MANY COLLEGES TAKE UP REALTY Profeaaion of Buyiq and Selliq Property Geta Place ~ Curriculum NOW A POPULAR STUDY Realty Boarda Cooperate with Schools How far the men whose busine ss it is to buy and sell skyscrapers, suburban tracts and farm lands have put together the knowledge which their business experience has given them and made from it a science of real estate is indicated in a summary Houaea, Additiona and which has just been made by the Ga · p · LIS· t National Association of Real Es tate ragea m ermlt board.~ . The summarv lists real Tht' w.:e-'.:'s building Jl<'rmits i~sued at estate educational coureses IIOW be- the Vvilmette Village hall show that two ing offered thro ughout the United new dwellings, three additions and six States. . garages are contemplated. In 125 cities co urses in real estate E. A. Ecklund leads the list with a practice are heing offered under the two-story dwell ing in Marston's resubauspices. of real estate boards affili- division, at a cost of $16,000 ; Gust Johna ted w1th th e Xational association, son will build a one-story dwelling at t~«; summary s hows. In 37 other 101 Sixteenth street for $6,000; 0. E. c!t1es '!lember boar~ s have under con- Fuchs, an addition, 607 Lake aven1.1e, sidera~10n the openmg of such courses $3,500; Thomas Dyer, an addition, 219 Jater m th~ year. Catalpa place, $700; Thomas Meyer, an Courses m rea_ l estate ~nd supple- addition, Meyer's subdivision; $200. !llentary courses 111 the allied subjects The permits issued for new garages 10 the fi e ld s of land economics, law include those to W. A. Tanner, 730 Linand finance ~ere OJ?ene~ . this fall in den avenue, $800; H . Boyajian, 1027 33 of the le~dl!lg Ulll\'ers1t1es and col- Main street $600 · \Villiam Schmidt lege~. Thas m.clud~s Columbia uni- 1628 Highl~nd a~enue, $500; Mrs: ;hrs':J·. the. Utuve~~·t ~ ?f Maryland, Amelia Ahegg, 321 Park avenue, $440 · C: n!vers1ty of \: tr~mt~, New York Victor B. Scott, 825 Forest avenue' umv~rstty, Bos.ton un!versaty, the Uni- $400 ; }. B. Denman, 352 Elmwood ave ~ vers!tY of. Inch_a1~a , ~orthwes tern uni - nuc, $300. verstty, ~he ,U nl\·ers tty of :\Iichigan. the. U':m·ersaty of Wi scon sin, the p ed" Real A Umvers1ty of Iowa, Georgia Institute r let ty ctivity of Technology, th e Universitv of After November 4 Ballot Neb~aska . th e Cniversitv of · Cali"There are many prospects but for'?la , .t he Univers ity of Southern comparatively few are buying," stated Mis s Harriet Hess of 1335 Gregory Cahforn1a . the Uni,·ersity of Detroit ofte of th e real estate brokers in Win- a venue spent last week-end visiting i ~ B?ff~lo u_niver sity, the Universitv of netka thi s week. "I've had ten differ- Mrs. Carl Wagner of Elmhurst. CtJ?Cmn:att, Syracuse uninrsity, Akron ent people looking at one house in = untv~rstty, . Te~ple universit y, Van- the past few days. They all said they derbtlt umvers1ty, Drake university were pleased with the building and M~rque.ttc university, Northeaster~ the location but they were only lookumver~tty, .Rollins college, \Vashing- ing around." !on u~tver~tty, and Southern :\IethodThat idea was brought out also by Jst umverstty. se,·era I Wilmette brokers. They all Treea-Shrub--.Perennials Less than two years ago there were think that this attitude of the prosnot a dozen cities in the United States pects is ~ue largely to the approachThis is the right time to w~er~ organize.d study in real estate mg electJon. When the election exprmctples and 111 practical real estate citement is over, the agents anticiplant and buy trees, shrubs meth<?ds. was being carried on, the pate considerable activity. Of course, ~ and perennials. Prices are assoctahon record s show. the real estate brokers say, the elecThe qu.estion, "How far is real tion result s will have a great deal i lower now than in the estate gomg ?" has an answer indi- of influence on the number of sales. spring. cated in the li st of work included in the two year course in realty man It 1$ J,Zanting time now. agement which has been inaugurated Northweatem Linka Send to-day for our Catalogue. this fall by the l n iYersity of :\fichNegotiatea Courae in 74 igan. Frank Goebel, professional at the The ~our~e is organized as part of ~ort_hwestern public golf course, play1487 AaiMJry Aveaue the unwerstty's new School of Busi- mg m a foursome la!t Saturday, estabness