GeneraI Notice to esden ofth~e isric b. C EanstontoD Glencoe Inclusive whoue naines appear ln the telephone dlrectory, or who are j!gular subscribers to elther WILMETTE LIFE. WINNETKA TALI or GLENCOE NEWS. D,** 15cents à nln1 one paper. 25 cents. a Uninl any two papers. ~ 30 cents a Une ln ail threé papers. MINIMUM CHARGE 60 tents. &verage of five w.rdà. to the, lino. No black face type used. 10% discount om ail cash with order advertisemente when brought to our office at> 1232 Central Ave.. .Wlmette, or 561 Lincoln Ave.. Wlnnetka. Deadine. for Is io7 _la Ildadvprtisern:ntew111 be afor the WILMETTE LIFE or ail three per; Thursday 56 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Frlday 5::'loc for the GLENCOM NEWS, Téléphones: Wilmette 4300 or Wlhnetka 2000-2001. *FOR SALE-AUTO.S FOR SALE-BUJICK COUPE, 9XCEL- lent mechanical condition. $125., 228 Sheridan Rd.. Wlnnetka. 4LTN46-ltc USED CARS HOLIDAY SPECIALS Ford Modael. A-Tudor Sedan-1929 model Ford Model A--Spo'*rt Coupe, rumble seat ,.W9model Ford Model A--Cabriolet, runible seat- 1929 model Ford Model A-:4 Door Sedan-1928 niodel Ford Mode! A-Business Cou pe-192S modet Nash AdvancédSix Roadster Ford Model A-SportCoupe, rumble seat -1928 model WINNETKA MOTOR CR AUTHORIZED FORD ,DEALERS 664 Center St. Wiunetka 3491 4LTN41-ltc FIRE WORKS AT HAYS BUICK MASTER SIX COACH-. PAINTED blue and blavk. Tires and upholstéry lun good condition. A-1i . echaulcal, r shape. A real buy at $265. OAKLAND G. O. 1927. PÀINTED ROBIN' egg ý blue and blacek. A: very d cean car throughout. Very gooéd pmechanic'al codiin.O exceptional. bùy at $295. eHEVROLET RED) CBRIOLET. A very clean car tuhu with :gond ,paint and tire .A-i mnicanical conidi-. tion. Pricedd t $275. TO"""M I-IY N. 181 Ridge Ae ýSON'.IN C. Greeýnleaf 0050 iSel TI*hese 'Cars .Cheap Ford 4-door Sedan .....$39! 4 FOR SALE-AUTOMS You'1I Be Surprised 1mw little,:money it takes to bùy a good used. çar. Wo say* good used car. and we meaà It. No matter, what you pay fo~r jt. $200-$400.-$700--$î,00 îou will gket value for every dollar in- vée'sted when you bùy. frôom a Buick 1928 Buick 7ý pass. sedan _._.$975 1M28. iuSk .à puss. seda l1'27 liuick 5 pass. sedan .$7 11)27 Buick 5 pa;ss. coupe .... $676 1426 Buick 4 pass. spi.........425 WA$ NOW 1924 Cadillaé sedan......$150 $100 1926 Nash 7 pass. sedan .. $195 $140 15'27 Iodge A ý& B sedan ...$275 $225 Ternis or Trade' No0rth Shore 1-')tick Co 1027 DAVIS ST. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNIYAYS LOOK FOR THE GOLD SEAL BUICK 4LTN41-ltc FÔR SALE-FRANKLIN FOUR-DOOR1 sedan, 1925 mode] 10-C lu perfect condi- tion and very good tires. Reas.* Ph. Gleneoe 323. . 4LTiN,4I4tp FOR SALE QUICK SALE THIS WEEI< Chevrolet sedan; Well kept. Excellent runnlng cond. Ï.5. Owner Wilmette 4094. 4L41-1te il BIILDI- AN D CONTRACTING C.ARPENTRY AND ALL KINDS 0F general contractlng. Remodelling a s8peclalty. Day or contract. Andergon and Witte. 6438'N. Rich moud:St. Shel- drle10129.,.1L1N3-t 20 GARDENING FOR SALEHIA-RDY PERENNIALS and shrubs. Also expert gardenng- Rock gardens.a specialty.__Pli Win- a ccept classified advertising to be run 'ON RE-viEw, reacbing 16,000 fami- ,REVXIEW copy snust be ini by 5 p. m. LTelephone Wilmette 4300 or Winneý-ka 2000 Rl. M. ROGERS Author-expert instructor. 