Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jun 1930, p. 34

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t Isue. carde of thanks, obitu- its or other- affaira where [Ished, will b.e ealrged at Grade Sepatation wilI save: hf e Let' s have immediate action! Oldtinicrs on the -ot hr r ielv to. forg'et h1 hautesandl lenefits of La ke * Micigau. Aft*.r the: fir.st- -e-r's residence n-i aux- onie 0of our short, Good Old t liste n(veltv .of Lake Micldgaiz haVýing the bigo bodv -of ýwter for' a nieighibor * begins to %vear off. and flie verv existenice of, the lake. is almnost fortl,(tt.i-n: faci there 111st 1leiematiPleoplle, in, our com- 1-I 1I1)te li avýeit visite(l the lake for Thisfrgtin and 1thisgl.ecx "e iun- fortiînate. Th li ersoîl w1ha ~sbeeu living'u j 1es]ide the lake 'for SO 1MnV ()Slses j Mu1ch, by . his failure ho kep p is ac(ilaint- ance anid frien (Isi1) with lus onde»rful, playniate. Ilis eves and bis -ars .ai Ilie hiniself arc.the -1osers. F;imiîllirt\v bassl)re(1 inhm not exaCtIlv conempt but, soliuihbin more like indifference (or lack of esiie Ntlong- ago we met a 110ng11Mi bs Thatlie as, an unuistal N-min- iman wvas pleasuire in 0lserving thie lake in lit's varions j loo(Is. Sun rise, sunse. oo1l i ghýt. storii. j mist-al hheýýe conidition s attrlcte(Il hi.mi and held bis dclighed: attenition. Per:haps vou neyver have héard- of sucIh an inidividuial on the north s'hore.. UFi wasnt a I)(et. buit l1 certainly: appreciate(1 a go l hhng wben 1whc - 1 is>ve-v oulatfi-l wbehbler anv-group) of ndividuals comîribuèies as iucb h o coin- munit,,- welfare- as on r grade and ligh- dl%- - schooi teaclhers. -O(ur grade in a farèwell recephion. For ail tliese veans she, -%as a most important factor in the lives of . hundreds of eilidren. »ot merelv in. the field of mnusic but also ini the fieldo-(f nature study. Our comnînnities shlow their own self-respect wenthe aI)1)au4the svice. of sncb anindividual. Oile of -the forenïiost -s>ortsanid exercises :S s.nîîi*.It ipîn rihvis treniend ous' anlshomvs no s .lis of waninig. lIn hoth m.-nher and. sui.iîner, in itank- Learti to and ontside bodies -of- water, Sreim cbii-dren and young people, a-îl afem- older -folks enjov water, si)orhs and exercise almposh as, niuch as pôrpoises and seals.' As a mneanis-of plivs.icai ev--.perit- bias fe'% - equals. Swinîingii stren9tes~b mutiscles of arms, legs. aind tun.hi creases.the ling çpch.Indtlige(i ii in N.th diseretion, it improves the, -heart. Ih heips to gain an-id mainham côrrect poQstu1re, lEverv- nornmal- 1)v and1 <on shoùld be ab)le to swini. Accidents -on -ter are frequent occu rr ences.- andl the al)ilit.Neh(> .keep afloat elven for a short ime ma'y save not, onivy -oesowii life butiso rthe 1ivescof .othier.s. The conhden.ice lerive(i froini, this ilh is -a po.sitive, asset i critici 1 situaâtions. Trhe natatorinu ah ewTrier hmgb schooi - -isavaiablefor siiiiiuer lessons-nsi- ming1c. Anvone frot-u thrée vears ()f ae to fift\-f1ivle is eligible. Cail Mr. Tackso,(n dur- in- the day-at WVinnetka 2400 or In~ the eve- ingÏ ah University 6448. '.\r. Jcsohas- biad 20 Years experuence in heiclin- aduit.s and 1 -children h om.- ho swin-u. Hlere's vour Chance, 0 -mortâi sbîvérmng onthie- brink-, - uiale ho s5WvjU: ýCome Qi intue ater's -fille! -Souuewhah like W)ATill Rogers. mio-s-t of what W'e knoxv outside o ok-~escu the i)apers. \Ve reaid ini our own esteenîied- - coluiniis recentlv ai- inter- F xtension -s igitem iablitthie 'Winl- Courses -- netka Suiniier school,- con- (luched - under the -direction of-- Carleton Washburne. 