Administration. Three years of lished a new low score of 74 for the Hubbard Woods college work in the academic depart- course. Phone Winnetka 5445-J m~nt are required before a student Many professionals have playoo the will be . enrolled in the new course. course and 76 was low score up to last ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUUIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~ Completton of the course will give the Saturday. The present course is 6200 stud~n.t a '?laster's degree in business yards and par is 74. admmtstrataon as well as the regular Goebel's card read: B . A. degre e. Out- S 6 4 4 3 4 5 4 4-39 Together with specific courses in Par-S 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3-36 r~al estate the program includes alIn - 4 5 4 3 3 4 4 5 3-35 hed cou.rses in stati stics, accounting, Par- 4 5 4 4 4 -4 4 5 4-38 · foreca stmg, taxation, marketing T h e north branch of the Chicago is finance , tran sportation, and real cross ed fiv e time s, thu s making this estate law. There are elective studies also in course one o f the most inter esting on COf?tJ?Unit y y roblems, city planning, the north shore. b~t!d;ngs, m\·estments and public WOMAN IS DIRECTOR uttht1es. F or the first time in real estate his. In a~.s wer to the que stion "\Vhat is tory a woman has heen chosen to the 1t for? Northwestern uniYersity ha s a. statement indicating what educa- board o f directors of a state real estate ttonal leaders have come to see as the association. Mrs. Hazel M. Grant, of scope of real estate education. In an- Pasadena, has just been elected direcnouncing the opening this year of a tor-at-large of the California Real eomj)lete group of realty courses in E state association . lt· School of Commerce the university &tates: Ben Lyon's neck was so sore it was "The curriculum is des igned to give almo t blistered during the first few days wearing the high collared uniform an. u~derstanding of, first, the general prm.ctples equally applicable to all of the Foreign Legion in Gloria busmes~ ; second, the fundamental S~anson's new picture, "Wages of Except under the same conditions that other eco~omtc laws rettarding land and its Vtrtue." them out. occurs with fuel when you vanous uses; tlurd, the relationship of real estate development and neglect to remove the ashes. Burning out Grates promotton to community welfare· f<?urth,, approved practice and tech~ the of the opera.ton of your plant and is not a n19ue tn the field of real estate operation." in North"'estern university has opened both day and evening classes, and has also an eight weeks summer course in land economics. Its courses will our Service Man will explain tbia to you treat real estate license legislation contracts, preparation of papers fo~ closing transactions, cooperative apartment organization, property management, leasing appraisals and One or two small stores real estate finance. ~ WiiiDette 141 heated-Elm St. Winnetka' Columbia university is conducting east of tracks. ' K..u. 1 night classts in real estate through its university extension. The Real M~· Coal A llat.rial Co. ..·. ........·.. Piaoae 1733-1734 ~tate board of New York is cooperating. C.tral Material Co. . .....·........·.·.... U.P. S.; Wd. SS3 The Boston. Real Estate Exchange 711 El.. Skeet ia cooperating closely . with Boston university in the courae in --The ProWiaaetb lG fellion of Real Ettate" and ID real eatate law which the aniftrsit)' has been giving for two years. Six hundroo persons have taken the courses. The Baltimore Real Estate board co operates similarly with the University of Maryland, and the Detroit Real Estate board with the Univer sity of Detroit in a two year course which this year includes city planning, subdivision development, general brokerage and real estate publicity. The Madison Real Estate board is working closely with the University of Wisconsin in its new real estate work. The Chicago Real Estate board is adding a course in property management to the extensive work it is giving through the Chicago Y. M. C. A. College of Commerce. The San Francisco Realty board, with a class conducted in cooperation with the Univer sity of California, has an enrollment of 175. The University of Southern California , which is cooperating with the educational committee of the California Real Estate