Cy Mac Kinnon, Join Matliisoii, Bol)- Jesý bie Merr'iman, Jov. Mervis, Dorelle Fr Moulton, Barbara- Olesoxi, Kathileeni son Orr, Dorotliv Rýiggio, Robert Robert- son, Dojal 1 Vail, Helen W\\iggleswor! t. and Nancy 1ld. iF Charles Bemlis, . Lûcy' Dix,- Dorîlk haneIninsPa 1-eatoni Shirley Hernianti, Jane Holni- lw, viriani Holmies, 'Marsha Huck, Dempster Club Sunday Alice Kelly, Gridlev Dement, Bettie, Shawvnee Inidian. 'o on p L,1each. Bobbie 'McCloucl. Hugh ,Peter~- the first rouniii the North Shore Scrt, Virginia. Riçhards. ýJean SmiaÏl, Aniateuir basebaill -league Sundav -%vith Mafàrgaret Tide man and ,Aiinette Wil- a victorv over thie MichaelRois lia nis. Will paythe DnptrTeriniialëltl 1 Seventk 'Grade at Terminal, field at 3 P. m. Suuida. Shirlev Botthof, Barbara Clark, Eli e hicthe, Pub)lic Service will pflav at nlor Clark, Helena Clay, RusseIl Cooke, LBoltwoorlagiu the NortwstCr Jean Cosner, Dorothy Deaion, Roy' djinàlýs t thc aelor h ny Denimon, .Jante HrrsnPis .0aoiirgaine schieduiled vil1 be played HaWle, Tm Hlernt Mary1btwenthe MÎçchael Robins and Huck, Cecelia MacKinnou., Billy RoI)- 1, r Park Clefs at 10 a. ni. at ertsonl Dorothiv Sinithe, Louise XVaqt - son and Alice Weltv.Boltwvood. treliia - 5-on nd Aice eltNThie Shawvnees EihhGaeivictorv Cover the ýRobins last Stundavxi P . a e , M u i e B s e a r B t a n s a d g v n h m u i î ptGe o r g e - B e n s o n , - J a n e B is b e e , B - 1 n k i g b i i t h v oyin î I bof, Jack Blrne Roger Crowe,-Pa- p:sssion of first placea tefrtI tricia Davis, Héste r Dillon, Henryl 1iaif o tl; seaon ended Eggert, Peter Gilbert, Joe Harrison_, __f____s____ liel. t Stanlev Kniighit, Cv MacKinnion ,John in Mfathison. Joy Mervis, Doirelle \touî- MARRY JUNE 28 E ton.and Robert Robertson. Th arigeo Ms arv, HONOR ROLLof Highland Park and ClareneSct Third Grade ni .311 Rdeaeuewl aeplacc *to- Denise .Armnstroug, Bethv Bec;keir.,ilorfrow . iiit in Hi'ghland Park. m PBetty >Bonnlet, Barbara Burcli, Virginiai Brock, Winstoîî Frederick, Ruthi Goodl- i s M argcrv Baiîniug,' danâlghtcr of oui hue,, Suzanne Hazelet. Mvr-tle Hollo- jMr.adMr.T'îisA.Bniî1o \\a, FanKooRobert Landon . 3 .cutro1isuwcamllpiii-g wiih D) ic kO'Connor, Marjorie Siniding, Vir- ~ ru feseucollege jpeople ou 'i gliîia Sowers, Rutlh Stréec, Elaine eoogfie<I 1ri) at North Adlaniý, Vaught, Phv-llis Wheelock, Bol) Ander- lis.Sh as just fiiished. lier junior senî, Tonipîy Ellis, Suzann me Erwini, "eitr it Northw.ieste-.î universit-v hr Malrthia Hale, Dorotliv Henderson, hcî is a icll)fer of Gammall Phi Beta .Madelin Jergensen, Joani Ketchauî, -rrt Jack Lawsoii. MIary McýftosIl, Berilce 7I 3i Modiine, Eenr MrioP~~ Wharton, Clav of 419 .Niith, strek! Petersen, Jimiy Robertsoii liclf o uop nteS .Fat Rother" t-Illi:st 'ýeek. an(l laided Mloîidav to lbe Rohrmel,, Jean Schrei. Bud rSti e~iI ii Pii mnan, Susaiî Wolfe and Bob 'Moss. a< ôi.adepcst ot Fourth Gr*de ôeladeptst go o Norman Bernis, Janet. Colviin, John .\se.aît e h îdriaci Deac *.Kirk Dilling,.John Dix Tom lecture in the buildings there. Mir. ____ ýKeith, Maria n-Mesick, Bettv Mutrray,(a s î.rhietrl nier James Olin, Betty Schirei, Ruith i Sprenger, Hall Stewvart, Shirley. Wet- M terer. Johin Wison. ,a~riaWilson.' . . i Thon jour otor ver et- may be for any number of reasons. Bring your car and we will tell you quickly wvhat's. the trouble., timates gladly given-ali .work guaranteed. e. are continually insialling new and irnproved equip-ý ent and can therefore offer the best of repair Work-ý ir service is c'areful and. comlete. 2Twelfth St, Goge 11M11r Phone. Wil. 50.'ý i ~il Leo Mifer, v lai, "UlT Tla C t'acKarc t Lot,' for Bargains A Safe Place-to a Used Car Seventh Grade. Robert Berger, Shirley> Botthof, Doris Briggs, Barbara Clark, Elinor Clark, .Helena Clay, Russell Cooke, Jean -Cosner, Dorothy Deacon, Roy PACKARD MOTOR Winnetka 3070 , g m li Li uv ifzb . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . I thIe UsedCar Department and Arrange for a Demnsnratiou CAR COMPANY OF CHICAGO, HUBRARD WOODS BRANCH 925 LINDEýj AVENUE Greenleaf 6030 'E"The honor roll is for students whio receive a grade of "E" in effort. FoIlowiiig is the complete list of. honor pupils:. HONOR SOC IETY Sixth Grade t"t ir