loceilat;gans V~L I * ,nin- Banand-~. 'llie iiuýrth. slorinCŽmber e nf.th Bllpb. ni twu.I C. J ei il-ng< l"\ f l t, )n lew Xlii fli ~ ~ XX~l , eî~~ acli fibre. of h1aîkets Mrs. Isvacl C. copcemfoxh !positive c.Ieailhilles. ur\-.Dunlshc \ lmet, MIrs. storage -a fe. \Xi lh<un Xý cr M cK 1il i Y Hulbbard WXoods, and Mrs. Chatrhl e iiHi bard. oods.other things . . . iCd ndced, -w liatevx