NEW SAVUNGS' National Tee Cou food and distrlbuting experte are con- standly erching for new economies ln ourmethods of brlnglng Vou thé necessi.. tics of 11<.. These ncw econ- o mies brlng new savings which are, passedadong co housewlves who shop daiiy et National Tee Co* stores, where r monres a savl ett qu'keregrt, o ncey sare f bu prices. KELLOGG'S ORmi Corn uakes POST TOASTIES pkg. 7t. PRUDENCE Corned Beef Ha'sh an25c AND BAKING th. 1 Pet, Borden's tali0, Evaporated Mflk or barnation 'n Wt Kosto ALL FLAVORS 3 *2c .Kosto QUICK DESSERTS.3mt2c TOMATrO n Campbell's $OUF 5 ca 22c BLUE TENDER D CUT, GREEN FISBONTPE As GREEN BDL SOR WAX APPL SAUE BX~JDCORN oAMEICAN HOME Your choico 3 cNo.! 5c FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FANCY NEW 15lb PotatoesWHT Q8ES 43 Batiilas SERVE SLICED 3 . bs Apples FOKING 3 ibs 25c cantaloup LARGE SlZE ARIZONA MELONS 3tor 25c. I Thiiscirns week at Bernie's studio on Sherman. avenue, Evanston. A whole Windowful 'Of photographs of smiling oidren, an anîîual ehbta Bernie's, bas attracted~ mucb attention in tbe Iast few days. It is noted that loît only does eacb picture have its own individuafity, but each smile, ýwhile char- acteristic, is differe nt from every1 other smile. The scéore or so of pictu res uýed' for theehbto were selected f rom several thouisand smiling picturs,l according to B. J. Burns.. Above are shown two of the pictures which are on exhibition.' .Ben*tlv McCloud. Jr., and littie Nancy HOLD BEACH.PARTY McCloud,.son and daughter of M-r. and Mrs. Bently G. McCloud,- 338 Kenil- worth, avenue, Kçnilworth, returned yesterday fromn Omaha, Net>., wbere tbey spent ten days visiting their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ohuî-. stead. 0o- Mrs. J.- C. Andersoii, 1130 Oakwood avenue, entertained seven guests at 'a lcheon at ber home Wedniesday in ibonor of Mrs. C. E. Coveil of LaPorte, I mnd., who is spenditig twýo weeks witb for' The annual beach party oif the XiI- Mette Baptist church mrembers is scheduled for Tbursday evening, july U~, and will1 be held in Washington Park at the lake front. Festivities be- .6 o'clock with a picnic supper. Miss Eleanor Sieren, 114 Fifth Street, and her brotber-in-law and sister, --%r. and Mrs. E. F. Brumner, have left on a motor trip to New York, Atlantic City, Montreal, and other points of in- terest. Tbey wil! be away about three weeks. r? By E VANS & Materil Yard EDDIE PoNCt Ml~E IN T4 A TRONIZE..O0UR A DVER TIS ER>S Wiliette, - 4200 1 '