Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jun 1930, p. 46

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iiers unulay atternoon iIIusJicaisa ÇSkokiC Country 'club on Sunday, ýJune 29, at 4:30 ('cl-ck. Menibers -and friends of tbe clubi are ixvited to be present. Mrs. Dwighit C. Orcutt. of Glenicoe is again ini charge of tiiese jlusicales%. whijcIl i l11 I)given al>out evervt~owk. Nr, Jencks is a young Chicago bani- t ole wbo lbas beenl winning tbe ac- dlaini of biis audiences in concert and radio aàppearances. Wben he closed the season at a synipbony "pop"9 con- ceçî ini Kalamazoo, Mich., witb Eric DeLamarter. conducting, he received onie of the most sincere ovations of 1 Iast season, after bis singing of the - prologue, froir "Pagliacci." He was recalled sixlimres for bows. He later 1reselted, a group of, songs *which. -again brougbt doDwn the bouse.. He lias.a voxce, personality, and 6ineness ofspirit thaI is brînigiighlm ,success m-herever lie sings. A warnth of tonal colon and heanty. virile style cbanac- ize bhis work," says one critic, Wlien lie gave a program during the.winiecr for the Wornar's Librar.y club of Glericoe thîe critic of the Glencoe News said of hlmi, "thie toiles .flow out * ùlôîotIlIy,, alinost- effortlcssly. WVi/be draniatic emnplasis is needed, lie is readv for il wiîb power and. intelli- gence. His maniner is friendly and 1)oised." A nollier critic savs' of hini ofs.vbrn voice bias ail tbe clianm ofvoutb added to mnaturity. of inter- pretation."* * Tlhese sumnnier niuisicales-lïave been looked forwand to 1w morth shore.1 mnusic Iovers froni yean to vear for1 -- tbev- offer an opportunîty to liear ont-« standling antists li the intimate and1 * coinfontable ' surrotundings - of t Ih e1 Skokie Co ntrv club, whiene inforin- v aliîiy is the keynote.. At Home-Satucdy Mn. and. Mrs. Ira L,. GriinisIlaw of Ne%%.-York, neturnhxg f roiîthéeconven- t ion of thîe' Naiônaî Electric Light, association in Sa i i Francisco. a re Npendiî 1-the -Week-end with IîIleir par- entls, Dr. and Mirs. 'Milton R. Barker of 730 Centrai aveniue. Thîe weddin.- * of Mr. and MNrs. Grni>isliawv was the (Photo by Berlite> Mr. and Mrs. Oliver C. Dennis, 702 Elmwood avenue, announce the en- pagement of their daughter, Marion, to DeForrest Showley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sbowley, of Lake Bruce, Ind. Mr. Sbowley is a graduate of the Chicago Y. M. C. A. college and is a* inemiber of the iaculty -of New Trier Lfigh school. No date lbas been set for the wédding. Entectain Jean Crossley P cior ta -Hec Departuré MisJean Crossleéy, daughler of Mr. and Mrs., Frederick Crosslev 9f, 600 Washington avenue, w ho is.leaving for Seaittie, Wash., 'July 9, and wvil1 enter the Universily of Washingýton in the iall, is 1)ein-g feted by bier frie'nds prî-or toher departure. Helen, and. Bud dy (Photo by Toloif.> Mr. and Mrs. Burt J.,. Dennman, 21 I.inden avenue, announce the engage- nient of their daughiter, Berni ce l.enore, to Howard Sno.w of Yonkers, N. Y., son of Dean Charles Hlenrv Snow of tbe College of Engineering of New York university, and Mrs. Siiow. Miss Denmian prepared for college at Ferry b all, Lake Forest, and was graduated - from Mount Holyoke co~- lege in the class of 1930. Mr. Sno'% attend:ed Phil1ips' Andover academy ai Andover, Mass., and graduated i rorn the College of Engineering of New York university in 1924 and took post graduate work aI. the tlniversity of' Californlia. He is a member of Delta Pbi. fraternity; Mr. Snow is a couiýn of Mrs. Finley J. Sheperd and Edwinî Gould of New York City and is- asso- ciated with tbe. McGraw Hill .Publish- .Ing company of New York. The wed- dîng will take place in tbe early fal. *The betrothal was' announced at à bridge luncheon aI the Denmian borne' Tuesday. (Photoby !Covington) M.and Mrs. Wendelin P.'Seng, 401 Lake avenue, announce the engage,- ment of thein daughter, Edna May. îc' Philip O'Connell White, son of Mtrz. James Mc». Wbite of 5200 Sheridan. road, Cbicago. No, date, has beeni set for, the wedding. Mcs. Keccy Meaghec Hiostess at Luncheon at Shawvnee Club Mrs. Kerny C. Meagher of 716 Cen- tral avenue entertained more Ihan one 1bundred guests at a luncheon an(! bridge pantv Wednesday afternoôn at Sliawnee Country club. Sh.e was. as- sisted byv Mrs. Thonmas M. Knox,. MnIr. William Hoînies, Mrs. John J. Spear (,f \Vinnetka, Mrs. Arthur Taylor,. Mr',. R. \V. Jordan, Mns. H-arry Richter, NIrs. W. Wallace Kerr, Mý,rs. J. Wilson ..McAllister of Kenilw'orth, and Ms E., Mendsen. Several ott-of-t owri guesîs vere presentl. amo»g îheml MrS. Charles Hastings of South, Bend, Ind.. 3mns.. Edward Kirclîberg of Crvstai .Lake, and Mns. Arthur Xislwof. Grand Haven, Mich., who vene'former resi(lefts of Xilmette. Olliers were. Mris. J. F. Parish, and Miss Catherine Parish. guests of MIrs. Arthur Taylor; to frien Entertains Bride-Elect. Mrs. Harry Bertram Wilson of 611 Laurel avenue was hostess at a lunch- on Wedneýday in honor of Miss, Mari Grulée of Evanston who is to ýbe mar- ried in July. Mrs. .H-oward Diurhamu wil ener- tain aI a small luncheon and bridge Saturday afternoon at ber home, 431 Abboîtsford noad, Kenilworth, .ini bon- or of Mrs. Henry Floyd of Atlanta, Ga., who is the housegzuest of Mrs. C. A.. Hanni nger. Harold Bleser, son 'of Mr. and Mrs. FnankBleser of 1319 Wilmiette avenue. entertained a group of friehds 'at a p arîy last Saturday night in bis home. Give Luncheon Mrs. George H. Beaudin assisted bY ber sister, Miss Anna McCann, of 726 Elmnwood avenue, entertained ât lunch- con and nine tables of bridge last Moi'- dlav aftennoon at Shawnee Countr' club.

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