Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Oct 1924, p. 23

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'ANT-ADS SAVE· 50 TO ·75· PER· .C ENT/ l1 HELP WAXTED-MALE 18 W ANTBD-HOUIEHOLD GOODS LOST AND roUI'fD roodland Knoll ~st of Wilmette mprovements = te W ANTED-MIICELLANBOVI NORTJI SHORE GOLF CLUB NOW WANTED-NURSE GIRL TO HELP forming will be glad to bear from take care of two small children and P. WEISS &: CO. reeponaible parties desiring- memdo some ltght 2nd floor work. Full WILMETTE JUNK DEALERS; BUY bershlp. Beautiful location; plan· time or go bome nights. Tel. Glenold clothes; papers, 50c per 100; are being made for one ot the ftneat coe 147. 12LTN5-1tc magaslnee, 70c per 100; metal. Tel. clubs along the North Shore 011 Wll. 6S6. l9LTNS-tfc ground very convenient to Nortbadline /nurtiona-Claeatftet &dverUeementa wm be accepted up ~to Wedno:aday U o'clock for W ANTE~MOTHER'S HELPER. GO western and North Sbore JllJectrtc. home nights. References. Tel. Wll- WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE within %5 miles of Chlcaco. Memthe WILMETTE LIFE or All tbree papere; Thurad~y 11 o'clock for the mette 733-WX before 10 a. m . buys and sella ruga, stoves. autoe, berehlp limited. This le a chance to WI)';NETKA TALK and Friday U o'clock for ·.toe GLENCOE · NEWS. Telephones: WILMETTE ltZ0-1111 or WINNIC' ..'KA 1000-1001. ______________ u_L_T_o-_1_t_P &~~:~~· anything useful. 1~~~N~t~~ ~! ~~:tn :~eb!ro~':s~r~:!r .fN~t~"tArO.~ 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WANTED-WRL FOR GENERAL ie==============~ »~ H~54~ housework and <'OOk: no washing; · FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES home nights. Tel. Winnetka C01'1TRACTOR8 Al'ID .IOBBBA8 HEAL ESTATE 1 RE.- \L ESTATE 1%LTN5-ltc FOR SAL.E-1922 FORD WITH SMALL lltltPs--.:.0 cents per lln<t In one paper. 20 centa per Une tn all three papers. lliiNIMVM CHARGB Me. Averace of ftve worde to tile tme. Nc> black face type uaed. Ratea for DlepJay type on application. Inclusive wboae ll&mee app-r In the telep~ne directory or regular aubacrtber.a to eltber WILMETTE LIFE. WINNETKA or GLE~COE NEWS. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS N oticel-cl. . .lfted &dvertlllemenu wtll be charced Olll7 to realdenta of the dlatrlct from Evanston to WANTED-YOUNG MAN TO HELP WANTED TO BUY-SECOND HAND LOST---$10 BILL IN POST 01IT1Cil furniture and other houeehold soode. or between P. 0. and JlcAlllater'a In paint shop on Saturdays. Call Hlgheat price paid tor same. Croat on Thura., Oct. Urd. Rewarcl. til 1155 Chatfteld Rd., Hubbard Woode. Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson · St., Greenwood Ave. Tel. Wll. 811-W. 11LN5-1tc ULI-ltc Evanston, Ill. Pbone 189. 18LTNU-tfo 1:.1 HELP WANTED-FEMALB PIDB801'fAL -----------------1 De for 845. 1----------------- 215 ;~~~:d:doxc:::lt~t;;ter ~:~ e~:~~-~~!~ cord. Urea; $195. P . J. O'Shea, Glenview Rd., Wilmette. Tel. Wll. 1591. IOLTN5-ltp Ti llS WEEK'S LIST po~ s ibly CHOICE VACANT IN WILMETTE ON ~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!