11'I-sT NATIONAL BIAN"K ofWIIZMETT.E A ni-w unces *****that tbrough tbe acquisition. of substantial holdings of its stock, a group, comprising ackno-wledged leaders ini ChicagoandtheiotbSire suburbs, bas b ecome actively associated witb tbe present management. These men- ali of wbom bave establisbed records Of achievexuent in commerce and finance-havie pledged unlimited resources, the power of allied institutions-, their wealtb ýof experience, and their active. support, to the developmntOf X4ilmete ani neighboring progressive The staff -of the Bankwîll continue as you bhave known it. President Knutàtson, witb bis fmne kn .o-,rledge Of Wilmett e persons and affairs., remains in charge of I I r]