 16i . . .......... 625 V11. B l ue Dlrd111 R Sch f' ln e r ............. 100 <: ~ I>urham . ... .. ...... . 1!5 .1. Hughes .............. 6 Mrs. Burk<'tt .. ... .... . . 100 L . Bell ..... ....... . . . .. 78 Total R ] immy Drickcr oi 1507 \\·a~ hington avetl\le, will entertain 12 oi hi s friends <J.t a Hallowe'en party thi s afternoon. -{)-- J;·coh Rmr Greiner. Jr.. is coming back from ).[ichigan today to remain until after election. -{)-- Totals . .......... . 431 ----- The Tuesda,· club met for luncheon and bridge th.is week at the home of Mrs. G. W . Kibby of 835 Lake a\'enue. --o-R.]. Muh·ey of 80U Oakwood a\·cnue is in California on a short business trip. -oM iss Florence J. Butz of 802 Lake ave11uc. is impro\'ing after a two week s' illness. \\ 1·: \\"JI , :Wfo:'I'T·~ CHARLES RINGER .\u·; FOH ·" 100 ·;. ' 'OTE. OPTHIHIT (' Ll1H , -Adv. RE-ELECT TotaiH ............ 519 O rlol r111 .M. Beinlick ..... ... . . ... 1li 1\lrs. We t' ks . . . . . . . . . . . . lOS G. Punch M. Schae f··r M . Schumet· Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !13 .... . . ... . .. 100 ... .... . .. . . 100 Charles Ringer Republican Candidate We have received a large stoc k of reb uilt machines. A ll standard ma kes. $37.SO and up A number of used Corona and Rem ington Portables$20.00 to $30.00 All mach ines purchased from us are guarant eed. Corona, Remi ngton and U nder\\'O.Od Agents. ........ . ... Gl VR. :Weadow l .ark· M . Schop e n ......... . ... 119 L. Schop e n . . . . . . . . . . . . . !IS K . Wagner ....... ...... 120 K. Schope n . . . . . . . . . . . . . !Ia G. Schope n . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Totals ............ :i23 - - - -- - 1 Member Board of Assessors T\\'enty- Fi,·e Years active real estate -experience. Eight years as assessor. BUSINESS LEAGUE BOWLING SCORES c;antt·~ l Ti:-; years of experience and the impartial way he hn:-; t·ond u cted this office fo r eight years wa r- 1 2 G!'org·' \Vh i t·· . . ...... . . I S8 M. I :mun ................ 225 H. MIIIE:r .... . ... ... .... 1~1 Cunningham ..... .. . . .. . 157 1'. Golbnck ..... . ...... . 167 . O ullnt f' U .. K . (', 147 153 16~ 174 163 162 139 154 01andlers ~ rount a.inS 9UC.I'Q · " rant::: your snpport at the coming election. TotalR ....... .. ... !H R - - - -- ~01 179 1!\4 E VAN S TON 789 Election, Tuesday, November 4th. VH. M~y .. r ( 'oa l aud \lat .. rhtl ( 'otoap aay Pettingt·r ............... 118 l:i!l llil LuRk .......... . . ........ 122 Moran .. ...·. . . ... ...... 152 r.arson .................. 192 Kusmt>rtz ............... 168 Totals .. .......... 7ii2 l"rlatlDC' Kt·dlo Leis . . ... . ... ....... .... 168 ·Herman MOll · ·· · · · · · . . . · . 209 Borre ....... . .. ......... 204 Gaither ................. 172 Udell ................... 158 18~ 146 153 172 155 143 179 181 809 214 35 YEARS EXPERIENCE without extra charge to you Rt!i tr,9 174 171 183 171 167 183 214 178 Total!! .. . ..... ... . !Ill Vs. S t n t .. Hank 8:i8 179 11>7 1112 18~ 956 168 147 150 166 166 797 W llm· Uf · Mills .................... 155 Budinger ................ 149 Llppen ..... ..... ...... . . t!tr. Wadsworth . .. ........... 205 0 . W . Schmidt .......... 247 A. J. WOODCOCK 193 Totals Fln~ t .... ........ 951 929 171 131 172 179 190 8~3 PH0 NE 13 0 4 WILMETTE Yam Yum! Pumpkin Pie!! Even better than mother used to make. D e l i c i .o u s l y fia vored pumpkin. Pie crust that melts in your mouth. The ver y fi r st taste wi ll tell it s wonderful .goodness. N atloa a l Haak Fi.,Jd .. . ..... ........ ... 218 Carlson ...... , ....·.. ... 155 Schwall . ... ...·....... . . t 59 Kuelzow ...... . ...... . .. 222 Hill ...........·..... .. .. 215 TotaiR ...... .. . ... 969 211 141 184 161 132 ------1 829 136 158 153 117 175 93 165 153 17 1 195 Phone Wilmette 2600-2601 721 MaiD Street Dannt.mark ............. 152 Ewens ...............·.. 125 Terry .................·. 174 .Johnson .. .. ... ... ..... . UO Randlev .... . ... . ....... 175 Totals Ta~· lor ll······rk Va. WILMm'E, ILL. Clore ....... . . .. . 76 6 739 c·-ll-ll_., ..c·r-8·1.. ... . ... .. ... . . 136 155 181 H7 177 195 777 135 151 150 145 127 .. .. .. .. .... .. .... 188 Boar·d ......... . ....... .. 165 McKinney . ...... ........ 133 Ot·wlg ................... Hit Totals . . .... .· ... . 773 Vs. k llalta-Nor4l I MOTORS SERVICE, Inc· I EVERYTHING FOR THE AUTOMOBILE 85;; 708 C . .Johnson ............. 132 136 130 135 176 160 155 129 235 160 166 45 H. Schu l ts .............. 132 R. Johnson ....... .... . 197 F. Meyer ................ 139 .Johnson .... .. .. ......... 155 Lights ~ow the days are shorter; many people find they must driye in the early dusk. Proper lights are essential. \\'e have- Totals ...... . . .... 735 737 8 al4l·r-C-el llrac Co····J' Cuel ........ .......... .. 145 150 A rna ..... . ....·... ...... 148 178 Schramm ................ 190 15a .Jo h n·on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 172 Sch ur ....... ..... ....... 194 159 Total~:~ The Dutch Oven When you get a good Thing Remember where you got it 139 167 169 193 174 Spot Li·hu ......· . .... 845 V!!. Bersch .·................ 126 .. ........ . .. .... 1;;4 Elsen brand ......... .. .. 1 t3 M cGrath .... . .......... . 125 G elaae .................. 128 .,.......... 814 11' ~3 842 153 130 Side L~bu Parkin&' L~bb A mbler 12k 16!i 114 143 129 Stop Lqhta in many style and prices. Totals ...·........ 646 Ill'·. . . . . . . . . .1'7 -----669 657 1!)3 Otto Stordeur Qua H aukner ........... 145 .......... 145 Ol.rl Hauknt>r ....·..... Ur> c. Udell ·........·.·.·.· 141 1 1 us 15a 191 Ul 151 161 151 J. C. SLOWN A. B. VAN DEUSEN 1129 Central Avenue Wilmette

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