Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jun 1930, p. 16

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at Aviation With a Layman's Eyes AsBy H. A. Armtrong. Asthis article is written, Ken and jolin Huniter, brothers, lhave cômpleted two.weeks ini the air over Sky Harbor,' West of Gleticoe, and'-are methodicahl'v 'wheeling about ini the air less thanl *eighltv-five liour.s awav f rom a. new, endurance record of more tian 420 bours; tîoned yseviiAriy airplane s sta- tindat Curtiss-Reynolds ai rport iear Glenview are eng9agel iii maneuvers ni conijunction %vththe iiitary' exhib)i- tion at 'Soldiers' field:i.,l. Chicago Capt. Charles Kingsford-'Smith an threie companions hiave successfully Conipleted an ecast-%Nest trans'Atlao'- ntic. fliglit and are preparing to hoi, 4. Ne,,i York City. thence to San Francisco to.coniplete an arounidthe world trip: indbergh lias again suçccedeç1 in. get- * tinig off the front pages% of the d'alv' *papers aftcr. clalming an. cighit coluill.i bneby annouinciag the arrivaI f *soli *Preparations. are h)ýeing mlade at Cur-. tiss-ReVn)olds flehid to providea odne and onie-haif mile unwav for the take-off of the inüge.Ctiag(?I)aily News plane on a fliglit to sanie as yet ltinaioýunced foreign co'tY* Couinty and- local govecrîunmlettl groups are considering ways and miearis 4--f landliîig the grecat volumiie of traf- ic to use the highiways ini go:ng to and from the Pageant of Aviationî Progress to be staged the last of next Nveefr at the Curtiss-Reynolds fieidL Arrangements are going .forward rapidly for the National Air races, àaso-. soon to be featured at Curtiss-Rey- * iols airport; Yigures have been p'rep>red for U$ slîowing 1,505 paid passengers wr accômmodated by the -Cu rt iss- Reynolds * lanes during the -day last Sunday; thbat 2200 cars anmd 8,000: personis visited * that' fierld, on..the sam'e day ànd that 187 s'tudents are' now' taking lessoîis from Curtiss-Reyniolds pilots atone, mnany of thein north shore, residents; Thirty planes are, lest royed by fire at~ the Chicago municipal airport and relief ships are brouglit in with s.uch rapdit asto ermi:t aloperation Local A-irport Base for Army Fliers- f -- F,îgtyý-seven UîUnited States Arinv airpianes, comprising bombing,' pursuit, observation, attack and 'Jstuniting squadro'is, are uitilizing thie Curtiss-Reynolds airl)ort necar Gienview as a hase duritig the militarv exhibition now be ing staged at Soliers' field' Chicago. TLeir daily, flights and manieuvers over this area liave l)eel incsdb virtually ,the cutire north shiore and 'thieir stay here lias beei a.tteiided by a decided stimulation of interest in aviationi iii thiis area. Here 'they,.are as they appear, on- the (dead iine"' at the airport.: Not'84.e<te 1juge l)onbers, about the center of. the great curviiig uine on the riglit; Wilmette Rotarians 'and Optiniists Visit Airport Eotli 'he Wilrnet'te Rotary and Op- timist clubs heid their: regular weekly luncheon meetings at the Cur tiss-Re-ey iel'ds airport tjis week. Forty-six Rotarians were present Wednesday and forty-four Opt.pmist 'club mem.bers were enitertained on Tuesday. Luinch- eofi was served at the airîrome and both organizations were addressed by Maj. R.'MW. Schroeder, managero fÉe airport. Maj $ chroeder, iv ho for- merly held the world's altitude record, told 'of the~ progress being. made' im aviation an'd ouitlined sonie of. the evenIts scheduled to be held in the north Brothers Seek to Set New World's Endurance Record at- Sky -Harbor As Wi~ET wEvent to .ress,,John and -Ken, Hunter, brothers. and pilots of. flie endurance ship City of Chicagtp, c'onplete'd their se condl week of ste adyN figlit abovef Sky Harbor at- North-- brook. Within ,elghty-five. hours of breakinýg the worlds record of 420 hours continuous flying, now,.held by Dale Jacks on. and 'Forrest O'Blrien who Iast' j'uly set the mark at .St. Louis, Ken "pt;lln auNÀUAL LAO ' SAir> Field July 4 The Curtiss-Reynol'ds airport, located near Glenview, mill hold its second an- nual Pageant of' Aviation Progress«.oV July 4, 5 and 6.: The event - wilI abc, comineniorate the- anniversary oif the openiniggof.t.he airport. Anl eéxtenisive prograni 'is now bcin Nvorked out under the superfiîsioin l Mai. R.- W. Schroeder, inanager of t~ l.ocal flying fiel. Ih wil1l'.include ex- lld)itions hy the Curtiss Stunt.tea'ni, the 'Thre EFlying ,5ois-of-Cuii.s," lea' liv D)ale "Red" Jcsn who with Forest O'Brien last July Set'the, preseîn \World's endurance mark of 4201imirs: flights by the 1910 Curtiss pusher-tyPeý plane and* by the Curtiss Tanager . winner of the GugIgenhein $100,f0Ô .safetyý prize -, parachute jumping, and mnmerous other features. -A completc, (lisplay of modern airpianes and avia- tion equipnielît iili -also 1)e presentc<l. A. meeting of couinty. village ani city officiais vas held at the airpo:-t Ttesdayý when plans for a one-wâv- traffic , systeni to lie used during. th.- event 'wýNere dscssl.The .officiai', ,%%,ere takeii on an air tour of the i- wys leadingtIo the airportgivingteni, an opportut ity to visualize at- 3,000 f et the' netwvork of roalds to lie tîsel b' motorists going to antd.,fromi the ex- hlibition. The inauguration ofa traffic contril systeni is conceived principally ýto lier- Mit its being place l in use and per- fected hefore the' National A:- race. scheduled for the 'Curtiss-Reyno]l, field on Aug-ust 23. It is noN% plaianne to have a plane, equipped with radî", broadcasting equipinent, cruise abovc the cong-ested roads, keeping comitv and village. highw,ýay police infornmed as to. traffic condition s and advising thei as' to its direction. Thousand5 of per- sons are expected to attend. "The Vl -- îing Sons-of-Guns" have; issued a. chal- lenge to an), and ail, pilot§,to cornPetc wvith thern during. the pa geant -ne\t we.Their stunts are declared fo be w.iithouIt equal,' including forn'Iat'oIjý mrane.uvers- Of exceptional daring alvi skii'l. CRUISE OVER CITY' Mr. and Mrs. William W. LilI of 119 Abingdon road, 'Kenilworth, char- tered a plane at the Curtiss-Reynolds airpor ,aICenview ast *Saturday for a tnîp over Chicago and, environs,. t'ottx signed contracts at the Curtiss- ofthte. &eriai Navigation Commiý Reynolds' airport, located near Glen- of Illinois; secretary of the Chi view, for instruction ini piloting an air- A.ero commission; chairman of plane. Mr. Hutchinson is président of Aviation commission of the'4 the Continlental Scale comlpanly of Chiý County board and deputy.county cago. He is 43 v'ears of age and bis ger t icarge1 of air :accidents. sàn is 17.'. was a World war ace. for a Running comment on events takïl!-' irman p)lace, on the 'types of ships mnakilig ssion landings or taking off f rÔô the el icago '.ietches on various officers and plt Shie and announcements of "events to tal<e Cook place in the future were broadcaSt coro- continually througlh a loudspeaker sy He 1-pm reaching ail sections of the. air'- drome.

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