-~ -~193() î Ï M -C- -n4 iad as ioot o l asbe tli b t -Ust the hiriear ske~tch oitwKefl rth Uonion jc ttca te -t - - - - - p lan to re-~ n d IIst fSv Dre Wriles b~ch havey oreaide afpered.hchir -, and- ietis av eo . beep rêichba frrn dettIbu th ctin l in chrgce plan to reie and~S -rp t he, rt~icles t t'- t' t t, ,,hc have~ C alr ad a> h ar efrt adi ~t-Lters tav ben ree- d r AlltJrn e MWatin b'ot ll :writ - - 1 lier f a pp t re tire 'olee of ogi N Pa. ~ ~- -~- -- - -1111elgWt t()I i th I nl let aVr-om1a, tl( - ~~~adltsof -corns wqfd rto lîi M4 -'free~ acoc1cefo V i- sideii X or-a- lat June M~- il -até R-t, j- t- t' -t- -R t, t oiii b% $ t he bUllti-- t" ii t t t t - t Bo~ts «o Nor- fron Malw t -- t -niaiii Kasten speak of 'thiir iintere'4 -~ - ~ 1- ~J - thse reco-liections, together w utli F U E L PIC E S_ ths 'of frierids nearer at hiand- will- t t, serve -to enrich otir mnaterjal atil 'it .il; sel~on be readx- for dî-,trilnit*tin" A IX/iN. T. Chs Tèam Plav._ -Mnrton t: nRe-turx Match IN , M A Y The New Trier cliess terni - was sýchediuled to ni-et MortowiHizh :schtq&I YOUR opportunity to save on youir next of Çiiero in~ a eturn.rmatch E'riday of I'winter's fuel bill is greatest durig the niatchi at Cicero-the north shore tearni tied with Mort-on, 3 te, 3. On Friday. mohof Mvay, when coa.anu coke prices are Mav 9, the New Trier chiess pIavers the lowest of the çntire year, will engage Waukegaiu joseph Schti- niacher is the facultv sponsor of the OU fue tb4ntt arej -,lewt clan caef:l Ne,-t t-t-t-t -hs t scrcened,~~~~~t t---dýoa n utesCiaoSPNO AC tlare Soitlad --6txor oa Solvay ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~t coe- rprs'e n idt Ut KiiwrlGog oswl,51 cahidv-g t-eaj!I ln.Hwtir ae Wnlt-a Tc (' rif fen,' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t t)0FiiPIg rie -4404- 4 -