~===!!!!!!I Lake Avenue, weat of 6th St. Large 13 HELP WANTED-MALE AND wooded lot 50x196; soutb frontage; FEMALE with garage. Price $160 per foot. MITCHELL BROS. 2546 W. Railroad 'A'Ve. Te). Evanston 961 1LTN6-ltc FOR SALE-TAILOR-MADE KELLOstone pebble-dash, new 5 rm. bungalow. All Interior appointments of latest design. Lot 50x150. All lmPl'Ovements. One block from C. &: N. W . station; 30 min. to loop. Price $7,500. Moderate down payment, balance some as rent. Address Wllmette Life, 363. 1LTN5-ltp contains wc!u~~ Ea~l;- ~.?~~~.?'~~~ of~~~~ ,.,.,ll !CCHING FOR YOU to $38 per foot \\'INNETKA :,, l·:nglish brick and stucco h..mc : 7 rooms, 2 baths, glazed an d he ·a ted sun porch; heated ga ra!-!c· attch. ~- E. location only 3 hlh. -. to sta. Good offer on your t~~rn tt·rms will be considered. Call l.incoln Ave., Winn. Jl4. GLENCOE 1----------------Wll met te. Wilmette Av-. aite Village JWl Wilmette 1751 FOR SALE-FRANKLIN TOURING for man .and wife. Man must be car with l!Ummer and ,.dnter top; competent chautreur and gardener; good condition; newly painted, U7!i. wife good cook. St~ady employment Tel. Glencoe Ul. :lOL5-ltc and good home to couple willing to·;===============:; work. Address Wilmette· Life, 834.1 13LTN2-tfc Used Cars Makes OPEN AIR SALES SITUATION WANTED-MALE l.t Cor. Sherman Ave. and Grove St. Wlllya-Knlght and Overland RELIABLE YOUNG MAN WANTS PODealers altlon as private chautreur; handy Evanston HO around house and yard. F. R. De ZOLTNU-ttc Groot, Elmwood and Ridge Aves., All QUALITY M:UfL~TE~~,fL BUILD and loan entlre cost of houee rea4;r for eprlng dellvery. Ea11y terme. Write today . Address Wilmette 158 Life Z5LTNi-ttc ' HARRIS BROS. PRESTO-UP GArages. North Shore Rep. Ralpb Watta, 1722 Greenwood Blvd., Evaneton. Tel. University 1707. Inapectlon Invited. Caah or terme. Information gladly turnlahed. zsLTNoo-ttc GABDBNING Cheap labor means cheap work, poorly done. Have your tree· and shrubbery trimmed by ell.perlenced men . Let me Inspect your trees and explaln our method. Robert ULTN5 -ltp I~::;:==:::::=:::::::::=::::=:::===~· FOR SALE-HUDSON TRG. CAR, just overhauled, good paint, new tires and top. Tel. Wlnn. U21. ZOLTN6-ltp FOR SALE-GOOD DODGE TOURING car. Cheap. Tel. Winnetka 2268. 20LTN5-ltc FQR SALE- 1923 CHEVROLET SEDAN In good condition. Cheap. Tel. Winnetka 2268. 20LTN5-1tc I-:-~--~-------~--------FOR SALE-VERY CHEAP. MAXwell sedan. Tel. Winnetka 2171 . ZOLTN5-ttc I e!!~~~~~~~~~~~~= :n FOR s..u.E-MiscELLA.l'IBovs Homes for Sale and Rent 1126 Central Avenue Tel. Wilmette 2843 1L5-ltc G. Bolinger For All Occasions Tel. Wll. 3036 HLTN4-tfp Tree Expert We also do surgical work, spraying, ferttllzlng, planting. Let us rearrange your ·hrubber)' tor better etrecte. 1230 Wilmette Avenue Phone Wll. 3161 26LN4-tfc ULBS w. Tulips, ses, etc., complete. Sacri lice sale of 7 rooms, 2 hath, . g J,aed and htd. sun porch. \\'o01kd lot 107 x 217 to ravine. r~a , onable offer considered. <~t 352 Park Ave. Glencoe E. E . BIGELOW FOR SALE-196 FT. VACANT IN Winnetka, suitable tor three bousea; east aide, convenient to tranaporta- RELIABLE MAN WOULD LIKE TO tlon. Owners want property lm'take care of a few more furnaces; proved and will sell entire piece at any kind of day work. Tel. Kenll$65 per toot. Phone Winnetka 1609. worth 2763 . HLTN5-ltc 1LTN5-ttp I!