f ~[j[ ovtvPmm,4trr~Ii ~, , tt~gp~ç~ V r,,, '~ f1111' ,,I#..,, g', V I I I 'Il LC AT EDP TO SERVE >***THE BOARD 0f. DIRECTORS *** DAVID E. JIHAMAHAN Chairman 0ýf the - Boa rd of Drectors of the Bank. Chairman of the Board, Centrai Manufacturing District Bank Cl1irmn o--1 f teBoard, Midand National Bank STUARTIC I. 01 Vice Chairmen of the Board of Diectors-of the Bank Vice-Presidlent, Centrai- Trust Comrpany of Illinois.. WARNER G. DAIRD Presidlent Bard and Warner, Inc. FLOYD L BATEI4AN Vice President United States Freight Co.- NELSON L BUCK Vice President Wm. Wrgley )r. Company ANTON 1. CERMAK President, County fBard Cook County_ ee ANTHONY Xt!*RNUfre United States CoiIector of Custoffis~' ALAN C. -61XÔN Vice Presicient of the Bank -NON. LOUIS L. EMMERSONd -President, Thircl National Bank of Mt. Vernon Vice President, Ridgely- Farmers' Stale Bank E. L. ESSIET President and Treasuret -E. L. Es.sley Machinery Co, L. Mi. KUPPENHIEIMEe Ca pita ist 3. R. LEOMARD Vice President Bridge and Leonard, 1 mc.' AR-IIUMJ EEKEE Director Armour and Company ,President ArcadyFarms MiIing Co: 'FREDERICK W. MOORE Moore, Case, Lyman anld Hubbard ALBERT? N. PAGE- Vice President and Treasurer 0: R. S.-Devry Corporationi H. E. PORONTO Trustea, Cent ral'Manuf actu r- irng District, Chicago Vice Président, Union Stock Yard and Transit Company -President, Unted States -CoId Storage Corporation GILBET H. SCIINER O RGANIZED and I.ocated eèspeci ally for -the benefit of suburban residents who use the Northwestern and pass its doors directly on the Daily News concourse, Terminal Na tional lias fully justified. the, vision of. its organizers by'socuring, to date, deposits in excessofFvMilns ln addition to convenience of location, bctnling hours-8 a. m. until 6 p. m. claily-offer a signal concession to commnuters., Distinguished by'service in the mode'rn manner with a willingness that makes, friends of our customers, Terminal National affords; you geae accommodation with. greater, convenience and a hat welcome, besidles. T H E OFFICERS OF THE BAN FRANK L WEBB,, President - -NK