Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Oct 1924, p. 24

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24 WILMETTE FRIDAY OCTOBER 31 1924 motorists in Illinois and Indiana. Untioo has he ever championed in all the Some schools, it is said, questionably many a yaluabl~ sugges- the contest part of the· ..:; years he has been in the United States tion will come to ltght wtth these senate? lum. Physics and EngJift4 disclosures. Is it his railroad valuation bill which that the contest can be c:oor.tio.....~ "~me of the yo~nger members, these subjects. ----. he now repudiates? however may surprise the old-timers In an effort to stimulate interest in for the;e are motorists today who, Is it the seaman's act, which has forcWilmette and vicinity has ed American seamen into foreign boats safer driving the Chicago Motor club in the course of their business, travel number of contestants re.i~ --....., l The Chicago Evening Post recently if they desire to pursue their chosen. vo- announces that it is requesting its thousands of miles annually. Their explained. received from one of its readers, E. R cation and which has largely drtven members to file at local headquarters records may be even more significent AU contest~nts .have the 'lS,lMIQ a record of the number of miles they Hart, a set of questions addressed to American shipping off the high seas? owing to the fact .that _intensive ~r~v Home as thetr atm and that Senator La ·Follette. They are fair Is it the Rowell-Barkley bill which have driven without a serious ac- ing places the dnver m all vanettes the scholarships, radio sets questions, based apon his ,declared opin- proposes to deny the public all repre- cident or collision. other prizes for which ~ of predicaments." Many other motor clubs affiliated ions and public record, but sharply point· sentation in railroad labor disputes ? ar.e eligible. to compete bat ~o...L:: The results of the investigation will ed to penetrate the fallacies and weak \Vhen he returned from his sojourn with the American Automobile as- be revealed just as soon as the rec- sttmulate th1s unusual interest,.,.... spots in his position. Intelligent inter- ar Atlantic Ctiy, where he went to sociation are adopting this plan as a ords have been filed, according to Due to the fact that the rogation is frequently the most effective recuperate from a siege of itlness, he means of encouraging the average contestants who have registered~ method of getting under the surface and immediately forced the Howeli-Bark- driver to be proud of his safe driving present plans. ceeded the estimated number discovering what measure of sound ley bill out of committee, but what did record and to make every effort to lay has bee!l e;xperienced thinking and true patriotism is covered he do or suggest by way of legislation increase it. Many Reciatranta in the Home Ltghtmg primers. A by oratory. The method is here applied for the relief of agriculture? According to Charles M . Hayes, supply has now been rfeei'ftld with disastrous results upon the claims Better Homes Contest contestants If he is sincere in his proposal to re- president of the club, there are a will be suppiled. Tbt of the Wisconsin senator to th~ confi- duce freight rates, why does he confine number of members of the local club The number of pupils now entered for closing time has been extended to dence of the people : with enviable records. Such records, his attacks against the railroads to the Better Home Lighting contest is ap- vember 15 to give the contestants If Mr. La Follette were President and return on capital, when he knows that he says, should be given publicity as proximately eighty percent of the total ceiving their primers late a ~ should succeed in destroying the courts by wiping out all capital and allow.in_g a means of impressing upon the av- eligible to register for the contest. finish in plenty of time. as interpreters of the constitution, what .nothing for interest on bonds or ~tvt erage driver the fact that, with cauwould be put in their place? dends on stock it would not affect fretght tion and a full understanding of one's responsibilities when at the wheel. a If he should abolish the tariff on and passe nger rates as much as 15 per driver can avoid trouble. sugar, how, by the same token, could centum? "We anticipate. some surprises in And doesn't he know that such a policy he avoid the same policy as to the dairy would destroy all the credit of our rail- the way of mileage record," Mr. industry of his own state? Hayes says, "because the club naturIn his own state he has created 123 roads, stop their ability to develop their ally numbers among its membership boards and commissions, · with corps of efficiency, and thus force government the oldest and most conscientious of inspectors, regulators and investigators, ownership? And is this an honest way of carrythus creating a political machine that is unbeatable. Would he resist the tempta- iug out his government ownership plank? If in the late war he was not distion to do likewise in our national afloyal. then at least is it not a fair quesfairs? tion to ask what he did to help? And what would be the result if he Has he been in favor of a soldiers' added to the present army of federal bonus? If so, why was it never urged employes almost 2.000.000 railway emAccessories ployes under his plan of government hy him in his own state, when the neighLadiea ', Men '· and Children '· Furni1hinga boring states were paying adjusted comowncr~hip? pensation to the men who served their If he is in good i aith about "spe- couutry? Hood, General, Carter'· Knit Underwear cial interests," why does he champion \\That word of encouragement or acts the cause of the sugar refining monoply of assistance did he offer for the Red Goodyear . immediate!