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FO_R_s_AL~E:-~-o-R_R_E_N_T ___ 5_A_N_D_6 ___ R_M-. 13 siTUATioN wANTED-FEMALE ';;:::=======================; Get Our Estimate on !l[GHLAND PARK IOIJ:d30-wooded lot on DeTamhlc Ave. with all improveJJ Jt' Jib in and oaid for. Will di$75.00 per ft. $10.00 per it. unrler prices already obtained. C dl a t 382 Central Ave. HighLuu l Park 268. DEERFIELD f ', ·r quick sale $6500 will buy umps. LS IRIS plants. bungalow, located J bJ,·cks from Deerfield Station, on a lot 150x24l. Large 30 ft. glazed and screened porch. Only 2 years old. Off. Deerfield Ave. Deerfield 270. a ,::; room ro:ses; ~~w; big lowocJooe to -~~a01so, SITUATION WANTED - ,. I D D .L E FOR SALE-RADIO; SUPER-HETERPlanting of Shrubs, Trees and a e, go co usee; ' to ' · .,. od~·ne ot exceptional excellence. Evergreens aged, white. Protestant woman Guaranteed coast to coast reception Grading, Pruning of Trees Green Bay Rd. Tel. Highland Park ::~tt:: l~::!~e:A slt~:tl~~rr!~a~l~~ rvfln bih:le ~hlcago 8 ~taltl~ns ar~ SCHUL1\-1AN BROS. 8 898 ·Y· 3· 1LTNU-tfc good plain cook. Tel. Wll. 2110. and ~heap~~ ~hua n°areg~~=~ co:O: Tel. Wilmette 2842 15 GREATEST BARGAIN IN WILLS-ltc mercia! models. Tel. 'VII. 461. 26LT6-ltp mette. Bungalow at $7.500. part WANTED-WASHINGS TO TAKE ·-------------2-1L_T_N_5_-_l_tc. I~;;;;;;;;;;~;;;~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;; cash. Large lot. Call 1332 Forest home; finished work and rough dry;,. I' Ave., Wilmette. 1LTN5-ltc also wet wash. Will call for and F~'ih::fn~~~~~Y!ncks~~:~~ wt.~f: :n HOUSEHOLD SERVICE deliver. US Prairie Ave. re!Nl'i~l. old silver tea services' elec. perco- ANTIQUE FURNITURE REPAIRING FOR SALE-10 ACRES, COR. WIN15 1351. T - c lators: chafing dish: rugs, chairs, and refinishing. Upholstery. Katnetka and .Kots Road; very fine, wooded6 Tel. Wll. 3041 1LTN%-tfc SITUATION WANTED_ ELDERLY tables: folding card table: reed terntreaae!l renewed. Cabinet work. woman wishes situation as companery: J·eed lamJ> : cut glaas. Call Fred Nltto, 1Z38 Central Ave., WlJBUY 5 :ACRES IN SUNSET RIDGE lon or housekeeper for elderly or 1332 Forest Ave., Wilmette. mette. Tel. Wll. 2UO. %7LI-tft: estates OIJ. Kot:l Road. Tel. w.n. !041. I·F-'_O_R __ S_A_L_E ___O_N_E __E_V_E_N_I2-Nl_LG_T,_N_50--Nl_tEc EXPERT HOUSE CLEANING: WIN· · lLTN%-ttc · clow washing: 1\oor wa.xlng; furnlFOR SALE-!80 ACRES NEAR LAKE DRESSMAKIN6 IN HOMES AT $3 .50 street and 4 afternoon dreaeea, wlnture polishing; odd palnttng and cal3 Foreat on state road; ftne for aubJ dlvlelon. Tel. Wil. SOU. lLTN%-tfc per day. Miss Mattingly, 1414 Chi- ~~~e~~a~o:rd ~!Xe, v~!:, !~e~!~~~ cimlnlug jobs. Tel. Wlni'iL'~::~tfc cago Ave., Evanston. Tel. Unt'6'i.}_S1~~ ~:~~·!te;~.: ~~dln~~:r~~~tt. I¥elf~ ~~fl f~===!!!'!'!!!!'!'!P!!!!f!!!!A!!!!N=o=T!!!!l1!!!!1'f=IN=G!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~ ~~~ontt;'tt 1 ~~r ;i~~e ~30bl~c~; ,.,?e;t"e:r t:r 't T~t~i~~~f~~>li7o6~est of15rL~~s~{t~ Giilllb<e1r1t ~l.t i n l[J)o SITUATION WANTED- COOKING, mette 2888. 