For the Benefit of Our Employees We will appreciate your cooperation in shopping early on these days. New Fst ndEfficint HereIs the EasyWahr 150 -III t t IL t t Lt I Lt I .11111 Seting ',an ,entirely new standard of . speedy effiCienht washing, this machine' offers the housewife the uiltimate in converiient, simple, un-ý tiring operation. It has inmr able new features which make it the ideal washing miachine"for use- in the, home. Not only will you: save greatly on the cost ýof lauindry work by 'the purchase of the Easy Washer, but your clotlýes and linens wiIl have a lovelier appearance, and last nmuch, miuch longer when .washed by this cleanising'but gentie process. Phone for: a Free, Demonstration. t. ~ Holrnehold ÀppUlaWce.8-ThiLfAi'Floor Broom or Dish, Closets at $6,95, These are steel. cabinets available, in blue, gray or green to match your kitchen. They are 12*18x66 inchesý in size, have six shelves conveniently. spaced, and are regularly' $1O.95. Stewart, Tappan, Snzoothtop and Clark-J ewel Ranges Als o Available Here Wîebodt'-EvCfl8toflHOUsehoZdApplianoeea-Third Floor e 1.3 ý 1 r 11 "rl 1 f