July Sl Offeting Enormous Savings onSeason's Smartest Style Fresh New $.LO $3 amid350 Silk Neckwear", Dcauniulnew Ibadu flored NCCimkus S, arfiffy sed nd isth scas' smarten Crepes, Foulards and other fiue silks oifàed as the outuandiug féawiem f " ge Sale event. $2.50. $3 and $3.50 Tics, evey orne of them. $150and$2 Neckwear95 White Broadcloths.Added, to a Great Clearance of $3 and $350 Hure is a montzroriay Shirts for Fani ie&B Shirts $25 *ffibesw.b Ui SfeforSarnrnerwd Uodus, coll adi ed'oe neckbmud. $50,,',60,$~65 and$75 Now$ 501 Cut to *bOseMM Our twice yeariy Suit Sales art Chicagdotsuxnding Clodlg, eveMu Thes 4 very dehire and apparent remuons tell you1 why: 1 hie 11mb a ail ures off= filutquhl"e stlwrprics-ww& «=Ç% Os, ped weh odiuau base sale Valuasai arc r dia. bfooer pfoi d&c 2 l'b Hubpment larer s le.n 3n l 11mb %W &fl à*eu ves fde aewc m M=msu =ason-srnaug he de=latin ta-f 4 iiw Hub aies otemhSoeuum as=y100% as possible reptilesci dbe coa-hencçdjeuedraidc sae oeducdoul This gicat Sale offers an.oppomwnitytocircry man-regatdlCU0< hi5sotwo bis preference as to patteta to secure a fine Suit for now, for Fall or WisUet at aveq dcisive saving.You iteraily put back into Your pCket nywhmc fioi $10.50 to $35.50 ad sécurethe kind of a Suit you ilke to woar, md tha you ougbr to WCmr. Ca you ufford ur* to take adwantage of id $10 Flannel Trousers. r6 Fannel* Robes. -f pure tgIsh imm b. Ndi" a.nd cnrw Uda 87.ay i Il* utitched bordes.A Sue <psflty and l ikm*d gay" vepduai~uirp. ack, b bo a-wri 82 and42.50 SPoeBebfs 7g "t' I Decisive- Reductions Throughout on ]Boys". Clothing and Furnishingsf, 6ý$ 95