21LTG-ltc 1~--:-~~---:--------------downstairs work or general hou-eeEXPERT PIANO TUNING; REPAIRwork. Tel. Winnetka 717. FOR SALE-THOROUGHBRED, 1\lALE, lng; old pianos made new. L. W. SIX ROOM BRICK RESIDENCE, MOD16LTN5-ltc wblte Ruattlan wolf hound; 15 moe. Foster. Tel. Wlnn. 509-J. ernF,Ivjeu-etr c ommpblertlcekd, bhu. wg.alhoewa,t,m$ 1dOO_t;:================; old, 33 ln. high, 6 ft., 4 ln. from tip 28LTNU-tfc 00 1 of nose to end of tall. Can be aeen I ~=========~=~~!!!!!!!!!i!!!i!i 11 0 ern, h. w . heat; 2-car garage, $76 FOR XMAS at 6602 Parnell Ave., Chicago. Four room apartment........ $30 Place orders now for ft·ult cakes 21LTN5-ltp FQR RENT 28 ~ (Q)Ihn~CID Iril ~ lffiIfCOlo 909 Ridge Ave., Wilmette ~~8v~~;.m c!.'k~~~~fs at~0 ~1;dharl:ik:d to order on 24 hours notice. Former Tel. 364 2LTN5-ltc Tel. Wlnn. 1338 FOR SALE-LARGE CHEST OF OLD NOTED JOURNAUSTS Exclusi\'ct Agents prop~~~~ ~~~crA cjMn~:8~ 1073~ ~~~~s; a~~re f:~:1~e ~l~ A::::r~ L~~d Deer!iel~ IU. Office 110 S. Dearborn St. Randolph 0112 lLTNS-ltc FOR RENT-WINNETKA. SEVEN room house with oil burner; tor wln- Gage st. 15LTN6-9tc Indian relics; collection ot old Gt-rman atelne. Call 1332 Forest Ave., Wilmette. 21LTN6-ltc TO ADDRESS MEDIL Every phase of newspaper work, ~'in::!,~~~hs~li1~t reduced PftTN6~1~~ II'OR REl'fT-APARTMEl'IT8 ====::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=::::::::::::::.1 FOR RENT-FIVE ROOM FLAT. 2ND floor, on Park Place, North Evanston. Brick duplex. Unheated, h. w. ~ORTH SUBURBAN system. Four blocks to steam. Immediate posseseion. $65 per month. ~. E. WIN~ETKA MITCHELL BROS. "Pl t! ndld 6-rm. tapestry brick hse. 2546 W. Railroad Ave. " " 7;; ft. lot; tile bath; lge. rms. Tel. Evanston 961 ·;.,o,\ buy at $20,000. 3L5-ltc KENILWORTH Eight rm. clapboard, Colonial ~tr l··. practically new; 3 bathe; very 1.: .. llv. rm. ; Colonial design thruont. \Vell landscaped lot, 100x170. ~-q r garage. $35,000. VACANT-WINNETKA :'\'. W. 100x225, heavily wooded, FOR RENT-625-ll'l'H ST. 4-ROOM ,:·11 P~t· ft. apartment; steam heat; ln-a-dor "· E .100x200, beach rights, woodbed In dlnlng room. Janitor service. to!. ~<Plen .value, $15,000. Tel. Wilmette 2399. 3LTN2-tfc SITUATION WANTED- LAUNDRY \' ACANT-I~DIAN HILL work on Thursdays and Fridays. Tel. s . E . 103x105. Price Includes two FOR RENT-FOUR RM. APT. FURN. 'Glencoe 616. 15LTN6-ltc " a'· drive, $100 per ft. or unfurn.; atove heat. Garage If :-;, W . 60xl90. Two blks. trom MAKE SWITCHES desired. 716 Ridge Ave., near Wash- WANTED-TO and putts trom cut hair and combl ot ·llan Hill sta. $80 per ft. Ington, Wilmette. 3LT5-ltp lnga. Tel. Wlnn. 1306. 15LTN5-ltc FOR RENT-SIX RM,. STEAM HEATed apt. G. F. Gonsalves. Tel. Win- 17' FOB IAL&-ROVSEHOLD GOODS netka 62. 