Cou ntry Charm with City Convenience- Tlypical of the values Skokie. Acresoffr At the present time."we hav'e sev eral ,choicé .'locati ons .at prices greatly reduced; Six. acres north of, Willow, Road on Sunset, with, wat er,' gas' and electrie available. Over 300 feet frontage on Sunset, Road. Two acres with 263 feet frontage, on Sunset Road. 330 feet :deep. Very, high, rolling property. Twenty acres with strearn and woods. Sixty acres overlooking fine. estates. Ripe for division into small estates. Seventeen acres near Hib- bard Road, on bridi e paths,i>' will divide.- Prices as low as $2,000 per acre on these properties. Let us show you thé best v'aluesI" of the, Skokie area. - SKOKIE ýACRES offer -the, homesite idea-l Consider Skokie Valley, both as a, place, to live and as an'inývestm!ent. Inthis charming valley region of the Chicago North Shore, acreage- prices revtal inviting possibilities for future profit. Fast electric transportation-brings the Skokie close to the city. Outlying motor highways are available without the need of braving the "holidlay jam," and> first class' stores, churcheçs, schools and recreational facilities are near at hanid. Fresh air and sunshine are proving an irresistible lure to city. families, who are turning Skokiewa rd in ever increasing numbers. This means profit for .those who settle first, and buy In hl acres are avai lable at'a price welI withinaeaeinoeraeh. Jnform' yourself on. Skokie'valt;es and profit o0po ttes .tkrough an. organization that 'can give constru-c- tive counsel. Let us hear from you.. I s r - - 1~ 117