association, g.iving extension courses for local real es tate boards, has enrolled 800 students in such courses. The National Association of Real The .annual meeting and Estate boards is in receipt of a, letter govemmg board of the from M . R. Cohn, secretary of t~e dergarten. and Elementary Auctioneer's and Estate Agents' lnstt- be held tn t~e college, 2944 tute of the United Kingdom of Great boulevard, Ch·cago,, on Friday Britain and Ireland, one of the two November 7, at 6 ocloclc. Nine Month Period Exceec:la great British real esta~e orga~izations, In. addition to the annual 1'ttlort in regard to a recent mternattonal ex- Pres1dent Edna Dean Baker thert That of 1923 change of methods used in advancing be a short musical dress on, "Culture n a real estate interests. " I should like to congrat~te · ~o~ Course:· by ,Dr. George L. ~. Building activities throughout th e particularly upon your 'Code of EthiCS of Chicago s most poular Iecturen country during the first nine months which in my opinion is very sound,"· teachers. of the year were 6 per cent ahead of Mr. Cohn said. r;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::::::;;:::;;;;:::~ the corresponding period in 1923, ac cording to the national building sur vey of S. W. Straus and company. Oak Park Realty Band For September, the gain over the same Obtains Glowing Offer 1 month last year in building permits The Oak Park Real Estate board's and plans filed in the 305 leading cities and towns of the country covered by orchestra-realty men-may well blow its own hom, the National Association the survey, was 9 per cent. The total for the same nlne months' of Real Estate boards is informed. Its Just west of Wilmette period wa s $2.733,000,000 compared ability to bring out the jazz has won with $2,.568,000,000 las year. The east- it the offer of a contract on the big improvements ern and southern sections showed time vaudeville circuit. The band, howcreditable gains, while the central and ever, will stick to its real estate busi$28 to $38 per foot far western · states revealed slight ness, and when it blows will keep on ~"~ . blowing for the ol' home town. New York Breeka Record Among the lar({e cities, New York SHOW CHARLES RAY FILM made an outstandmg record during the "Nineteen and Phyllis" is the picture three-quarters of the year, the total to be shown at the Children's movies 1177 Wilmette Av-.e in plans filed for the period being in St. Augustine's Parish House on Oppoaite Village Hal $681,693,000 compared with $575,015,- Thursday afternoon , No,·ember 6. 000 last year, a gain of $106.678,000 or Charles Ray is the star in this film. nearly 20 per cent. Detroit, Philadel- The picture is provided by Mr. and Phone Wilmette 1751 phia , Boston , San Francisco, Milwau- Mrs . E . A. Kaumeyer of 601 Linden kee, Baltimore, Dallas, Denver, Provi- avenue. dence, Louisville and Rochester made rlllllllltiiiiiiiiiKIIIIIIIIHIIHntltiiiiUMIIJIIIIIIIIItiiiiiiiiRIIIIIIIUIIIIRAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~ gains worthy of notice. Every section of the country displayed increased activity in September as compared with the same month in 1923 although the gain in New York wa s nominal while Chicago displayed a $5,000,000 decline. Twenty-five leading cities gained about $12,000,000 over the same month last year and slightly more than ~ $5,000,000 over September, 1922. Other Cities Gaia Outstanding gains for the month were recorded in Detroit, Cleveland, B~ston, San Francisco, Washington, Order early tDhile assortment is complete. ~ Mtlwaukee, Indian.apolis, Cincinnati; Denver and Providence. i U. S. BUILDING SETS A RECORD Britiahera Laud U. S. Kinclerprten Coneat Realty "Code of ·Ethica" Directon ia Woodland Knoll ·r I HOLLAND BULBS I I I Sao 1 = I 1 Darwin Cottage, and Early Tulips, Hyacinths, Narcissi, Crocuses, etc., of exceptionally fine quality. '· ~- i ll)t Tam PEONIES I Best varieties in strong clumps. Plant Now I I P1.~n~~~~~~A~i1s Vigorous, Field-Grown plants. New and choice sorts. Phone Deerfield 241 I 1 .:_ _ I Pro John OstroWsky I FRANKEN BROTHERS, Deerfield, IU. ' Grates Cannot Be Burned Out by fuels will bum This any Winnetka Store For Rent is result fault any fuel. . ADd . . CALL LA WNDALB 7025 FOil SALE BY a....................................... .. .r.- " s... .......................................