11444111K LtAIÂ~Ct SU.MME-R.GOWINS ýWRAPS, - FROCKS .and ..SPORTS WEAR offered at: 20% to 50%Y,' REDUCTIQNS-' ,200* DRESSES, REDUCED TO company, mnanufacturers. of upnoistéry' goods and draperv trimmings. Born at Brookyn, N. Y.. fifty-flve years ago, 'Mr. Van Arsdale. moved to Chicago with his parents mdhen a boy., H-e. livéd thereujtil eleven .years ago ,when 'lie -Moved' to,. Wiltette. Since cornit, to Wilmiettc he, had taken a great initerest iilu ls homne andi garden. He was for mnaty years a mem.ber, of the Hamilton club) and xvas also a metuber of the Royal'icague. Besides bis :widow?, Mrs. Anna Vani Arsdale. lie is.survived bY one dauglu- ter, *Mrs. Robert: Niernever of Chii- caio. a--sister, Mrs. ]7mily, Killough of Chicago and a brother, Robert Van Arsdalé of Chicago. For the More partkcular Womnen A VANITY BOX PERMANENT WAVE'. We don't -want to brag -but we really believe that every wave given here ila quite the Iast word in lovelines. If you are in doubt as to which per - manent wave is best for your hair- corne in and talk it over. with our con- sultan't who wiIl be plased orne expert advice. requires "PUSH-UP" WA.VE ino constont finger wavinil EVANSTON Suite 222, Carsn *uilding 636 CHURCH ST., EVANSTON, UNI VERSITY 9700 Stop suffering frôm constipation. Chew a Rexali Orderlie at night. Next day b 1right. Get 24 for 25c today at the nearest Rexail Drug Store-Renneck&r Drue Co. Advertluernent s Their trip will incltude the follo,%\ing famous musical and dramatic festivals, each of which, according to. tradition, takes place at five, ten, or twentv-fiveý *year intervals and alof which. art scheduled for this summner. Thei r visits wi11 include: 1 London, and, a performance o f flie Moscoàw Art theater whose director, Stanislavsky, is famous throughout I -urope; 'Stratford, the Shakespeare. festival in, the Mllemorial.tlieater,. the two opeiiing. n.ights ; Paris,, some of tlîc xutcresting current, tleater and1 intsi- cal presentaions; Salzburg. perforux- auein the' Cathedral square of M.\ax- Reinbard'ts. fanious production, v- crymiail," a perfornmance ,of "Victoria' byý Arthur Schnitzler, directed b)v Reinhardt and starring Lily I)arvas: Miss Darvas, wife of Franz Moînar, is, l)erhal)s, the outstanding actress of L.urop.e. Tîîey %yill attend a pipe organ concert iii. Fourteentit Century -catlIe- dral and leur coniposit ions, by Mozart and Schubert played oii one of flic largest organ s o f E u rope. lu MUn-1hthey will attenl(l fest ida performnances of thepiays ofScliiller ini the Nationialtlieater, "Fiasklo" is oPe of the production.. i Oberamuîiergaiù the travelers w11t ýsce the -f'anous Pas- siton play ; ini Bayreuth, the. uîo-sf la- nmous operatic performances .i .ii theç' Nvorl(I. condnItcted citiier-bv the fanions Dr. Kari Muck or Artuira Toscanini. ini Carcason ne, thue two-lundred fiti- eth anniversary festival of the Coniediu Fraucaise giveu ini the o0d1>( Roai ai phiflîcater; Iu Nuremnberg, thie 1Hans SacIsý festival .plays given M tthe court yard. of the old eistei-singe+..Kirclîe. ailso Xagners "D)ie M\eistersiniger voi .In Heidelberg they will attend' Ger- hiairdt Hauptmnatuns .festival plays gv en ini the Heidelberg theater and ii i the court vardc of the castie ; ini Rotlien- beurg. theY will seec historical plays enactcd I)v the tow'nspeople iii nwnîory of thie draiiing 'of the miglty beaker by Bxrgomnaster Musch .ini 1631, thus saving thie citv froiîî destruction -,ven captured by GýeneraI Tilly during the TIlîirty Years' wvar. A jitnimber of the festivals will be attended provided the scliedtule can be miade to it -,in with the performance date.s which are not yet aunounced.