'Whah Nvas of- especial iîîterest to-uis as thbe fac-t that stu- to Wor.ry over our variou s un.attacheè1 confidanits who *wiIl go ridiing in the lighit of the moon. For the beîiefit of those. who are stili open to convictioni, me advance . the observation that a gVadua1 accumulation of sunhurn is a dreamn that i reality -becomnes a ntghitmare. Old Sol bias neyer * had a regulating device and he's as irresponsîble as a forest ire. \Vhecreas.he may smile with be- .nlgul gen .tleïiess Ùpo)011 is army of worshipers to- (lay, tornorrow.h' just as liableç to ,turn lo ose à wvhole cascade of ultra-violent rays as a twovear bold kid is to drop things down an open draini. *The bard that > wrote, "tirne heals ail wounids'- only-got off 'a haîf. shot. No niatter lbowoften1 we. sit. up s4dlden'y iithe middle of the nigh.t just. because we forgot and tturned over on our'backs, wiiîter c auses us. to forg-et the discàôm1fort. at-> tendlant to our folly and back We corne fthe minute sununier arrives- to peal off our shirt and then spend the tiext fortniglît peeling off pur skin. *Suniburn, however, severe, is only, a passing afflic-. *tion.Th biggest source of worry at this season descends fron,. thiat other great lumîinous b)ody that holds down the iiighit watch. Cali it wligt ou will- b)lonid feveýr, lutiaritis, failinge-netality, sfeig of tlic brain, or just love-ifs -stilli tegreatest Iiittie disturbance yet knowni to niafkind.- Nothing cati produice. greater cisaster, more real hiappîness;, nioting cati render a-, victînii niorP completely ln conscious or, self-conscious: nothing cati be, th(e souirce of greater humnor, more heartyi., Scienice,ý that now boàsts- of >hlaving tajpped al- nibst everv great i)o%,er, lhas Seet to hnld a control unit that wvill wvork in this inistanie. It r1e.st-s en-: tirely, îtifltce nividual. Somie cani, tu ri it.off andl on like an electric lighit svitch. For otliers, to discover it is fatal. 'rhere is only oue cure that >,,-Ill ,vork in- ev-er\v instance anid that is deniotnced by society. t fills the gravevards too fast. Bsds *te- cure is more fatal th-an the disecase. With s50 nucb fre advice being tlhrown aromid oni this- stubject. soxue of 1h oughit to 1)e good and whiy iot ours? XVhienever von look iinto thie otber -'Iparty-seyes-anid discover that you're riding on the clud, ant to sitg great arias, write pocetry, or (1o iig hbings, back off and look. over the field. .Theni run one of twçoways: howard or awayý. If tovrget..yoôur isery over as. qu ckly jas you- cati.- But in an event, be prepared to b)ail out atd sivtm back' to -shore- for either. ýof thesertes is the mostf deadly of the, species atd, ttwice as fickle. There ïsis mucli more that couild b1e said i this s ermion on -the Greatest of All Thiiîgs; bu-t commnent, is realiy quite futile. I's- like sunburni: no miatter liow oftetî -e, suffer we hav-e to cne back. for more. The oiy-' differençie lies in the. enditîg. t wvhat they are Jargeiv througli their rela- tions Nvith north shore grade teachers. Many of our grade teachers bave srved us long and faiflifuliv, -Tbrotighotit eacb school vear thev have. iahored- côticlint-. iously ho tra.nsforni smi-ail children , inito T his mnehhod -of taking the uiniversihy ho -the people is practicable only so long as the wvork is condùcted under the- immecdiate direction of capable- and responsible individ- m-ais. -,Ven so conduched, such work is a long step Ili the direction of aduit eduica;- tio i. the - liame tig baci -bat anîd bit a fresb ciý any experience witb .1ike switcbing- office Major felt. nut beor iuie ucomauiu eartbheé ost a straw in two. We've neyer had ers biut. if. -if's anting irs we know how the .Hub. 'f ý

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