ý44 -T ki *ï r i ftw tï4t 1ia4ý Jel: 44l.-a ,-f '4 b - -u r literttire for th sak ti 44ria -atn White saciiice an rt a Ntvad 1rs.CI. 11rü. oCne th buins w>l - > ssx týo fi ia atler iiittýct r o o-'to b ex c - ANTIUESts ISt vecknd r. ad cuse is rt oul notsuiport 5ii -~ ' - V~&~~W '\[r. -aiid NIrs. Kerr -have. Roderrck, ikewise, was 'willng t, -give Repairin an Refin'mhi f-roim a two imonths',tlr l Nyear stiidy o~f architecture~ Ii aiif aIji< s t vat 1-0 Par s ré oraytegr i sarMtrse n pig aet re piis r.11C r 1%ý'tN11 oe.S muci~h. for théie thene of the fi.~à theIJD~T L Palmner liotie. lwifor-e going to p'lay. H * 'Go LIN D W A L ilhiir home Ili Lakeside Place in i s - A sYil1athetic and tinderstandiîig sihs Grd Upost-n C osin~ wvhcre they spend the entire WifÇ peis'uadrs laitland to, give uip hiî, Il m Il C~ 1' j4$ 5 sipini< the- \"""tel' bvssiness 'for 'a s 1hort tinie and. restiie 808 Oa Stee Esalae 185 P.Wmie"14 rv his - art work,ý durhrg W~hich tinie lie S. .. - -- - -~ - -indjt, a lj iitsaig portrait -whicli selis Z s s s~ siamIl4l A~L I4$~I aVtrvlic frtrateý yoIg n1n, ii la ri the, 4\a of ahn-~ proitectirl pîi. ~~ « ~ ( * f(Vo Rodleriand -so braks, h l e ever aor ia-fiiter: ii penon rfEiiiv4wc. 54, th5 0fé h aiyhelhi vr ar i unr cois-îrs -as ha bta1n an 5aî'if an Il-, s-trrsre hnh ih tnadb Unewrtr Uaoat- chenj pçsroess ~in. smie 1n~i stga and rete heit reut fo hsnd-s-tcofr f atOlHe'ne - o- -c i s yqu th som leest- - a-- bolt *Hart O wi vm es el~aving Roderik Wite - p 9 1eat~ Phne çall or wAte eswtotere chbarmng lovers. 1Etta the mnaid. -~as very well piaved 'by Jane T-riggs. 's- OPg~Ol.w hleGeorge 'Mc'Grath- aid Artlhur Siebold, Jr, -ere Nvell cast -in 'the reies of G. T. Warren and Geoffre\' N ichols respectively, friends, of thI '4 M1aitlands. -The scenic effect~ andq costiiiningwvere very lovelv. Miss Jane 'Cohurn liad charge ofd the 'properties, Miss Louise Ebieling arranged, the artistic- effects and «.iss flelenie Siebold~ plamned' the co.stuniiing. -ThIe entire -play displayed- ----- the -able direction of 'Miss 'Doroïjiy. Proesch.. J-* WXarreii Triggs as<sisted Miss'Proescli as stage manager ai-d credit is diie ta the eniitre" stage crew for' the smnoothness of the change of scenerý- and' 'accracN of c 'detaîl. -T1iose Wh 5555 s -~t,) Mr.Ss- 5 Ti. p s , wer Ke Garrtso s' ~~- - _0- " s 55~~~~~~~~À --V s'4 5 ,-55 ss -r-S~~~~~~o 'f -- 5sfsJ 'sýrr1~~5