A1.1 Telephone and C. 0. D. Orders Carefully antd Quickly Deli vered ChargeAccounfs Solicted .from Reliable Péople SPECIALS FOR FRI. AND SAT., JUNE 2Oth AND, ZlstI PRICE, QUALITY. %and',SERVICE %pà I louder and wihgreater' elo-. Squence than mère owords--and, if y'ou w ar-e n 0. t famuiliar wibour uiethods, convnçeyou.very. Sdefinitely that: we ~'caiiserve and save youwmoney. 0 trely rnrougrh theiettortol *(> rV . iiiii. 0 that thé honor m-as given to Mrs. Bacon) iwho is a former presideîît of the 04 Illinois Federation of Womn.eni's clubs. OA'o.Louis Eîîîmersoîî, Roy Hutchitis. r;sdn of thîe University of Cliicag£-O,. 01Dr Herbert L. Wilýlet, Aisa W il- OÀnartlî ckes,. Prsident Eiseliin of Gar- OÀ reftt Bibllical inistitute. and -Professor " Hî.eronyînous of the Universitv- of Illi- nos eri amoîg those sIpOilsorinig Mrs. SàBcon for the-tiegrée. M rs. Bacon- and- Mrs. Liîîd werc gnests of honor at the.- uiîclîeoîîMes. SMark Pennyî, wife of -thie presidetit of Mil likiniviii.ersitv, gave at tile De - caitur Country club-). '. r. anti Mrs. W*alter A. Knioop, 221 NVWarw ck r oal,' Keniilwor-ti, have -ps, thci r guesti fo rthie îîext fcW weeks. Mrs. Kno6'p's brothér, Franîklin Bél- lows of Honolulu., SFresh Dressed Broilers, IL3½ SBest Creamery Butter, IL.....36 Best Br and Bacon--Sliced, 3lbs.. 95c, Fresh Dressed St e wig Hens, lb. 32-1/2c (Average - - 31/2 to 44Ibs) THE NORTH SHORE'S GREATEST BEAUTY VALUES.> The VANITY BOX .Announces a 25 to 50%/ reduction' in price on ali" beaufy work durig Ju.ne.. PermanentWave. Specials "PUSH-UP' WAVE, $ Regular $8 vaiuù. 4 EUROPEAN REALISTIC $& or Eugen. Wàve, $10 value Ti nrRt sii ireét ad.I1U le nrst. souti 5t Grego.r, between Park "and Fif'teenthi Street. .-The coiflract for the .pavin'g of :tlic lrt al~yputh Of. WoodbIije. .betweenI Gregoty -' and .labl>e1I- stre-ets, .a awt.arded by,t.he ar to the .'Paul'- ie't.ka 'na 1uit ibià -of $23.. W single Pr.oPosal.,.thatý .*thle Mniip .P.avig comipany .of -Oak Parkjf.t $2,60,. reieived -bv, the. hIourcl a'..t- it- nîeëeting* on..June. 3, a eIce a that -tinie an'd read-vertîsngordic0 Onie biti411i addttion '.to the Resclîk-e proposai was -ce. et.n rto tIý new advcrtîseiiient. *Approval.;w as*.also gi'eh l 4'il e 1lw)vtri of the- propose-di ,nstaUatoîo tr Nvater .sexver"lîouse coinfections Lii I lin %vo)(cI'aven ue atiothler 'streets w as als. .given aid a resolxtiof i -f oInnendînIIý. that the\.île-har pre*t. project adopt"L-d.* Mrs. Grn0 IXVIs naniïbler .: .rhoiiias Edw ard W~ilson, réturnékl ti week.to théir.liofie Cat415 Ninth îstrcuet. Mrs. \Vilson iotreito ber .is, shool, Edgeýyod' .at*.Gciwc mii-., andt returlied hiîuc1 thr.ongli tilîc Niagara Fails A.tiCanadla: . Mr.C. Rolai d Siith., 12$ 1ila; 1 a venue,. i s >e îîrtainig ber sister, Mi.-ý Reba J. Hum 'of Spok-aie, Washi. M HUM %vil stavi ul$iil the, hast àof.,,jpne . 'opigat Glacier 1ptk eiirotite. Qik Ta«sty. Luncheon Little is spent in trne or rnoney, bur-our cooling I * VANSTON MARKETS Isis Shermia A#emue 1941 Central Street 75Male Street Çtreenleaf £848-8867 Greenleaf 4355 Greenleaf 2989 Suite 222, Carison, Building 636. CHURCH ST., EVANSTON UNI VERSITY 9700'. 417 LINDEN AVFNUE Wilrnette 1911 The Drug Store in tii Middle of the Block