SCHOOL 9:4 5A JULY 13,'1930 Subject: SACRAMIENT READING ROOM-'1 50 Wilmeute A eFirtNtoa akB Ope Daly excp Wdnsday and Saturday) .9 A. M. P. M. Wednesday 9 A. M. ta 7:45 P. M.; Saturday 9,A. M.. £0 9 P. M. The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy and Ai other authorized Chistian Science Lite'rature May be tead. borrowed or purchasedat the Reading Rooiti. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTENDTHE CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE READING ROOM PA TRONIZE OUR ADV ERTLS ERS5 DirwsHe tOut teKitchen W;dow Autom atoel An. unusual device, which iterally reads a man's mind, is being used ef- f ectively by the. medical departinenït of the Chicago North Shore and Mil- waukee railway, iii increasîng the safety of operatioh on its rîght of ways. This apparatus .is technically known as a nerve-reaction machine, and was es- pecially designed under the direction of canle lome Dr. Hart Ellis Fisher, chief surgeon. of the, road. The apparatus was inistalled after an 18-year study which 'disciolsed that un- safe practices are due miore to man failures than mechan ical failures, ar- cording to Dr. Fisher. "Safety educýi- tion bias largely elininated mechanical defects which resuit ini accidents," he pointed ont, "so that the chief cause to- day is man failure." Through tests conducted by this m a- chine, data is comipiled which shows tFe. nerve reaction, alertness of mnd., ac-. curacy of motion, precision' of mnove- mnent, extent of carefulness and de- gree of muscular fatigue. More thail 3,200 emiployes of the.North Shore Iiî.e and associated electrically-operated railroads have undergone these tests. "This apparatus is not used in the selection. or rejection of employes, but is simiply a test for the purpose of de- termining the ' reasons for mani fai'.- tires," Dr. Fishier. stated. "On the basis of these tests it- is boped to elininàte the various factors wbich have caused unisaf e practices in,.the past." The pic- turc shows the machine' being used in the North' Shore. une. "hospital otn wlieels." Mr. and 'Mrm 321 Meirose avei refiirned tn thei Ri chard C. Johnston, nue, Kenilworth, bave ir home after having *1141 Central Ave., Wýilmette Phone Wilmette 2899 Suite 222, Carsn BuLiig 636 CHRURCH ST., EVANSTON UNIVERSITY 9700. Stop sifffering from constipation. Chew a Rexall Orderlie at night. Next day bright. Get 24 for 25c today at the.. nearest Rexaýl Drug Drug Co. OIesF» e , tndai. *11 uonet. SCHOOL