trouble? You nay have safe new 1Fire. stonie Balloons at the Iowest price in history. *Oldfield performance at these prices is.a record brëakinig combiniation in Drive ini now,. 4)L1) F 1 E il 1) New ,Lou, Prices 29x4.40---$ 5.40 30X4.50-- 5.99 -05.00- 7.55 32x,6.0- -l .30) EI' x kil lf rB1a tlrie Btti*iy Tu-* mu lv pi ri n nL Irîumiio rî-Il. % biniti -i : N ISL- ilIdhJi Crall, ase *r ie WILMETTE BATTýERY ,& ýELECTRIC ,SERVICEý 740 Twelfth Street I>honce Wilinette 691-696 .4 If, "t J~E EVANSTON OFFICE 1015 Church St. Phonçs Uniiiv. 450 aS dW'I F- L( YVE RV VYA1 There' Another Reason. --Clearier Del iveries Our pi ice on coai and coke are lowcstý \nI here «is another good re'ason (i ù Ietting us fil your co>al biti at thI S ti Ie. Good xweather condition s iake possible a clean, dry delivery and our deliverynien Wîll leave your basemnent, side-walk and iawn as,~ean and orderly as they find it. It N-ill pay you to "buy your coal on approvat" el te, I3O0 Consumrs Copaiv ýý_________ c iAL.L for OVEFR-E OT ap ID - - ~H *1 A~ GLENCOE OFFITCE .112 Glencoe Rond, Phone Glencoe 75 i C: I T r I Braun 58 "For Fuel-Use Oil' Carl Robt. F. Doepel L.Braun AI 1 - F U LE