k- k~kk-k~~k-k~k k-k ?~tkk -k-k~~tt-~- kk-k kkkk tt ~kt-k-4k-~ ;-~ ~ 't- kt kkk-kk~k-k kk-k~kkk~,kk-k~-~k3 x1t T,% à~- MWO- jkkk-k--kk ~k- 11A4 h kdis kk t ~k-~ 'k-k kk t -~' k k-w rt ali k-W IË 'k -tk ôk th kkk-kk?>-k'k,- f$ ilia:ls T ia ) :U ve, e il~~~kk?- i e orkkekrdwkertund erewil - w-l IkkSk kk-kked I) atkk th ak-k-j? Z-k-t 01 - sÀ tî 'M s i ýt- ll - ffikk laskkk k,àtr a Il ie tii -oti b.ar ok tl- th -pliot k4-kk- th el- y lO' ed.1e lc -o llii sc oo ekk ?, k -o-k -t k i b l i - id 0 1 kt b i k-l , o ra klce sertr fth o r o trcos t nd ' ilan Balaeit tei , the~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~k meetin onTedyngt mrvilns s.io dqaefràCal. ,.,.toiadC oln"li Ch ir e of'k thk ka i , ùsc nintk-, c rfu i u in fth is.b rtk- eli Îkia àt, as,,-s k ~ ~~ ~ k-)po<Lk ~k~k fo h onn.yarwl eaflo, hogiravriigfrp(slstdIvacots n ietdIvRl' thirt dav Thswssgesé-b h H.Elis bu-~tilding an~da grounds, andfi~lt Apri 24~t~k a -Uialpoem i - Ch~iren of Vte irawus lla4mttee 'oef~ifu g Commercebs an a - R. Gathercoal, fiane Commerc as n aci- kquate" tine -for a caref ni strveyof the 1)-sttdb Mdm To t. »vlop Âith1Ii Fié1. reqîùirernents andi compilaiaoni of- a bid -;lt OrlladHn Hscli - -At its me~eting 'It1esaý4 k mglt flie M a a i e d .i inb r o boar4d auithorized, thie lettinof a con- --icn'os kicse k kkkk entI -etiurfted froni kti -eonet tour t~- k ract for the,evelopment of the vacant~ fi rion of 1025 Mohawk oi the west d1i*riig- whichi she~ gave kk-- landS~ not f4nek vnead Pas o e oilDy HnvK l eatofVse rad aIi-iiiiglt)eprs Te as nfûtngo Pte J ueteý od,ývliittc, .lasben poite ctlsk- iav ites ningt-i lmk~kkkk kt1kk kkenx ,k<rkikkZk-k.aand ,ýs i k-k kr uI kf kigI Ckk-nlkk O 0l kknglkkkoy-rk-kk 10 > 14 's k-o k-l of kh k-k ok Poe No f a liedo r jclone wil]e jzaf V and~ seede. w t Wl large bermug ofp _i k k k k tialhy be cover~ed with ivvk morial Day services. Te mostimpor~t- One reseitkatve ironi eal of the t1~tY col' Ancther item of, business whieh caille, ant niatter at 4i'esent -is the leWhei4vtn d~iics of -th~e ciotincil j wiv O h; o~kpaeto g -kto ýth- atteýitioin of the -township) board District bc»citg slioýwv whicl 15- to takec jharge of the deeoiin of th Cu) a-t The P1lyhQ12se in co jlito wilb of e4itcatiott Tuesc4ay mght was t1je place on-tlie evelin~g o~f Apil 21 at jai- prgrai for¶ b)oy's, 9, 10) and Il years of[ the -Barthiel-ýWodWýiiid Ensemible, lici- N ew Tiiea }Hgh sho iiiie scho~d~~itshol. Alai F~rontn. Lavec avnu zin age, sevemral uits of k Nhch arek io be.k- t th mnost enithitsiastic commntE~ t-i1 c~4 agaîîi gaive its sanction Clark street, C hico. The -funds de-~ *ng -k*nied. Mr. Ukr~io- ha on so - fron -the presas. Slie lia been soos to the t Sl2flflfleI' which wil1 start rived fr'om this, show mill 1e ilsed fc)r Paul, /k a--Sct 'i Troo 15,l kone sonWt~Aplo~tsi~1~~ > ('1 the MoîVlay fuitowing >coiitmefce- sërvice work in the district. 