>· following campaign contri- Cross, the Salvation army, the Y. l\L Shoea That Wear butions from Mr. Spreckles, the milion- C. A. or the welfare bureaus while our aire sugar refining magnate, as reported ooys were in camps here or dying · on Three Stores 5n the Literary Digest, Sept. 6? the battlefields of France? 1f he i . loyal to the American farmWas this the way Roosevelt acted? er, why has he blacklisted every conTeddy asked leave to go and fight. gressman who did not vote for the How- Where was Boh and what was he say723 Oak St., Winnetka ISIS eii-Barkley bill-no matter how loyal ing or doing to help? 1125-1127 Central Avenue Phone Wilmette 1914 such congressman may have been to the Whether the war was right or wrong, 121 Main St., Wilmette 3243 farming interests? was any man in the high office of a Ridae and Wilmette Ana., WE DELIVER If he believes in the primary, why Cnitcd States senator justified in obWilmette ZIO does he stay out and then accept a nom structing, or even refusing to help, while ination dictated only by the railroad brotherhoods? their lives at command of their counofthe our youth were giving up ti.e Rower try? If he belie,·es in a reduction of freight The President and congress had derates for farmers, why is he at the same time pretending to favor an increase in cided on war; was any citizen thereafter justified in trying to obstruct vicwages of railway employes? tory? If he believes in the rule of the peoAnd if Mr. La Follette now is placed ple, why is he proposing to delegate to in the highest office in the gift of our congress the power to amend the conpeople, won't all those of kindred spirit stitution,-a power which is now lodged who did obstruct come into their own? exclusively with the people? Won't they be vindicated? If he believes in helping the west in Do Mr. La Follette's German supportnational politics, why is he asking the ers of Wisconsin-especially those who western states to give up their present claim to be loyal American citizensadvantage through the electoral college want this? and thereby transfer the balance of powIf Mr. La Follette is President, will er to the densely populated region pf the he not be surrounded by and listen to east? (Election of President by direct tht; counsel of all elements of disloyalty? vote.) Wtll he not be under obligations to and If he believes in common honesty, why seek advice from all elements of radicaldoes he propose to scrap h1s own rail- ism? How does it happen that for the first road valuation law. upon which investors have relied in good faith for more than time in our history all such elements are ten years? agreed on their candidate? Have they If he believes in the rule of the ma- reason for such consensus of opinion? Who will fill our federal offices? jority, why did he attempt to either obWho will be the advisers? struct or dictate all legislation in the re-E. R. HART. cent congress by means of his own vote and his eleven congressmen from Wisconsin? D: 1 - n-...,_ If he believes in the rule of the peoIUl ~ pte, why is he trying to throw this election into congress where a small minority bloc may dictate the choice of our next President? · And why did he refuse to submit his candidacy to the nation-wide primary of -with apologil's to Briggs. the party of which he has claimed to be a member during his entire political career? Utility Coup6 If at heart he is against the communists, why did he not raise his voice The most enthusiastic owner m the world is the driver of a against their activities until he decided CHRYSLER SIX. to run for President? And why did he encourage disloyalty during the war? We can trace at least THREE SALES to every CHRYSLER If he is in favor of the liberty and OWNER. freedom of all the people, why did he support a legislative bill in Wisconsin to abolish parochial schools? (See his Ask the owner in your block to tell you about its SUPERLArecord when he supported Hoard for governor.) TIVE PERFORMANCE-its EASE OF RIDIXC',-its ECO~ If he is a Progressive, why did he fight against President Roosevelt? OMY and how EASILY IT AIANEUVERS IN TRAFFIC. If he 1s in favor of world peace and the revival of Europe, why does he proWELLS. WE.SCOT INC. Or better still, phone us to send a car for you to drive and pose to scrap the only practical solution prove it to yourself. acceptable to Germany, France, England IllS Claicaao AYe. Plao. . 1151-la? and Belgium, and thus throw the whole European problem back into a state of chaos? \Vhat particular constructive legisla- Eua1 toa Peoria Ask La Follette A Few Questions CLUB COMPILES RECORD OF SAFE CAR DRIVING :;::::::::::::; .----::: VOL.~ CAL 01 mons (J g; TAYLOR'S "The Satisfactory Store" CONVERSE RUBBER FOOTWEAR Gasoline and Oils Tires, Tubes, BRAUN BROTHERS rrf-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~==:=~~~~==~~~~ l'irst Aid THERE IS AT LEAST ONE IN EVERY BLOCK 2-Pass. '640 - co.. I OVERCOATS ~-1--------~ Valuable Wraps and Overcoats res_tored to their original color, cleanlmess and condition by skilled labor. Efficient processes and sanitary fireproof workrooms. A guarantee of satisfaction "THE TALK OF THE TOWN" EVANSTON MOTOR SALES 1015-17 Davis St. Tel. Univ. 2277 Branch of main ltore, Michigan and 25th St. PARISIAN DYERS AND · CLEANERS, JNC. 578 Lincoln AYeaae WINNETKA Phones : : : : : }727

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