N~ 1V,~ ~ ~ 'M WIic m res on the Traditional ' Fa4- of Norh:--oreGat-ns Anloor Rive~r Het4ge, 24 'Ubr'l Catalpa. Spca ose of Sharorn in pi -le- 3GiwiR tots wrap- ftîii» mi'es. s li o t -repur1 p~le and white f~~ h 4p hrubs. Popular ySpire', two tco A, inagnificent ltree vvith ,With str4ong, long han-~ trefeet higli. The roots.- rcfl drooping brandi- dles. iIndispensable for are -wrapped in burlap. es. Beauitiftul for lawn or gardening or lawn ten~d- RZegularly $1 dozeii. parkway. ing. - Garden~ Hs - limbùi Roses S teIadkers $5.25 39C Each $ 3/1-ilch, blackc rubber in. Seven Sisters. Aniericali Full rodded, sturdy 5-foot, 50-foot Ieiigtbs, conipiete Beauty, Dorothy Perkiris, blue-ribbon ladders -with iwith couplings. A unusually beauitif ul handy bitcket sheif. RedDogwood Arbor Vitae Lawn Moirer ;~~jy '"""" 39cEach 2 ' --- "y" oy to 'y'ee '-y, '-y'-" For~-tt,- hi't, hedg"s 'and -6ic byde and fu'lly, 'y Atrcie sh t ' b ~ -"'- 4ý,t tceei as w """ as 'o yy'-y> - bert ig actyi on fory~ whi t "o er andy 'e 'hn ig Tv to ea'-s"'y~-'t-~-y op rtin -- y ',r