25LTN40-tfc THE OIITDOOR RECREATION SCHOOL ANNOUNCES un tfteYrnoon elass, for 1 girls from 9712 yer,3 afternoons a week. I-nstr.uc- tion i swinming; tennis and horse- Iack ridlng. Small group. Reasonable rate. Class starts Monday July" 7. PHONE MISS SFIAPKER, WILMETTrE 1068 25LTN41-1te 4.WATCHES. IN THESE MODERN DAYS MODERN GIFTS ARE IN -ORDER- nèwew rýInciples, smart :deslgns in' our presenft selection of watches and dlocks. Whatever your demand, coëtly or In- expensive, we can show you just the thig at. any- priée you wish to pay. PAUL DAVEY JEWELER 1165 Wllmette Ave. Ph. Wilmette 6 34LTVN41-1tc 88 PAINTING AND DECOIRATIrG PAINTING,, P4PE1V JI4NG3D<O AND A1TISTIC DECORATFING. CARL FRANICELL 1568Wllmette Ave. Ph. Wllmette 3104 38LTN20-tfcý .9 PETS FOR SALE 2 BEAUTIFUL COLLIE FE- male puppies 6 mos. old reas. 2150 Chestnut Ave. Ph. Wilmette 3614. 39L41-ltp FQR SALE-MALE POODLE PUPPIES. 8 weeks old. $7. apiece. Ph. WiIînettc' 2889. 29L41-ltc. 44 SERVICE BUREEAUJ HAVE YOIJR GOOD NEGATIIlVEM ENLARGED TI-NTED FRAMED FOR $1.95 COMPLETE. OUR SPECIAL. NORSHORE CAMERA SHOP 1145 *Greenleaf Ave. Willnette 167î 44L41-tfe 510 GENERAIL EPAIRS IF YOU NE ED A CAIENTER* TELE- phonie Carl Bengston! Hle doe aIl kinds of carpenter work and repairlng. Wlnn. 2480. 5OLTN31-'tfec Good nation YOUNG WHITE GIRL TO' ASSIST with hswk. Ph. Winnetka 3529.. GIRL, WHITE, DOG4ENERAL HOUSE- work andý cook 'for'couple wlth cldic An Glencoe. Must be.efiiet. Ca11 llat 626 Greenleaf ave., GIencoe. 56LT1441-ltp by us thru your ieads, effort.s or reco»n- niendations; does not inte rfere. wltb your present work. strie. confid. Write Willmette Life B-154. 56LTN41-4te WHITE MAID, COOKING ANDIDOWN- stairs work. Phone Glencoe 1107. 56L,41-Itp 0$ SITUATION WANTED-FIEMALE PAULINErS EMP A GENCY 746 ELM ST. . PH. WINNETKA ý2662 Free to employer. We speclalize. In white: domestie. help., Applicanits registered at this office have char- acter and abillty to perform such duties as applled for. May we asslst lu se- eurlng that particular klnd of help for l'ou. .OLTrN35-tfc GRADUATE NURSE WITH PLEASANT home'cares for.convalescent or elderly p)eople. Ph. Wilmette 4299 6OLTN41-4tc REL. WOMAN WISHES HSWIC. IN- cluding laundry. Col. Ph. Wilmette 3059. 60LTN41-te WANTED -DAY WORK, 0FANY kind. Phone Winnetka 3291. WANTED G5:XEOLTN41-ltREF Ph. University 3163. 60L41-Itp EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS WANTS$ day work, hand tronlng or clpanlng. Ph. Wtlmette 3509. GOLTN43-tfp COLORED GIRL WANTS WORK BY the week, stay nlghts. Ph. Uiniversity .3258.60L,41-ltp WANTED MORNING WORK FROM W to 12. Ph. University 7458. 60LTN40-2tl) MIDDLE .AGED WOMAN 0F REFINE- nment wishes position as housekeeper in homie of widQwer without children. Cali Sunnyside 3774. 60LTN41-1te H. S * SENIOR WANTS TO CARIM FOPt children during the day. Ph. Wilmette 2832. 60LTN4-1te. GENERAL HOUSEWORK, FOND 0F children. Colored. University 6B8., 6OLTN41-1tp WANTÈD> WASHING -AND IRONIN . or wil go out by diay. Ph. Wilmette 3601Y2X. 60LT41-JItc. WANTED 'DAY WORK LAU, cleaning. Victoria Brown.' versity 8957. 61 6l" SITUATION WANTERD- * . -~ . . OL41-itp %WANTED TO PLrACE MY COLORIKD couple pr.Excellent> cook, 1housemnan orcaUffeur. Ph.. Kenilworth 2956. 62LTN41-1 tc This Office wilI, in THE EVANST4 lies in Evanston. on Tuesday.