3LTN5-ltc Oak St. at R. R. and just west of Indian Hlll station FOR RENT-APARTMENTS AND OF- FOR SALE-FUMED OAK 54-IN. DINlng room table. small butret, six Winnetka 1226 and 1800 flee rooms. G. F. Gonsalves. Tel. chairs: mah. living room table; sew1LTN5-ltc Winnetka 6Z. 3LTN43-tfc lng machine; oil burner; 2 card tables; wicker chair; oak hall chair; II'OR RENT-ROOMS dining room center light wltb alx tltrany glaaa shades. Other houaeFOR RENT- ROOM ADJOINING hold goods: all ver~· reas. Call WI!. ll ~:l:t: IS THE BES~ BUY IN WILbath; board · optional; In modern 612 or 477 before 9 a. m. Saturday. east side home. No other roomers. 111' ~··· An unusually high grade, 17L6-ltc Garage on premises. Beet references " · " built stucco hou-ae with 7 lge., ""' ht, airy rooms; gJaaed alp. porch; necessary. Tel. Highland Park 16 U. I i!Fi;;!O~R~;; ;;;;A~L~E~-=w~ · A;;;;L~NiiU~T=-";;D~I~NiilriN~GiiF;wiRi;M~. 8 4LTN 5 -1tp ""' ~!: .- open screened porch; water set: 78 ln. butret, 45 ln. server, 60 ln. lo;· .tt. Beau. landscaped lot In one of 1 11 table and six chairs upholstered in beat east sections; abundant FOR RENT-ROOM IN DESIRABLE location, east ot tracks and near eamele hair. Thill set never used; " hrubs and several ftne trees· conv. 0 1 t·~ "$L·· and steam. Exceptlonai value transportation. Tt>l. Wlnn:ik.fNf!tt~ ~~~ Tel~PV~~~e~~·9 !~<;."~: :'. 18,500. 806 Oakwood Ave., or lnga or atter 6:00 P. M. I '" l. Wilmette 2066. 1LTN5-ltc 17LTN33-ltc FOR RENT-PLEASANT J·'URN. RMS. r ANTE T All conveniences. Gentleman. One \\ £'"'D 0 BUY block from C. &: N. W. station. 629 FOR SALE-FULL AND % SIZE 23 KEXIL\VORTH VACANT Park Ave. Tel. wumette !£5-ttc ~~::·: ~f~f~fcte;..,~:h'~:. ~~~ao:!'b~!~ [ HA\'E PLANS FOR A $%5,000 HOUSEl-------------~:-:-::-::-:::Tel. Wilmette 910-l\1. 17LTN5-ltp ~!ltl _ want a lot on the east aide of FOR RENT-VERY DESIRABLE RM. FOR SALE-ARTISTIC OLD ENGLISH n.,.nalworth, not over 75 feet of In private house. Nominal price to frontage . 'VIll not pay over $1lO 00 congenial person. Write particulars oak china cabinet Rl! good ae new. Pt! r foot, all cash. Address Wilto Wilmette Lite. 355. 4LTN5-ltc Call 1115 Elmwood Ave., Wilmette. 111 tte Life, ·. lLT 5 -ltc Tel. Wll. 956-R. 17LTN5-1tp 35 .. EAS FRONT FOR RENT-LARGE PL " FOR SALE-EARLY ENGLISH DIN15 \\ 'innetka's Rest Bargain room. Convenient Ttf r.969 ~) lng room turn.; tablt>, chain and ::-JER LEAVING VILLAGE MUST Washington Ave. e. . 41.5:1t~ serving table. Reaa. Tel. Wll. 1484. s h.. n cozy 6-rm. frame and shin«le 17LTN5-ltc ouse In S E WI k g 1 dld CENTRAL HOTEL-LIGHT. OUTSIDE <'<>nd L · · nnet a. Pen rooms · , for transients and residents. FOR SALE-KERMANSHAW RUG 11 . · ot 41xl87; large trees: 111180 xl7 In pastel and meda.lllon deelgn. ~~f garage. A enap at $14,000. Call 6%9 Main St. Tel. Wll. 4LT4-tfc Tel. Edgt>water 1100. 17LTN5-ltp nnetka UU now. 1LTNi-1tc OUR CHRYSANTHEMUMS ARE NOW with all the thrills, and a cold dash, Pompoma and large ftowers In too, of the deadly routine (which star E~:ok, ~?~e~E£nne~ 0~~Niunc~?c?r?a ln. all colors. Edwards, Ftorlet. 917 reporters detest) will be covered durWillow St., Winnetka. Tel. Wlnn. to cook and serve. Tel. Glencoe 1015. 885. 