The first of a series of assembly 'pra- grains was given to the summer schooi students Friday by Dorothy Aldis whlo read from'her popul14r children's books. Walter R. Siders, field. represëntative of the World Federation of. Educa- tion associations, will speak on "Wôrld Cititenship" Thursday morning, July,10. FPriday, July 18, Dr. Edwin Starbuck, director of the Institute of' Character, Research, Iowa university, will, speak. The lectures- are given in I-Harrison hall of the cQllege, Sheridan, road, north, of Isabella street, at. 11, and frienji and alumnae of the college are invited to hear. the -speakers. The "L" will take 'patrons iclose to the college ,at the Isa- bella street, station. SUMMER EXCURSIONS The following schedule of excursions, bas been arranged.for sunimer students attending the National College of Edu- cation. Local students as wéll as those f rom out-of-town frequently take ad-, vantage of the conve et, arrangeme~nts for getting acquainted with Chicago and the suburbs:. July, 5---Chicago Atinstitute.. July il-Opera at Ravinia. July, 12 - Hull house, Chinatown .Maxwell.,street. July 18-Chicago Tribe tower. July 19-Field museumn, Shedd aquar- ium and Adler planetarium. July 26--The tunnel delivery system of Chicago. Mrs. Henrietta Heinemnann M rs. *renrietta Hienemann, 134". Chestntît avenue, Xilmette, died ov Monîday morning, june 30, at her home aà,t. the age of 82 years. Three years ago sue was afflicted.with pneumonia, f ront the effeets of which she neyver, fully' recovered. Mrs. Heinemann was. born at Colo' gne, Gerniany., She hdlvdi W.ilmiette .,seveni years', and before that .ha*d been a resident of Chicago for fifty years. She was a niember of St. John's tutheran churcli in Wil- *mette. expects to go on, to New York to see publishers about some:of the song-- lie recently hias composed. Mr. and MrF. .Arthur Ruif plan to do a great deal ol' entertaining for Professor and Mrs. Ruiff while TEA FOR ýTRAVELER On Sunday evening June 29,, Miss Helen and Miss Buddy Holden, twin daugliters of Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Holdenl 527 Warwick road, K<enilworth. entertained., forty of t heir friends- at' a garden tea in honor of Miss Jeai-i Crossley daughter ~ Mr. -and Mrs. Frederic Crossley of Wilmette. who i s leaving for Seattle, Wash., next week to spend a year. Miss jean Hennmng, Miss Beth'Brower, Miss BettyBalis!, and Miss Ruth Kneip.poured. There was dancing in the garden. ,Miss Laura Durgin, who lias beeti teaching English 'and Latin ini the High-sclîool at Irotn Mounitain, Mich..' bias returned.and now is studving for- lier Masters ctegree during thie surn- nier session at the Univ'ersity of Chi- cago. Miss Durgin spent iast week- enîd with lier parents, Mr. and Mrs., Williami A. Durgin of 627 Forest ave- nue. 0o- Dr. Alice Tuttle and ber daugiter., Dorcas, of 913 Central street, lef t Thursday to motor through the easterii and southern states. They plan to bc. gone about a rnonth. NEEDS SPORTINOG OODS:' GOLF Golf Sets-4 clubs and a bag-Driver, Midiron,,MasFile, Putter, speciol...$55 Clubs................$.5U Sunday Bags-..,............I0 Kroflite Seconds.......... ........ 45e TENNIS Rackets, 'special ......... .......$4.5 OtiierRac kets ......... ... 98r. to $1 5.00 Tennis Balis......... for $11J0 Oxfords . . . . . . . . 2 FISHINC TACKIE.. . . . $12 Steel Rods 9c Lever Winding Reels .........$2.00 Landing Nets...........3.5 Stringers.............. ...... .. 90é PHOTOGRAPHY,.. Eastman Kodaks . ...... $5.00 Brownie Cameras ............... $2.50 Films for all makes of camneras SWIMMINC SUITS Jantzen Boys' Sùits... ....... $3.50 Spalding Suits........ .$4.50 fo $5.50 Bathing Slippers ... 1.00 Caps ............. 75e Sweaters ..... . $3.75'to $6i00 Riding Breeches... iding Boots .. . Knickers Duck Trousers ........ ..$6.00 $22.50 ... ...$5.00 .$2.50 ing to spend the i'ourtn oi .iu'y in -tit give Venice. Until july .17,Dii Wilett touê te and his party will spend their tiiue agpecialty in Italy, visiting Romne, Florence, Ioitrly1 Naples, Pompeii, and' Somne of the shawing! Sm aller hili towns. They will visit Germany, and. the HolAy Land before retuirning. to Kenilworth. z M ý 5 f y 1$ Iii finishing are Our meen te w, are .1- * 1 - . - 1 1 1 mmwmm