of wo Lonrd*s erved. he Sacr'atner f Baptlsrm w The Plans and Contract comjmltteC wlll meet on Frlday, June 27' at 8 P. M. ln the church office in the 'State Bank building to r ecelve the survey of, thé needs 0f the. church ln ail depyartments and to take the final step for the begin- nlng of the 'building9. The Young People's Christian En- deavor, -ociety will ineet 'at the home of Mrs. H. Otto vonder fHoif, 332 Oak clrck, Sunday evening at 6 :30 P. M., Miss1 Georgiga Burch. will. lead the Open Forum discussion, "Aiv Highest Chioice.", The Sunday- school mieets ln five de- partmnents with classe§ for ail ages. The sehool- wil meet throughout the' sum- mer at 9 :30 A. M. The schedule will be changed'to meet b oth summier and ,vaca- tion 'conditions ln ail departments, the time bein.g shortened and the depart- ments. ."Th e 1ntegrity Of the SeiItùires" will be the second study in '.The Basai Facits of Christianity"? Wednesday evening at 8 P.« M. The lÉvangelical basis of Chrîl.s;- than faith is itidis.solublylinked with the Seriptur'es of the - OId and Ne-. Testa- ments as genuilnely authoritative in ail. siatters of falth and conduct. A cordial welcoffie is extended to 8trangers and visitors tO ail theservices Of the church. *The musical program for Commuwnion, St4nday follows: Prelude -Pastoraie" .......Scarlatti Athem-"prýaîse the Lord" Randegger Anthem«-7."MY* Falth -Looks Up to Thee" Schnecker Offertory fluet- "The Lord Is Mýy Shepherd". Matthews Miss Aikmnan-Mr. Miller Posttuce-March (Hercules) ... . Handel] Quartet: Leola Aikman, soprano; Rose Lutiger Gannon, contralto; John *B. Miller, tenor; Edward Otis, bass; Errna Rounds, prganist and director, Englisk Lutheran Greenleaf avenue at Seventh strce.t Wllmette TiE SECOND SUNDAT AFTE R 9:454A. M . ...........Sunday sel~o 'Walter Reisner, superintendent il ..... Morning worshlp, Sermon: "The 'Morning ýStar of The Xinlgdorri of God." Sunday mornlng we celebrate the birth of At. Jôhn the Baptist. Wilmette Lodge Number 931 A. P. & A. M. Wlll be our guents at Ibis service.. We bespeak the hearty, cooperation of our entirè e iw. bersh 'ip in maklng tbis a service long t6 .remembered., Invite your frlen<is and join In hie fellowshlp of Chalstian peo.- pie. The Sunday school will hold its Nine of the Wekeacafila Camp Fire *Girls are enljoying a eek' at Ca.np Nawakwa, near South Haven, Mleh. *The girls lèft MVonday, June 23, to stay until June 31. Those wvho went are: Jane Hlorsting, Jeane Fisher, Annamarie Booz, Florence Hanson, Cathen ýMunro, .Julia -Carroll, Evelyn ,Young- quiýLt, Helen Booz,, Helen Young.'> The girls, are accompanied by: their Camp Fire Guardiani, Miss Elizabeth ,B. Web- ster. St. John's Lutiieran Wilmette and Park avenues,. Wilmette. Herman' W. Meyer, M. A., pastor* 406 Prairie avenue. Telephone 1396. Church telephone' 3111. SérViecs SeodSunday after Trinity 9 :30 A. M., Sunday school and Bible classes. 9 :45A. M._ First service and sermpn. il1:00 A. ýM., Second service and ser- mon. The Chr istian and BeLnevolence. 1 John 3. 17. Mfeetings Monday at 7-:45, Choir meeting. AUl meetings 0f the various organiza- tions wvthin the ehurch, as the Voterts' meetings, meetings, of the Ladies' Aid and Missionary. society, the Senior Wal- ther league and the. Juùnior Walther league have been suspenided , for the pionths of Juily and August. lI case of iiecessity special mneetings' will be cailled. The Sumnier Conference camp of -the Northern i llinols'-District Walther leag.ue, Will open, on Sùnday. next June 29. at Millhurst, Ill., just à few miles south- weést of Piano, and on the, bankcp of the Fog river. This camp -wiilI continue unitil July 13. A daily lecture and rec- reation program has beefl prepared for the young people. The rates are $aO for, the twvo weeks, $17 for one week, $3 by the day. A special rate of $8 is offered for july 4 t0 6. It is expected that a, great niany young people of our Luth- eran ehurches will register at this Ceamp, especially from. July 4-6. Make . your reservatlons now. The annual convention, of the North-, erni Illinois district of the Lutheran ehurc'h is now in session' ah the gy m- nàsiumr of River Forest Teaiuhers cal- lege, Ri ver Forest, .111., About -35(ý delegates are atteniding the sessions. The essay is on the Augsburg Confes- sieon. The afternoon sessio)ns are de-, v'oted te busýiness inatters. Visitors- are always weleme. The