During the years fromn six to teleand'that !rwa ice for skatiinge vrx the Cbild play., hard and studies. and single da-, it' Nvas hunanly. possib1tu VR V C Eslicilld have the. proper foodtwhn Il ae t ncedçs it, vhether lie wants lU or nfot.- Milk, cooke4d.cereal, 1ruit, green vege-. eneitVUia ikto Be$ tables, mReat~, no sweets h)etwýeien meal:,ud.i 'àî;d pfrrtv of waticr. inside and out, i-s Given by Gahima Phi:Beta. the progr m o h rwii hl. Gammiia Phi Beta sorority and aluin- A ir The child who spends more ini activitv nae chapters wil-gp.re a vau~deville oni __ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _h eai , illç s w ô. i g r i and Sattiiday eveiiing, M arch 15. at ilic freh ar, 121.lo~. Takng im HJaveni schiool i Evariston for the bel]"(- the movies, thuis keeping him .uip until fit of the Denver camp. foerythingIl o'clocJk, is flot gi.ving im a square The show will be mrfnaged bv Hope foer .the &J da 1. 'hild.ren caiunot get the essen- Smmers of Evanston, a nemrber of Automobile tials if their' tinie. is spent il- non- il-