Mx av2 A Xt Oe4 D141idê 1 'P tRa4 wetu t-'i ttt-. t-u iul argr - t t t 'h tntutv tnd tht-tt t> eoniittees to, mieean arrïe' thé Ardeni Shore dfrive, for this yr. Kenilw Mxtl'sDa has grûwn to such ani ex1tent ini the past year or two, it iiecessitates a large 'coin- Parac-hute j t mite nthis <omniteç with Mrs. ArMthu~r Wakeley and Mis.,Rufuis Stl ast Th cmiitee f etuiasia~knd it is th -4ifi~ this year tora- io $StetItruction HAVJiME thght o-f less~~ ta 3W .TeAdnSoediewlntiu ut.i the ts-t- of May chre Seric Th colcide ftedfet s-rsaeetrngtepse ot -ga t - I., tr not,~tt -t"-t --- ths er ndýt h Cos 'f-beprzs il . wr d t t-t-S -t*-- -tt h-ttpoeNotfel 4 t-- 1TH yi Urs. 'Whaton~t Clay, 430 Sh~erdJan E sd o gugst last ýveek-, >4ts. Wilon Coiltii-TE 'S D YMHR at- lat trd a af tr o i n h o-to Y %AA M A Y~ 1 1 1 i t et of Mrs Wilson 365 t-d- ay- t-t~~Y A tha th bas't'tt tt tI E to -t-- 1WOULD ltike to Co6iffure E~XPRESS to Ypur for MOTHER in o e Ver gC NU E MANNER your Hea.d - t - -----LOV~.fd- ~ UtEL, yur othr W» t 4lïgtedwat a oxAFFECTION.t URELY, our othr wil b delghtd wih aboxSQ, .we want to tell of pure, fresb »D*tch Mill can~dies. She, knowsYO abt r geoil tings and wîll more thati appre'ate the$Y~bD~ -sgperb quality that goes into each piece of our 101 ESPECIALLY for Permanent -Wave -varieties of delicious swe ets. MOTHER'S Day. There is room foý real HYbea artistry ini creating a per- BETHITY baveal -t-tç heci hrprô - W-pyps4ei t- t- 17t - t -' t- S-.t --~-ttttt S-t- t- - t- t ------ ~7- 7t -'ttS-