likewise signaled the- Vifi-age's e-x-traction of an antiquated systein. f romn a "One-Hôrse toWn" classification. Dissipation, Takes Tofl He %vas the sole survivor of his kind on the Village lot, the general onslaughtof SoOlOd Ch arlev was transferred. To motorized vehlicles the street deinartinent. And as the years îîaving longao - i passed, plodded his and there cruslld, theplaciabout tble village,à comnuion draft ~rti0C d horse. Those passing- year s, however, by ls cotemp- ~.disclosed i in addition to. the* natura! rarieý in public evidence of advanciing,,aLe. the fruits servce.Tlia heof youthful dissipation, for the three rem ained, for . se v- ye'ars of fast 'living ini the fire, depart- 1 eralvearsalonement -re.sulted. in bad, arteries in later erabld -arsobscure, life4 Notthat old Charley failéd. to earn tlc hehod n obsc-rehis oats. Far froi it! But Ihad lhe beeîx ipalfirmment,~ .without circulatorv handicap. he would Âatraenatilhave enjove d bis lightened labors with- ]y to. sentiment, "out illI healtb instead of despite-: it, prïnipaly t tht T-ad Old Charley bowed te bhisa- tacttha hewasvancing years, be probahlv wvould have useful and hard te been banisbed to.the Village's paît, get replace&. . 1<1 harley destined to be«.forgettenl as one of the community's most. premlsinlg youtbs Old Charley 's dapple-gray face first who in làter: lite wàs but a cÔnimotn aperdat the Village barnsabout three drudge. But Old Charley ived on and, years prior to the advent of Fire Chief eventuatll, the expense of, keeping, hini Walter Zibble's irsýt gas-driven hose qounde.d his doom. cart. He was a ire-huf f fexceeding, Dspost n cedeternuiiedf n1ôt,; promise anid ini a few weeks!was hitting was attended by difficulty. Few persons the biarness Nith as much kiusto as the cared to purchase an eighteen year oh! veteran bày that was his stable mate. He horse. Execution could net even be go)t in under taise Pretenses (most buifs considered-Old Charley was ton. high- do) giin bs1g as six years when lv regarded for that. And se dapple- the was onllythatree. Buate red andgray Charley was about te become a thatwasaIltha rèIl~ nitteed. "white eléphant." At this juncture, fil tllse da3's a ire was likely te be however, a Wisconsin fariner arrived a ýconflagration. The first few minutes on the scene te negetiate the purchase mineanit the difference between "badly of the wagon Old Charley bad drawzî. dainaged" and "totallv destroyed." He liked Old Charlev and Old Charley, WVhich. ieant that a ire herse had to liked hini. A bargairn was struck, the be reliable and fast. Old Charlev, was wagon breugbt its price. Old Charley both. The tap of the gong brought went along. I Pubiîc Forum' I E&itor, WîLlmrr1 LFj: The fOIIOWing letter was receivect this week' by the Wfilmette Chamber of Commzerce. As we have ne infor- mnation On the. subject,. we ask. that yeuü i'ubligh thie letter and we FCÊIÙest the village attornty of Wilmevtot reply in next week's issue of WiLM rIE tvF, stating the position ef the village in the matwi.- ing up the project? What is being done about it? Incidentally it mnay be said that if -vour members are interested in findl- ing eut hoi.v long this mnatter bas been dragging a!eng or apprexirnately. howv mucb this delay bas cost us,,sueli informnation can be obtained frei tbe: records in, the oftlce ef the C!erk af tlae County Court.- For your inforrIa.2 tien the mest important facts are given beiew. In arder to extend Main stre!ýt nerth. Nourse acting with President Zipf wa., Ied on Decembeý' 31, 1917. The total amount of compiensation determlned by that report to be-due the property owners for property taken'or dauiaged was $4,870. However, by dismissing the 'firàt suit the Village (and taxpayers) lost the right tô pay'for the property on its value ais of December S1, 1917, the date when the re- port of the commissioniels was filed lit the first action and the property takeni wvas vali'ued at. $4,870. Instead we -must pay for the property- according to Its value as of February 21, -1927. After the filing of the report of the comrnissioners in the second suit, service upon the owners of propertii to be taken, and notice to property owiers who are to bear the, cost of the improvement, ob- jectionis were flied. Nothing appears Ir! the record of the Court toshow whether any attempt. bas been -made tù, dispose of these objections, other than the two times the case was set for trial. .The estimatea cost- of the Improvemenit to be made under. the ordinance. pursuant to which this, second .suit was started, and collection costs). Even' though the present suit it3 aettled in accorda nce wItit the report of the commîssioners, the ldng delay bas cost app'roximately $2à,000. This additional cost of $23,00 may be statced as what 'has been "accompiis-hed" by- the Village in'the course of thirteen yearq. No other results are apparent at this time., 1If thirteen years is flot sufficient time for the completion of, a condemnation proceedinig, how Is, it thatother ,condemna- tion proceedingsecai be completed In such short. time?1 Why is1. it. that our Village of- ficiais can spend thirteen years and'ap- parentlyr be no nearer a solution that they Were In the beginning? Whyý was this matter not seted 'under the' first suit? Why was this fit-it case dismissd by the Village in 1927 after pending ten years witbout ever, having been set for trIalý Or, most important of ail, when is the 'Village going to extend Main street? Very truly yours, Ed garA. Stevens,.1mc. 162. ORRINOTON AVENUE' it cnie Camber ofCome r ce. in ittr nt h ,)e s iae t rn ie a- c - 1c iuie ;1s he; habe e Cmrrialt dyness of your summer frocks. affecting the- entire Village, able to tell the second suit was started, pursuant 43 us wheti, if ever, the 'Main street proi- th, lezal requirements two Comlmissioners, Ir, Clifford Older ànd Mr. Charles N. ect wl be comipletccl? WVhat is hold- Evns were appoîtdb h.Cutt Cossard Corselette .1 . A