IFIRST MORTGAGE i,..LOANS 1ýi A BARGAIN »% Cashlac Mdonthly Like Rent 1255 Judson Ave., Ravini. 7 BRooms--Attacled Garage * For Particulars Cail HIGJLANDPABXK19831 * CHICAGO: STÂTE r»491 on, improved residence and business. property --on houses, apartments ond businessproperties for 10 or m5 year terms. CODY:TRUST COMPANY 105,South La Salle Street RéndoIphm00 CHICAGO E. r' Money .to Loan J. ~ '4% greater1 recognition and the opportun- ity to enlarge its usefulness to north shore business interests and residents. Identity Prese*'ved The purchase camne -unsolicited as the natural resuit of acquaintance with and belief in this splendid bank. First National remains a Wilmette 'in- stitution throughout, devoted* te the extension of its business locally. Pres- ident. Knudtson remains at its head, and no changes in:thie. working staff of the bank are*contemplated. The several.members of the present. board of directors wiiI. continue te, serve and the board will be enlargzed to include othlers representing the new interests. A strong advisory commit-,j tee will he, appointed. (Photo by Matzene> MisRuth Scribbins -of Glencoe i one of the six national' prize winners of thé essay, contes .t sponsored by. -the' National. Arnierican Chemical- society. Q e was winner of the state contest which entitled ber ~t~o conpete for the national prize. The award is four years'. tuition ini any.college and, five hundred dollars a year for expenses, according to the announcement -madle at the New Triergraduation exercises. Miss Scrib-. bins is the-daughiter.of Mr. -and Mrs. John Scribbins of 0~0 Vernon avenue Glencoe. The su bject of ber essay was "The Relation. of Chemistry to the Enrichment of Life" and she Treceived a twenty dollar gold piece as an award,, for her work. Guy Rolihins of Glen- coe received second place in the state' contest and was award.ed a copy of 1Chenmistry in Medicine." 3,000 AMumni -Contribute to N.,U. Foundation FunJ,, Funds' contributed last yeat to the' Northwestern UnJiiversity Foundetioil by more than,000 alumnÎ, are eqàal ir the aggregate to the interest. on ant endowment of $600,0,Toas . Gonser, exécutive. secretary, of thc, foundation announced this week. The sums contributed by the alurn'di of the various schools of the 'univer- sity have been.- allocated to those Construction Loans will be made to owners Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Foresnian, 515 Essex road, Kenilworth,. returned ont Saturday after spending a week in New. York. M I Joo