Phone 514 SPECIA SALEJULY 5to JULY 10, '4ATIUDAY r THLÙRSDY FIVE FREE DELIVERIES DAILY 4 BONELESS HAM BUTTS Sweet meats-a delicions treat for lovers of real ham Il, lb.42c BR? OILEJS 1930 fresah dre sted chickes- average 1 % t. 3 Iba. l.45c. LEG- 0FLAMB Genuitte 1930 stock-& wonder- fui roaat POTATOESNo. 1 eds49L pk. WHEATIES GRAPEFRUIT, The nw ;uminer cereal-wliole Ideal for saIad and' breakfast wheat flakesa Golil Medal fruit-choice, whole sections. product. Haif poumd package&.. No. 2 can. 2 for 25c 23c Z"S ~~country 'eggsDz, 3 MARMALADE, Adele's pure sweet orange. Glas& jar, 12 or. net weight 29CI SARDINES King Oscar, Norway~s fineat packed in pureat olive oil. 19C state- and nat ional côntests in th'fl a,!. This was the iargest event in whici the corps bas participated- since winnix'g state honors last fail. Comipeting against. 20 other corps, froni aIl over Cook county, the Evans-, ton group defeated sonfie of thefinest ini the country. Their keen. rivaIs,. the. Comnmonwealth Edison corps,, which won the state championsbip. in 1928 aýnd.'third place in the national contest last year, piaced second, and the Illi- nois Bell:Telephone corps, Was third. Witb the cbampionship banner in their keeping, the Evanston; legion-* naires are beartened in, the lengtby practice whicb they are undergoing- for next f all's major. tournaments. H. L. Garwood is the. commander of the.>corps and Lloyd Sinmpson 4runi major. The corps bas conducted, sev- elprqjects for finincinàg its trip .1 Boston in Octoberand bas beeù carry-. ing on sale of rtickets for the JuIy Fourth celebration in Dyche stadiuni for this putpQSe, A thee-day cafhival. to raise other proceeds is planned for1 late in August. Miss Iouise Hawks "of Montclair, N. J., spent three days last week visit- ing with lier. aunits, Mrs. B. C.. Hawkes of 157 Kenilworth avenue, Kenilxortt, and Mrs. C. C. Carnahan of 700 Cenx- tral avenue. Miss Hawks *was for- mierly a resident of Wilmiette and ik now teaching at Scri.pps . college. in MAKE >OUR QOWN BREEZE a at t he Village Green u~hen the Ridgevievs f u r - nisb the opposition. In a twilight battie several weeks ago S at thé s'ane field whee vicrious i t h c icgons I a 4- score. Anothet twiligbt, game wiI11 take place at'thie local Christmian field. next Thurîs- d a y evening at 6:30. Deerfield will oppose the locals., The* af ter-dinner tilts, are proving more popular rach week and to date the fans have been rewarded with some niigbty good basebaîl. The shifting of Bill Christman, to shortstop and Joe Borre to bis oldý job at third has proved mighty good strategy on the part of Manager* Don Renniolds. Cbristman is the f ellow who starred at Norffbwestern: several years ago. He was captain oAf the Purpie diamond ag- -gregation for two years. After leaving school he entered the pro game. He played at Moline, of the.Three-I league. and proved bis wvorth to the degree that he wTas sol d to New O)rleans, a' class Aminor. league outfit. About, this.tume BiIly decided that,.be didn't care, for the -professional life and lie just "forgot" ta) report to the southerners.. He did con- tîinue to play, however, and. has scintil- lated at third and short for some. of the classiest serni-pro tearns ini and around Chicago. Borre plays his old natural style at * third and 'witb the. reliable Bill Baker back at second and George Kassel at frst the bornie .reW presents a formnid- able infield. .1 Asks Permit to Instali Tom Thumb Golf Courses,. 1 H.. J. Popperfuss, manager of the' Pear-son hotel 190 E. Pearson street, Chicago, petit ion ed the Wilmette Vil- lage board at its regularmeeting Tues-. day night 'for permission to instaîl two Tom Tbumb miniature golf courses 1:1 Wilmette, one at the northeast corner 'of Linden avenue and Fiftb, street and another at the nortbwest. corner of I.ake avenue and Main street. The COMMUNITY. KITCHEN BREAD - ROLLS- DOUGHNUTS SPECIAL ORDERS Jeweler and Optician 1166 WILMETTE ,,AvE., WiLNME 1061 PL "TIRESBL B SPCA A.]1 727 OAKTC 2 blks. east IPITTS ST. Univ. 1084 St. Francis Roupital Peenxfale, e&Ung andl potted plânta I. Phone 510 m 1,