111 Several of them in different fabrics as well as one 'of eyelet-embroidered pale beige batiste with . shot sleeve and dleepý ruffled jabot.'$1 .95 and $2.50i I A, Foundation Garmen t A slightly boned brassiere-gjirdie combination in light silk and lace, that, gently rnolds the figure into the long. -siender curves soý essential to today's smartness. A Gossard model and only -$5.0ô. A Handbag- $1.95 From a variety of styles she chose an envelope bag of beige kid trimmed in brown. Chiffon Hose That steps. into the. program with al the ass urance of.fashion-correct colors; Beigeclair, Ivorje, Dream Pink. Sheer- as-mist quality. silk l'rôm top- to, toe-conservative block heel-r.ein-. forcedtoe. '$I50-$I.95 apair.. Wash Gloves Since this is" a season when gloves are the thing. One. pair of very short heavy ribbed white gloves for sport, and a pair of eight-buttopn Iength in the tan shades* for afternoon. $ 1.00 and -$1.50. k INFORM AL FR0 CKS, A TENNIS DRESS-with so m any> styles to pick from it was hârd to make a decision, but a white'rajah high waisted sleevelessdress, with matching finger-length jacket won by a narrow margin. $16.75. Senxi Formai Chiffons L .I - m u ,-r I Phon, 588-589 Four Deliveries Dai ~il I jýL(L