* .F -~-----'the maximum arn aount of efficiency is Support of feéderal legisiation for to be obtained froni motor vebiicles.' the creation of a United States Motor- Mr. Mý\ayer concludes. .ways Commission has been urged by the lekislative committ'ee of the Amnen- Uses Nash "400" for can Motorists association. "Purpose of the commission, as pro- Tour- Through jungles vided for under-the ternis of, a bil Primiitive davs of Amienican, motoring' favorably reported' to the Senate ne-. are recalled, to Nasht officiais with, re- rently, by the Senate Comminittet. oilceipt of dispatches. froin Capt. William, Post Office and Post roads, s. rade ,.Afican sportsmnan and explor- marilv to speedup interstate au tonio- erlscÉibinga spectacuilar touring ad- bile triaffiic and to study proposais for ventffre ina new Nash "400".Twiin- the e stablishment of anoa l svstem ten Six Sedan, ivhicli has-alread%- of xp . ssmoo ,rwys wih.a vç*%% totaénhiim over 11.000 ie tlhroughl of epres IIotrWaS, ith-a ie~ tothe practicaîîl- roadless wastes of West making recommendations to Congress Africa. %vith respect to the establishmient and "î maintenance of such a systeni," ,de- tforig ae i the tr clares Si.. Mayer, peieto u ests of the Nash dist.ributofor te Automobile Club. of thini ai ie Gold Coast, hegan. at Grand Bassani president of the A. M. A. > PndI has for its 'objective Axiiii and Dakar -with -the route laid out throughi "'The need for this is apparent to jungle and along.the Coast. -Quicksand ever v autoist making a tip of an,,ý and floods biave comnbined with dens.ý conisiderable distance. Valuable timie jungle growth. to make the Nash tour *Could be saved daily to millions of .one of- the hardest, driving tests on: - autoists by the simiple expedient of record, but the entire trip to date lias by-passing large cities. Transporta- been inade' without a mnishap), accord- tion. needs, not only of the present ingv to Capt. Gvader's accouints, writ- time but of the future, deniand greater ten before start'ing on the Iast leg of freedom- from traffic congestion.lS journey. "The construction of motor high- ways,1 and the speeding tip of the COST 0F CASINGS Federal-aid prograni, being participated Eachi autoist ini the 'United' States ini by the 48 states and the Federal' during 1929 used 3.04 automobile cas- governmenit,'is flotkeeping abreast of ings and 3.09 automiobile tubes on bis PACKARD' STANDARD ýEIGHT 5-PASS. SEDAN Delivered tire, tube, iii Hubbard Woods cover and ail necessary wih spare. equipmeflt., ers.. I :) Cionmmerce by manufactur-~ an average whoki-sale price *ofi ase from $1.15 in 192 a gain of six cents. MRS SERVIC Monthly Car I1section.for NonoTechnilcal Owners L. Grease steering géar ani check for tightnýess., 2. Grease front wheels and check. for line. 3. 40 7. 8. 9. 12. Adjust andi test bralces. Check ail lights and connections., Test ani water battery. Clea an tihten battery terminais Clean and test starter. Clean and test generator. Clean and adîust timing chain.' Clean and adjuat ignition points. Clean andi adiust spark pluga. Tighten fan beit *roperiy. Test andi acjust clutch. Test drive system for back-.lash., Clen as screens. Grease .ami t ighten spring shackles. Check transmission and- difl'enial for greas e. G4rease rear wheeis. [IITAL 0e e, e e e Whippet, ..... . M ay2 28, 1930 JC. siowST w fwA BVanue 5.00