21LT5-3tc ing the college year in the remain16LTN5-ltc ing open-house lectures, each ThursFOR SALE-THREE GAITED SAD- day evening, of the MediiJ School of WHITE WOMAN WISHES COOKING dle horse; bay, gelding, 16 ~ hands Journalism of Northwestern univerand serving. Will care for children high, ftne manners. Woman can or do cleaning. Tel. Wilmette 3129. !'ide or drive. Tel. University 635. sity. The schedule of addresses haa 15LT6-ltp 21LTN5-1tc just been completed up to the latter SITUATION WANTED BY NURSERY part of January, 1925, and the first governess: French, needlework, feature on the new program will be trained nu·rse. Write Wilmette Life a talk by Edgar T. Cutter, superin369. 15LTN5-ltp [ ,JE o§ttunllb~(8!illityCCIDc ~Nll1LME liTE FOR SALE-CHANDLER AND PRICE Printing Preas, 8x1J, with motor, $150; excellent condition; also type cases, racks, etc. Tel. Glencoe 214. 21LTN5-1to · FOR SALE-SECOND HAND LUMBER ~t::'of:" A~~ .·w-:;.~t:;:t-::._otor Co., ULTN5-1tc :r: · 1----------------FOR SALE-SEVER A L LARGE aquariums suitable tor tropical ftsh. Fish given with II&Ch aquarium. no Firth St., Wilmette. UL3-3tc FOR SALE-MAH., HAND CARVED, special console victrola. Beautiful model. Bargain. Tel. KenlJ. 3181. ULT5-1tp FOR SALE-GOOD WINTER COAT with fur collar, I dreseee, alae 44. Tel. Kenilworth -598. %1LTN5-1tc FOR SALE- ANTIQUES, CHINA, pewter, glass, some new linens. Tel. Glencoe 6!6. 21LTN5-ltp FOR SALE- THREE FINE OIL paintings. Apt. L 2, Linden Crest Apta., 610 Fltth St., Wilmette. ULTN5-ltc f:rgeslt:. tendent of the central division of the Associated Press upon "The Associated Press-How It Functions." Other speakers and their topics follow: Nov. 6-Bob Becker. ~itor, Woods and Waters column, Chicago Tribune, "Writing for the Outdoor Fan." Nov. l~Cecil Roberts, editor Nottingham Journal, Nottingham, England, "Changing Europe." Nov. 20-William L. Stidgor, pastor, St. Mark's church, Detroit, Mtch., "Popularizing the Church." Dec. 4-Lewis G. Caldwell, lawer, of McCormick, Kirkland, Patterson and Fleming, "Lihel-and How to Avoid It." Dec. 11-Martha McEIIiott, copyreader, Chicago Tribune, "My Job as the Only Woman Copyreader." Dec. 18-Wilbur D. Nesbit, William H. Rankin Advertising company, "This Business of Adverti ing." Jan. 8-To be announced. Jan. 15-Harvey T. Woodruff, ~itor, "In the Wake of the News," Chicago Tribune, "Writing for the Sportin~ Page." Jan. 22-John Dickinson Sherman. Western r\ewspaper Union, "Reminiscences of Newspaper Days in Chica~o." FOR SAJ,E-NUTRIA COAT AllJTThe schedule of lecturt~ for the able for schoolgirl. $50. Tel. Wilmette %007. ULTN5-ltc seconrt seme ter will be announced later in the year. ;·II LOST Al'fD FOt'!'I'D :U ------------------::'::" .AMERICANS LIKE IT HOT LOST-GOLD l . INK, DIAMOND AND sapphire bra<'elet on the North Fifteen !lallons of hot water is the ShorP electric between Wilmette averagt' daily comumption of Aanerand Evanston. Reward. Tel. Wllmette 3030. 24LTN6-ltc icans according to fi~ures compiled LOST-BHRINER·s EMBLEM, ABOUT Americans are the mo ·t-bathed peo1,1a Inch diameter, with diamond. About Oct. Zlat. A. L. Adame. Tel. ple in the- world, nceopting the Ja, Winnetka I. ULTNi-lio pane e, it i claimed. by the American Ga association.

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