ber for the home crwan(l is hioping toQ ban the hoodoo wluchi lias cause(l a Iosing streak-of two *Great Lakes rates ligh il .1asebail j fcircles. The teamn isnotied for the (Iuality Of its h'itting Riad 1 h and is inanined by good :hurlers ùiid. defense .workers. "Mori" Rudolph will return to a local uniforni -for -h f'racas. The* lîa'd-hit- ttng",outfielder, lias beeîi ab)sent since last fâIl wvhen lie wvent to M.Nichigan as ,a -plysiéal instrucétor: His ability as a' swýý%atter and( flvy-èliaser slould aid XVil- muette conisiderably. *Bill Schlroedér willfprobably bie back .at is 'oldt stand.iii left field. He. las I)cen on, lié, "sick", list with a sore arin. To, date WNilnietie- enjoys an eveti break< in thîe iattcr of standings. Tlîrc gan*'have been vwoii. tlîree ls ami thirce- %ere gral)he(1 by tlic w(eather mail.- Last Sufa' tilt witli the Brick-> layers wvas postpone.d to Sunday, Julie. 29, as. tlhe aforesaird forecaster sent a inîaitulre cloif(thurst on the playing- fedjust as thei. bio.s, %ere limbering up ini practice. ilntcslarge>crowd of foo 1 rIvCr wile inersed tkowtat twiliglit *gamles wvill be plve verv ThursdaS, ecv eiiîng at the Village Green. l'Tie opposition for Iast niglît's tusslc -w-as ftrnfs.ýlie(l hv the Evanston. Tigers. 'l'le resit could flQt lie publishied ini - t1il airticle as WurnELîPE, vvelt. to press hefore, t-he score -%a-s available. AnnounceTrips Planned * in Interest of D. A. R. ýmrs. DelwNin M. Campbell of Chi- cago, clairniiaii of the state national, lefense coiniîtte.e of the Daughters of the, Amnerican Revolution, hias: re-' leased tlîe following notices Of interest * . to ail D., A. R. cliapters Trips havL beeni arranged to visit var&otis arnîy and( naval R. 0.-T . C. a.nd C. M. T. C. organizatiôîs for tlîe study of national <lefellse, as follows :, *oplice ast atr dL4rud. i ne - ..u air lias a number of practice tees at one end and ,narkers dowri the field liy which the distance of the drive niay be judged. Many. persons practice shots from the: tees after taking les- *sons or practice i-.ithi a new club- be- fore. going onto -the colrse with it. cannot otherwise attor work done. *A very nomi for the work. A total( rections were made at past school year. The( by the Grosse Point. J to have dental ai f ee is charged 379 dental cor- fe li is during ii ssupported alth Center., Subject: 18 THE UNIVERSE, INCLUDING MAN, EVOLVED BY ATOMIC FORCE? -READING ROOM- i 150o Wilmette Ave..,IFirst NationaLi Banik Bldg. OpenDaily. (except Wedifrsdy and Sat rday A. M. to 6 P., M. Wednesday g9 A. M. ta 7:4 5 .àM-;Saturday 'p A. M. ta 9 P. M. à The Bible and Works af Mary Baker Eddy and ail other authorized Christian Science Literature may -be read.'borrowed or purchased at the E Reading poom. THE PUBLIC 15 CORDIALLY INVITeD TO, ATTEND THE CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE READING RQOM PREACHES, HERE SUNDAY Dr. Williani R. Kedzie will occupy thepulpi t of the First Congregational churcli at thie services Sunday moru- ing, june 22, aàt Il o'clock. Miss Vera MçDermid of Glencoe WiLl sail next Friday f roni.Monitreal on.the S. -S. Athenia for Europe. She' i, planning to visit Norwayr, SWeden, Rus- .sia,' Poland,' and - Gernîany. She wi-Il travel on a Nortlîwestern uniiversitv student tour. M I I 1 1123-25-27 Central Ave. Ph. Wil. 1914M -OUR PATR O-NIZE AVER T1$E R S 170Rf01M Every member of the famnily may corne here and be fitted with the -kind of batbing suit worn by Jobnny Weismuller, world . famous swimming champion. They are the last worçl in swim suite, offering- new ideas, attractive colore and are mîade and guaratiteed by the B. V., D. Company. Prices range from. $375to $5,00 .* ~ - - SWEATERS- .'-*~Mother Father, Brother and' * ,.- - ....*.~*Siâter wiIl find i aur sweater- stock just the right smiart style and color. -They are firmly -. knted of fast color and wool 4- of. and