training. and long experience, is a. permanent *MeMnbèr of .the staff of this organization. Her * seicies. are',available wherever they are de- sired, for doing any of the things that require a wmns mptby and understaniding., Maàn'y of aur patr ons have .expregssed: spec ial appreciation of this feature of ourý service. Superior Ambula:nce Service '~' .w UDERT AKER "<The {ouseoF Personcd Seii'ice~ 1109 CENTRAL -AVE. WILMETTE 654 554 CENTER STý-. WINNETKA 404 Our Mortuary Is Equipped w'fitb a New Pipe Organ The Oldest*Established -Undertakers on the Immediate North br k i One Gallon Outing Jug Special-$ I*X19 1119-21 Central Ave. rFising License Wisconsin 'Fi;Ehi ng ,License We carry a completelune of fishing and camping, needs-see us, first, 2 Qt. Ail Metal Ice Cream Freezer Special-98C lFee guarmntee everything 'ue seli HARDWARE and HO USEWARES' eration. *Phioneé 183 y," fefrig-- Wilaette-lIce &, T.aingCo" '731Main ]P . Melot, -Pvopwltot W!ilnette 53 t 4! '*1 .4 * *1 .4