Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jun 1930, p. 51

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t ancex, KeavU vooUVc iwoi, wno t L sec- n ii Class D" and Bob) Ricksen \vho took third in "Class 1)" Tfhe North Shore Outboard Motor Mlub holds charter Numnber One otý * thc National Outboard aso-ciationl, and is the pipneer organization of:its kili in the country. Besicles hiaving staged v thé longest Marathon ever ld 1Ut). to 1928, the Milivaukee-Chicago event is now regarded ini motorboating circlesý as a classic inm wate'r sports events. H-arold Bloorrfield.of Highlandl Park, ailother. club -niembér, . had the distinc- tion of holding the world'.srecord lasi vear in «"Class -C" witlihîhi Einud poerd"Red Sadw aCntr Cyýclone huILi This vear the clubs roster. liold',- ~fit-five 'nanîel- of active memnbers. H-eadquarters of the club are located in Evanston next to thé V. S. Coast Gua 'rd. station where boat- racks afîdl moor lockers have .been built to give the menibers conplete facilities. for the storage of their equipmient. An\-- mioe, idahove the age of 14 ani of good-)i mîoral chiaracter," 'is eligible to joiît the, chlb,. upon paymenît of moderate dues of $5 a year, anid election inito the cu.The, membership is nowý Iimiited to one hundreçi until increased facilities liave l)een provided., Franklinu ook of * 2131 'Orrinigton avenue, Evanston is noiv conimoore of the clu!) and wvil. be glad to ansver ans' questions anmI supply applicatioi 'l)ank~ opopc tive menfibers. Kari Yost of \Vilmette is secretarv, Ken Brubaker of Evans- ton is vice-commodore.. Clarenice Zili- £nier of W\ininetka is treasurer.' A further project of the club is to promote a series of canoe paddlinz ýýnd sailing races in connection with their nian-v outhboarci races. Last vear thie outboarders collected silver and, goAd cup%,placques, shields. and trophié.s of al kinds, 'valued at al)roxiinatifelr $1.300.1 It is hoped that the. canoeists of the north shore wvi1 organize with- :fhe North Shore club and act as a sep)- arate hodv. within the parent organiza- tion, Sevèral ýcanoeists bave àlread\- sgnified their 'intention to help) or- ganize this -new cluh-within-a-clh. The North Shore Outboard club lias taken an active part ini the p)romiotioni IoViVd va t snal i lfin trnalreepio Mrs. WViliIam A Murray (H-ortense Pagc-Wooff) of Iliglilan:d Park will be the Ma'tron oflhonor, and brides- mnaids m,111l beMsssMary Louise Hav s.o init Gcorgia Lloyd of South Orange, N. ., Aniie Robinîson of Glen "View, Alberta .Woodruff, Ann Stevens, 'Dorcothiv Wýýelchand Rütli ,Seanor ,all of Evanston., and Mrs. Donald W. Rogers of Hubb ard Wood.s. -Donial('[W. Rogers ,ý mil be bést man. and the followijng will ushier, 1 Elmc-.r ËAl1 ridge,. Clarence FI. Jones. and j. H. Sheldon Lee, Jr., of Evanston, Freder- ick, H. Scott. Jr., of Hubbardà Woods. Notion 'M. Cross, Jr. qif Minneapolis, Frank F. F.owle, Jr., of Wintietka and Dear. b i I. 1169 .4 OUR CASH PRICES -o- Miss Fraiicess Anderson of 178 Myrtie street, Wjnnetka, wilI leave JulY 1. for Warwick Woods camps, Saynér, Wis. whÉre she wi11 be a music coun- cillor for two nionths. Telephone- SWe wilI contribute, ni your naine MNoth insurance is an investment and we desire representative women with wide acquaintanceship among home owners. We are leaders in our field, were selçcted by the Chicago Civic Opera to protect their beautiful furnsthings from moth damge and are recommcnded by Chicagoý's. Ieading stores. To representatives we wili. pay liberal commissions either direct, or through them to any charitable organization they designate. Write or phone for. appointment. Moth-No-wMor Corporation, 0498 Z41 W. Vau*aren St. Rand THE: PUBLIC, IS PLEASED -----.AND WE ARE 'PLEASED To say that we are pleased with the recep- tion given us since entering the retail cleaning field is putting it mildly. The announceitent of our change in poliey, f romn exclusive wholesâle cleaners to also serving the retaiji customer, brought forth a, response f ar .exceeding. our highest expieetations. NMany. hundreds . took advan-" tage ofoùur special offers, and our excellent, workmanship *was a revelation to those unacquainted with our service. Ail this is very ýpleasing-pleasing to us, because of the increased volune-pleasing to, the public because of the worth while savings.

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