'lie $Ill)- of "Cub» Mt and ànotheir still younger. icg< the L\,eidessolii club, Swedisli f)r o ~ f eve1ry nieinbr is urged. Tikt He has elp v iateriallIll dn 4vel- Choral qoëietv adi nany- c)ther out- T - board~ kkotekd to 0pei thew Ilighi sevc officer Wiln9-tt 330 or~kk B-l ci' kure apa lhWs a,, esi loili oa pol to the pulic durrmg ktheksuniier Mill_______ -th th s hvea oen then sefoe bas'eut C.ofle C.ve Puhc. S0e.s This icQflii5tto fis an attractive onel -k -ha -tithev thavs yer opIen saeo babîett C.-k~ kf C. -uhsgC and should draw -a - capacity- audiîenlce - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n Newi MnbrJi Whoopin Couh Charles. Lfirvev will be at the piano. Cii emeai Dri've Gnly one new case of communicab1e ' Minstel >Sh.w kFu44ay Ex-Servie ComMittee to The Wihnette gCham ,ber of Cern- disease was reported. in 1 Wilmette fori- Fridav evelnhw,,. April 25, at 8:15, a nmerce. is pushing its civic menibersh ip the week ending Wednesday, April 16, - minstrel show will be given Ihy a -grou1p S ponsor Birthqay Party canipaign . Anly Wilmette, resident who the Wilniette H-ealtIt departmnent an- h thrt 'len. Mvucî , 'eci-ecv -gîves Plans for a hirthday party to be lias his business ini the city, but who _one.Teeae enwcse f Ieasrnettp1t'-offnsii giveil at G}reat Lakes on Wednes'lay, is interested- il te-c-~- -lae-f cre evr although- six- cases of~ st-e------ Ap)ril 30. \vere conpleted at a meeting Wiltmette, may'become a *"civic ruei- tItis disease are -still active. Two cases - Mkfrs. A. 1G. Acklerniatifl is prograri1 o f- the- ex-service con-lmittee of- the -ber" of the Chanîiber of Commerce., of whooping cough are actiVe, one o f clhairmnan. and Mrs. C. -ol - ii11 'Smith. \\omiain's -club Monday of la.st week The civic miembership plan wvas in- which is new. th-e mharv of tiacet sy cllin m ils-- at the -home of Mrs. Nathan Colwell, augurated tItis year ini the, hope - of Smt -ia ke -ece !)vcnith, i 530 Gregory avenue. stfengtbening the Chaniber of Comi--mtt- 62 About three hundred boys -will be -nerce 1 and increasiiig its niembership. -entertained, and fift y or sixty meni Residénts of Wilmette who, have théir Ms'teai oTl wo birthdlays are in April will be business in the city areadilittdto On The Air '--Ms Eh1 ai, O5S ~---k es ètended te anyone who is inter- inerce at a reduced rate un-der tliis Miosars Prhe chool-Wro i p a th wîfllan Andela , ~ . ____ at an openi meeting of the Logan- be ~ ~ ~ ~ RTR cpwnttM kRIS -kflo ik k - Qkrd auditoiumli on MJaY 14, is weli keev k-\ doain k- ckes, cad r n rTedreRcwl n n T i a ante of Wiitn.tka hav---------------------------------1 brnc f th k-1 -kp ,î eulek aT14 mlitt1>t~iI-~ at> W~stI~t4i ~$i4tj ~~: k .à