annual Sunday school, picule held last Saturday 'at the. Glen View forest, preserve was, probably the best St. John's ever had, both from a viewp.oint of attendance, and general participa- tion. We lçnew that al who were there thoroughly enjoyed it. The weather was ideal.. St. Augtlstine 9s Church Methodist Chu r*h' Wilmette and Lake avenues, Wilmette D'r7. H. G. Smith, paster *Nearly three hundred. folks will flnd their way, judged by past atten'dance, te worshlp in Ibis saflctuary next Sunday morning. The paster said îast Sunday that "a church service on a summer Sun- day mornlng offers most of the reàl values of a Week end trip." More and more dis- crimlnating people are finding that te be true. Sessions of the Chu'ich School are held at il o'clock., There are classes for the Beginnèrs,. the .Primary and the Junior Children. A large group mlet last Sunday for Ibis Yearranged seliedule. In this. Way the whole .family can com, at the sâme 'heur. The Meni's class, unider the leaderslîîp' of Dr. Schermnerhoirn, meets before church at 9 :45 a. m. Ail men agre invlted.'11 - The pastor wtll be in the puli3,t. .for the riext-three Sundays.' The quartet Instc-ad of the chorus choir will sing. The whole service wlll last little more than one heuùr. Mission Church Parish House, Oak street John Bengtsen, pastor. Wirjnetka 3379 .. . . . 'u ,eva. n in Alaskat." witli 'itatIon to visitons and strangers '.---- F ourteen mette to attend Its services of Next .Sunday, being the firet Sunday Stoddard J. SmaIl, son of Mr. andi thc sunin at il1 o'clock on Sunday morn- in the month, .will be Corpôrate Coin-, Mrs. J. D. Small; 411 Maple avenue, sylvania offers a cordial hospitallty andmuonunafrte Boys' and Gils' left Wednesday for Culver, where he M1r s. C. *inng essge 0 al Wo orn. Cmmuionleaues .will be an officer and instructor ini the Bryan. Sunday mornlng Dr. J.ýoper wlll AS rnost of the choir boys are In camp Culver ~Wooderaft school. Yok 11h street, have let w tI.3CII mer iu the mouintains in Pen.n. with their aunt and cousin,' A. Bryan and Miss Nannette They 'will also go0 to New ingl. it ,an 1, I4ext at, 11, A, ýX4,1 ' outstanclîng preiates from the 1Fpicopfli Churchi in Amnerica, the 1Rt. Rev. Georige Craig Stewart, who Iast week was coi- secrated bishop coadjutor of th.<ý Diocese. of Chicago. will leave *Evaiju-' tonl t1lisweek for Europe. In conipany with Mrs, Stewart. I'f r. Pand.Mrs. E. J. White alld daughtérs, 1824 Chicago avenue, Evanston, lie wHl! sait Saturday fronfi New York on tI,' S. S. Matretaniia, ,expectinig to arrivýe i.. Lýondon July 3. lie will spend Idpn ence day at Fulham palace, guest -of the )ishop *of Londonl>, d rater il! the stui-- mer will he in Aberdeen, for spec.al church festivities there as- guest ol the Bishoj) of Aberdeen. Both lisý hos ts, have bIeen his guest>s in Evans t or july 5 he will be ýrec'eived, 1w the Arch - bishiop of Canterbury, and juir 6 wifl attend the elaborate ceremonies wvhich. will open the Lambeth conference iii: ,onýdon to which, only once jii ever,% ten years, the Aréhbishop of Caniterintir-. invites bishops of manv counitries for conisideration of pertinent problenîs. To Study Several Subjectsý This summer's cohferene .vill have as its imiportan.t topics chuirch iitv, to w,ýhicli Bishop Stewart as a del&-ate tw o years ago to ,th.e Lausanne con- fereice, is expected bt bring authori- tative counsel; problems of unlemploy - ment, world peace, marriage, and divorce, sex. healing, prohibitionr anz! youth. Dr, Stewart has also interested himself in the last named subject, and while he will be, in viewpoiit, of years. the youngest- bishop attending the Icon- 'ference, he is expected to have more important part than otherwise because of his special devotions to the two is- sues. 'Because ofthe inabiIity of the Rt. Reyt, Sheldon M. GriswoIld4 bishop of the diocese of Chicago, to attend the conference, as he. had plalnned, Bishop Stewart -ý. will represent theý diocese ini his stead, while the Most Rev. Jamnes DeWoIf Perry, -presiding bishop, ho succeeds the late- Bishop, Anders on, who had planned before M-1 death to attend the. conf e ren.ce, wvill represeint. the church in America. Following his sojourn in 'London-an *d the close of the conference, %ihop, Stewart wilI tour England, visit Scot- land, Germany, Austria, Italy, Spaini and Oberamîmergau, expecting to re- turu the middle of Septenîber.