Extra Pants FREE WITH EVERY SUIT OR OVERCOAT ORDER Look Your Best WMle oW YourVcaion Place Tour Order Now-Be, a Royal Madle-to -Order Mmn flcRoya Tilors: mc, 1641 Orrnïgton Ave. PHONE WILMETTE. 1310]190 We Seil Hoyt Studio. Çhampaigil Miss Virginia Mumford, daughter of Dean and. Mrs. Herbert W. Mumford of the University of. Illiniois, and Robert 'Kinbeil, soni of Mr. and Mrs: Ravrnondl G. Kimibeli of 422 Forest avenue. were married june 14;- at thu Mundford. homùe, on the beautiful south, campus of -the Nir. and. Mrs. Thonmas White of Richmiond road,'Kenil\vortii. are enter- talining a. few friends at. supper at their ;honme the evei.ing of the, Fourthi of, days with the finals Sut1da.y,.Juîyv 6.- The tournament will b e.layed i n the following divisions: Mén's singls and doubles, boys' singles and doubles, junior girls' singles and doubles, ladiei;' singles-and doubles and junior singles and doubles. Prizes will be awardedl thé winners and runners-up in each event. One of the- features of the tourna- mentwill be an exhibition- match, julv 4, at 3, in which ýWilliam Croker arid Louis 'Volpe, Jr,., bo)th of ýthe On-ý wentsia Country club 'of Lake re. wmill pair against. William Hinchclitffý of Shoreacres, Lake Bluff, and,-P.ii, Bennett. the professional of the Ev anston Country club.who, wasfoirnierig champion o--f- Canada. A large ýal!ei: v iSm expected .for this event, the puhk, hbeing invited to- Witness the play with-, out charge. Prominent- tennis players have sciir in their entries f romn the folIowlintg. clubs.: Oniwentsia, Skokie,.Indian 11,11- Shawnee- Exmnoor' Winnetka Teniisl> Knollwood, Lake Shore and the Cow;- try club of Evanston. Lýeroy Weîr won the nien 's siiukIe. title lastyear and paired with WilcvY té take the doubles also. Anion- t!"", women >Lucy Jane H-edberg captuired( the honors, taking both vonien's aic ,girls' singles and double s. *The tournament wvill be unclèr ItL direction of Lester J. Nash, cliairill4.nl of the tennis cônïmittee, assisted' Iv Mr..Beninett, club pro. * afest Under the, SUN Fl>LA Y safe 1 Protect J'your skin f rom the summer Sun- thèse lotion' wil prove a great com- fort., no0s Central Avenue Fôr More Than Foty Yeats Serviavg North Wilmette FSCentra Auto Delivee Shore Reaidenta for More Than -z5 Years al Aves. Phones: Wil. 400-401' rg Service in Wilmette and Kenilworth